I Contracted Myself

【459】Love Prayer

The style of the live broadcast room changed.

Originally, many viewers were cheering and cheering for Chen Wei. After the three beauties appeared, the screen was full of "Firebird, come on, kill this bastard", "Today we are all Cao thieves", and "If this boy doesn't die, it will be unjust".

Although most people were just joking, some people were really jealous, so they quietly left a sentence: "I know this guy, his name is Chen Wei, he is a good player above the 100th level, and the level of that Firebird is only about 50th level."

This sentence floated across the screen, and the next moment all the audience knew that Chen Wei was acting!

Wuming looked at Zhang Shouzhong and said helplessly: "Fatty, why are you doing this? After all, he is also completing the mission of the rescuer network."

"Alas, there is no way, who told me that I was born upright and can't tolerate sand in my eyes." Zhang Shouzhong put down his oracle stone and said seriously.

He was the one who just broke the news.

As for why he broke the news, he can swear that it is definitely not because of jealousy!

Fortunately, Chen Wei was still acting and had no chance to watch the live broadcast room. He didn't know that he had been exposed.

He slashed a sword from bottom to top with great momentum, and the ice layer was instantly broken. Three sword qi of different colors merged into one and instantly penetrated through the air-eating firebird.

The body of the air-eating firebird suddenly exploded, flashing like fireworks, but then all the flames gathered again.

But as soon as it gathered, Chen Wei slashed another sword, and the gorgeous sword qi hit the huge firebird's body, and the firebird turned into fireworks all over the sky again.

"True Sword-Three Gives Birth to All Things!"

Chen Wei shouted in a low voice and slashed another sword at the sky.

Under this sword, there are still three sword qi, but these three sword qi are no longer concentrated together, but also scattered, turning into endless sword qi flying all over the sky.

The fire qi wanted to condense into a firebird, but under the strangulation of the sword qi flying all over the sky, all the fire qi was quickly extinguished.

It's over.

Chen Wei could sense that the contract on him was fading. As long as he did not violate the subsequent contract, the restraint of the rescuer network on him would be equivalent to non-existence.

He maintained his exhausted appearance and opened the oracle stone to interact with the audience, but when he connected to the oracle network, he found that the screen was full of ridicule and ridicule.


Chen Wei quickly found the person who exposed his strength, and he was so angry that he was already thinking about which "acquaintance" did it.


On the other side, Wuming closed the live broadcast room. Suddenly he felt something and went directly into combat mode. The enemy was an ant on the ground.

Under the ability of God Cicada, he and Su Jingyao have an ability similar to a bond: [Love Prayer: When Wuming enters the combat state, every life he has saved in the past will provide him with a protection, and each protection will increase his strength by 1%, and each layer of protection can resist a fatal attack. 】

This ability does not have any light effects or special effects, but is simply integrated into his usual battles. For example, when he was being wiped out by the Four Pillars of Heavenly Destruction, each layer of protection actually provided him with a chance to resist the fatal attack of being wiped out.

However, the attack of the Four Pillars of Heavenly Destruction is not a one-time attack, but a high-frequency wipeout of the opponent, so even if there are more protections, he will still be wiped out.

At this time, Wuming felt that he had become stronger again.

This kind of strength will not be blessed on the body in the normal state, and it will only appear when entering the combat state.

"Can the rescue of the Rescuer Network be counted on me?"

Wuming flicked his fingers lightly, and the ants on the ground were instantly wiped out, he thought to himself.

So, although he did not think about his own interests when he established the Rescuer Network, he unknowingly got the most practical benefits.

Now it is equivalent to letting countless people save the world for him, because the reward is paid by him, and he asked those people to save the world, so this cause and effect also falls on him.

Without the ‘Love Prayer’, perhaps his actions would only bring him a good reputation.

Although he had no intention of seeking any benefits, he did this just for the sake of inner comfort.

But with the state of Love Prayer, he has real benefits, not just empty reputation.

“Maybe we can increase our investment.”

A few minutes later, Wuming filtered the behavior of all the creatures in the Nameless Sea, and confirmed that Lin Renmei did not return to the Nameless Sea and did not go to the universe to rescue people.

After confirming that his own strength growth was indeed from the Rescuer Network, he thought to himself.

If he could get all the practitioners in the Shenzang Space to join the ranks of saving the world, once he enters the combat state in the future, his strength will definitely be a world apart from usual, and he may surprise many enemies.

However, if he really wants to form a trend, he has to think carefully about what kind of chips he can come up with.

Many strong people in the Shenzang Space have set their sights on the Rescuer Network.

Even many forces have held meetings to discuss what the purpose is behind Wuming’s creation of the Rescuer Network.

People who are dirty themselves are unwilling to believe that others are clean. People who are used to conspiracy and intrigue often lose their innocence. These people have experienced all kinds of intrigues and countless life-and-death crises.

They never believe that Wuming really wants to save those worlds.

Bipson, the swordsman of the Dynasty Sword, is also a regional controller, and the area he controls is named the Dynasty Sword.

"Your Majesty, Wuming has made a new move. Take a look." A graceful and plump woman presented the oracle stone.

Bipson habitually touched his chin. With a thought, the oracle stone floated in front of him. He touched his chin and said, "Mo Baier, what do you think of Wuming?"

"Your Majesty, Wuming... is probably a good person." The woman hesitated for a moment, then answered.

Bipson couldn't help laughing. The woman moved her mouth, but finally didn't dare to ask why Bipson laughed, and let Bipson touch her chin.

In Bipson's original world, touching the chin is actually a very, very bad behavior.

And Bipson has a bad habit, that is, one hand touches his own chin, and the other hand touches the chin of others. In their world, this is a very, very bad behavior.

Bipson, it's not without reason that he is called a tyrant.

He glanced at Mo Baier and said with a smile: "For those who can survive the Shenzang Trial, I don't believe Wuming is a good person. He must have a bigger goal in doing this, especially the terrifying contract. Who knows if there are any special clauses hidden? Those who seek help and rescuers may have been controlled by Wuming without knowing it."

"Your Majesty is wise." Mo Baier immediately showed an expression of sudden enlightenment and said.

Bipson smiled faintly and said: "I believe others can also see that those who were fooled are just short-sighted people, and their strength is not that deep."

He greedily took a look at the new rewards added by Wuming on the rescuer website, and finally closed the webpage.

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