I Contracted Myself

【462】Rebel Ma Lie

On the second floor of the store, the woman in white was staring closely at the battle on the third stage below.

In fact, the identity of Lin Renmei and Cheng Xuejie was very clear to the woman in white. After all, they occasionally helped look after the store. As long as they paid attention to the people around Wuming, they would basically know about the existence of Lin Renmei and Cheng Xuejie.

It's just that everyone doesn't know how strong Lin Renmei and Cheng Xuejie are.

"Miss, the women around Mr. Wuming are so strong." The maid said in surprise.

Lin Renmei encountered a thief when she was shopping. At that time, she showed terrifying strength. When she got on the ring, she was able to overwhelmingly defeat her opponents. If she hadn't been tricked out of the ring with props, she would have been able to defend the ring.

Cheng Xuejie has never made a move in the past, so everyone doesn't know Cheng Xuejie's strength. Now, if she doesn't make a move, she will become a blockbuster once she does, and her strength is exaggerated.

The woman was silent for a moment, then gritted her teeth and said, "If it's a big deal, I'll be a kid!"

Suddenly, the maid looked shocked and stared at her young lady with her mouth open. Is this still the arrogant young lady she was?

On the third stage, the battle was still going on. Cheng Xuejie purely controlled the biological force field and telekinesis to cover her body, and fought with Maria with fists and kicks.

I don’t know where this Maria came from, but her brute strength is astonishing.

At the same time, she also showed some animalistic characteristics, black scales appeared on her arms and legs, and the tail hidden under her skirt appeared from time to time, giving Cheng Xuejie a tail unexpectedly.

The two sides fought wildly in the small arena.

At the edge of the ring, the referee looked like he had stepped on shit, gritting his teeth to maintain the barrier of the ring.

Not surprisingly, he lost money this time.

During Cheng Xuejie's fight with Maria, his magic power had been exhausted twice. As a last resort, he could only take magic recovery potions to replenish the magic power, but soon the magic power would be drained by the barrier again, because the two The frequency of female collisions is too high, and the consumption of the barrier is too great.

As an ace-level referee, he is very powerful, and the potion that can instantly restore his magic power to its peak state will not be cheap.

In the divine space, whether you hire a referee, a mercenary, a detective, a bodyguard, or an escort, the employment fee must be paid in advance in one lump sum. Therefore, during the execution of the task, all consumption is borne by the task executor. Take responsibility for yourself.

After pouring three bottles of magic recovery potion in a row, the referee knew that he would definitely suffer a big loss in this mission.

At this time, Cheng Xuejie glanced at the referee and suddenly backed away sharply. Maria thought that Cheng Xuejie was not strong enough, so she suddenly showed a proud look and stepped hard to prepare for the victory.

The two of them stepped back and forward, and arrived at the corner of the ring in an instant.

"Mimicry Fist-Dragon-Severing Hand!"

Cheng Xuejie suddenly exploded at this time. If you could observe the flow of the biological force field, you would find that the biological force field in her right hand formed the shape of a fist blade, and the biological force field was unprecedentedly highly condensed.

"not good!"

Maria was very experienced in fighting and immediately wanted to retreat.

But Cheng Xuejie's body moved forward while Maria stepped back. This action is like the character model in an online game that does not move but moves forward.


Maria realized that she couldn't dodge, so she gritted her teeth and stabbed Cheng Xuejie hard with her tail. Unexpectedly, Cheng Xuejie moved at this time and stepped on Maria's tail. Her body was shaken violently, and the invisible fist blade of her right hand was fierce. Hit Maria hard in the abdomen.

There was a loud noise, and Maria immediately vomited blood and flew backwards, and finally hit the ring hard.

Cheng Xuejie somersaulted and landed on the ground. She looked at Maria under the ring with a smile on her face and said, "Concession!"


Maria was not seriously injured and got up from the ground in a blink of an eye. She glared at Cheng Xuejie unwillingly, turned around and left angrily.

Next, no one dared to rush to the ring to challenge Cheng Xuejie.

The countless worlds in the beginningless and endless heavens are like transparent fruits hidden in the void.

There are countless pieces of 'garbage' floating in the dark void. Some of these garbage are the broken world, some are the corpses of huge creatures, and some are solidified energy.

At this time, the body of a chicken moved slowly, and finally submerged into a small crack in the void...

Although people in many worlds like to say that "there is no eternal dynasty", in a certain universe, the Baishen Dynasty has been passed down for tens of millions of years.

The founder of the Baison Dynasty is still living in this world. Although he has rarely shown his face, he still firmly controls the power of the Baison Dynasty.

Tyrant-Bipson is definitely a cruel, tyrannical, and moody king.

He did not unite people's hearts and ascend to the throne, but created the Baishen Dynasty with absolute strength and terrifying skills. Under his rule, all people were his slaves, and all land and wealth belonged to him. private property.

Today, Bipson lives deep in the palace, and the person who manages the Bipson Dynasty for him is his 1,366th son, Li Huansheng.

This Li Huansheng prince is very similar to Bipson, the same cruelty, the same moodiness, and even just because he didn't like the voice of a courtier, he ordered the other party's hometown to be slaughtered, and all the heads were sent to the imperial capital. Hang it in front of that courtier's door just to scare him.

Finally, the minister suffered a nervous breakdown and hanged himself.

It’s not that there haven’t been rebels in the past. On the contrary, every few decades, warriors who dare to resist will emerge. As a result, these warriors are pierced from the bottom of their bodies by sharp wooden sticks and hung in the square to be exposed to the scorching sun.

At this moment, in a square in the imperial capital, dozens of men and women were pierced and hung. The scorching sun was taking their lives bit by bit. The warriors who were not strong enough had died for a long time. The rotting corpses attracted a large number of flies, buzzing non-stop.

Ma Lie’s head drooped weakly. Under the action of gravity, the sharp wooden sticks in his body were piercing his internal organs bit by bit. He knew he was dying.

He did not regret what he did, but it was a pity that Li Huansheng’s minions were too strong, and their plan was discovered before they could be implemented.

In fact, their plan was very simple, that is, to use a mineral that can cause an explosion, ‘explosive jade’, to blow up the entire palace to the sky and send the old ghost Baipson and the beast Li Huansheng to hell.

Whether they were transporting the explosive jade into the imperial capital or sneaking into the patrol team, they did not reveal any clues. However, when they were implementing the plan to install the explosive jade, they were inexplicably surrounded.

Ten years of planning, countless efforts, countless calculations, but ended up in an inexplicable place.

Ma Lie suspected that there was a traitor, but the problem was that all of them were hanging here now. If there was a traitor, would the traitor die with them?

Unfortunately, he had no time to find the answer.

His consciousness became more and more blurred, his breathing became weaker and weaker, and his eyelids gradually closed.


Suddenly, a sound that was neither light nor heavy was heard.

Because the sound came from in front of him, he could not help but open his eyes. There was a dead chicken lying on the ground?

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