I Contracted Myself

【461】Goals and objectives

The street next door.

The street space was widened by the formation.

In front of a store, ten huge arenas appeared, and each arena had a champion who was defending the arena and accepting the challenge of the challenger.

On the second floor of the store, a woman in white clothes with a veil on her face was looking forward to something.

"Miss, do you think Mr. Wuming will really come?" A maid with a chubby face beside the woman asked worriedly.

The woman said calmly: "After my observation, Mr. Wuming likes to join in the fun. This fun is in the next street. He will definitely come. When the time comes, let someone stimulate him. As long as he is on the arena, don't think about coming down."

"What if he doesn't come?" asked the maid.

The woman frowned and said calmly: "Then let the ten colored servants defend the arena. No man can successfully defend the arena."

"What if a very strong strong man comes to challenge?" The maid asked pessimistically.

The woman knocked the maid's forehead and said unhappily: "Then marry him. Anyway, I didn't say marry the one upstairs. It can be me or you!"


The maid was shocked. It turned out that this could be done.

At this time, Lin Renmei and Cheng Xuejie came from a distance. Lin Renmei walked to the No. 3 ring she had challenged before. Seeing that the man who had used props to send her to the bottom of the ring was still guarding the ring, she immediately smiled.

"If I can't beat you, you can't be angry with me." Cheng Xuejie said weakly.

Lin Renmei said seriously: "As long as you go all out, why should I be angry with you?"

"Then I'll go." Cheng Xuejie said.

The ranking of the ten rings is determined by the number of times the defender wins and the length of time he defends the ring.

For this martial arts competition, a total of ten precious gifts were prepared, not ten Mamakinis as gifts.

After the competition is over, the first place winner can choose the prize first, followed by the second place, the third place winner, and so on.

So in order to get the Mamakini without any mistakes, Cheng Xuejie should go to the ring as early as possible, only in this way can she defeat as many challengers as possible and get a better ranking.

Cheng Xuejie thought, and the bio-force field and telekinesis immediately mixed together.

Although her strength is far inferior to Wuming, she has not made no progress in these years. Because of the strength of the bio-force field, her body and mind are also strengthened synchronously. Gradually, her mental strength has reached the level of awakening telekinesis, and she has mastered telekinesis naturally.

It's just that she seldom used telekinesis in the past. Now with Wuming's bio-force field and telekinesis blessing, she can combine telekinesis with the bio-force field to exert more powerful power, so she used it this time.

Wuming has been living in her body and mixed with her blood. In order to avoid being exposed, Wuming simply wanders in the sky and will not give her any help except providing bio-force field and telekinesis.

After a moment, Cheng Xuejie jumped onto the ring immediately after the challenger on the third ring was defeated.

"Oh, so you're looking for help to take revenge!" The man guarding the ring looked at Lin Renmei behind Cheng Xuejie and immediately showed a proud look.

Although Lin Renmei is very strong, defending the ring does not rely solely on strength. Brains and financial resources are also very important.

If Lin Renmei wants to hate, she can only hate her own financial resources, not him.

At this time, the referee stepped forward to ask Cheng Xuejie's name. After Cheng Xuejie signed up, the referee slowly stepped back.

"Cheng Xuejie challenges the defender Zhang Jie, the competition begins!"

The referee looked at Cheng Xuejie and then at the man, and spoke after confirming that both of them were ready.

Zhang Jie immediately wanted to use the props to send Cheng Xuejie out of the ring, but he couldn't move as soon as the idea came up. He looked at Cheng Xuejie in horror, feeling that Cheng Xuejie was like some kind of unspeakable monster. Just standing in front of him suppressed his physiology. He wanted to move, but he didn't dare to move his body!

This feeling is probably like a person encountering a tiger in the wild with nothing in his hands.


Zhang Jie's veins bulged, and he gritted his teeth, controlling his hands little by little.

But at this time, Cheng Xuejie had already walked in front of him...

Cheng Xuejie grabbed Zhang Jie's shoulders and threw him under the ring, then looked at the referee, who said: "Zhang Jie fell outside the ring, Cheng Xuejie wins!"

"Monster, she is a monster!" Zhang Jie recovered at this time, looking at Cheng Xuejie on the ring, and couldn't help shouting.

That terrible breath is definitely not a breath that humans can have. The legendary meteor man he met more than a hundred years ago did not have such a terrible breath as Cheng Xuejie.

"You have already lost, isn't it better to admit defeat decently?" Lin Renmei said lightly at this time.

Zhang Jie used props to send Lin Renmei to the ring before, and Lin Renmei glared at him unhappily. He used this sentence to mock Lin Renmei.

Now Lin Renmei returned this sentence to him again.


Zhang Jie snorted coldly and decided to find help himself. Lin Renmei is not the only one who has friends.

After a while, a new challenger stepped onto the No. 3 ring. This time the challenger was also a woman, with a petite and cute figure and dimples when she smiled.

"My name is Maria, please give me your guidance." The girl looked at Cheng Xuejie and said with a smile.

Cheng Xuejie's expression eased a little and responded: "Please give me your guidance."

After the referee announced the start of the competition, the two immediately took action.

A terrifying pressure erupted from Cheng Xuejie's body. This was a way for the biological force field to simulate the dragon's might. It was just that the biological force field was operated to the extreme, and the deterrent power was even more terrifying than the real dragon's might.

Especially since Cheng Xuejie now had the blessing of the nameless biological force field, the simulated dragon's might was enough to scare many practitioners who were not brave enough to death.

Maria's hair really exploded instantly. Her petite body jumped back instantly and landed directly on the ring pillar. Then a crocodile-like tail appeared behind her, and all the scales were slightly opened. Red flames sprayed out from the opened scales.


She opened her mouth with small tiger teeth and roared at Cheng Xuejie.

It must be said that the deterrent power of her roar was comparable to Cheng Xuejie's simulated dragon's might, and it actually dispersed the biological force field that permeated the ring.

The next moment, she kicked with all four limbs, and the ring pillar shook immediately. She flashed in front of Cheng Xuejie, and sharp claws appeared on her hands.

Cheng Xuejie reacted quickly, and immediately raised her hand and punched out. The fist and claw collided, and a wave of air suddenly erupted with the two of them as the center.

The referee standing on the edge of the ring could only grit his teeth to maintain the barrier around the ring to prevent this force from impacting the audience outside the ring.

To be a referee in the Shenzang Space, you need to obtain a referee certificate. Generally, referees with referee certificates are more than 150 levels strong, and the top ace referees are 200 levels strong.

The organizer of this martial arts competition hired the top ace referee.

The audience off the field saw that the ace referee was sweating on his forehead, and all showed shock, and immediately realized how outrageous the strength of Cheng Xuejie and Maria fighting on the ring was.

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