I Contracted Myself

【468】Gu Xing Eye-cutting Freezing Light Technique

Will Wuming refuse?

of course not.

After all, the fight between dragon and snake against heaven is of no use to him.

If he could use the Dragon-Snake Anti-Tian Gendou in exchange for resources that he could use, Wuming would definitely do it without any hesitation.

Besides, Lucifer didn't want him to use the Dragon-Snake Anti-Tian Gan Dou in exchange for the secret skills of the rules. She just wanted him to show her the Dragon-Snake Anti-Tian Gan Dou, which she had to repay.

Wuming directly took out the Dragon-Snake Anti-Tiantang Dou and handed it to Lucifer, and Lucifer also handed an amber-like gem to Wuming.

Frozen in this amber-like gem is a golden bug with an eye on its back.

Lucifer told Wuming that this was the introduction to the practice of the secret technique of ‘Ancient Eye-cutting and Freezing Light Technique’. As long as you understand the introduction, you can understand this secret technique of rules.

"Excuse me, what is the use of this ancient eye-cutting and freezing light technique?" Wuming asked curiously.

Lucifer replied: "The ancient eye-cutting freezing light technique can freeze an item you look at, and even achieve a perfect cutting effect. It may not be easy to understand, so let me demonstrate it once. "

After she finished speaking, she picked off a leaf, looked at the leaf, and then she moved the leaf gently.

The leaves split into two!

The leaf held in Lucifer's hand moved with the movement of her hand, while the other half of the leaf was frozen in its original position, and the cut was extremely smooth.

Now Wuming understood.

He had to admit that this was a terrible secret.

Most people may think that this is just a time and space ability, and at worst add some cutting effects. Many superpowers and even spells and magic can achieve the same effect.

But Wuming could see clearly at such a close distance and could sense the changes in the leaves in all directions.

He knew that this secret technique was very similar to the abilities or props rewarded in the Divine Tibetan Space. There were no abilities or props of the same level to defend against the attack of this secret technique. Perhaps no one under the transcendent could defend against it.

Of course, you can dodge if you can't prevent it, or some beings with strong vitality can still jump around even if their heads are cut off. Therefore, this move is of great value, but it is not so great as to be particularly exaggerated.

Lucifer then began to study the Dragon-Snake Anti-Tiantang Duel, while Wuming began to study the gem in his hand.

The temperature of this gemstone is neither cold nor hot, and it feels like holding your own hand, especially moist.

He first tried to penetrate the gem with his mental power, but as soon as his mental power touched the gem, it was blocked from the gem, and even its surface could not be analyzed.

Later, he tried to use biological force fields, telekinesis and a series of other methods to study gems, but all failed without exception.

However, Wuming was not surprised. After all, if it were so easy to learn, the secret technique would have spread throughout the world.

Next, he simply observed the bug in the gem with his naked eyes. The bug was shaped a bit like a maggot, with two pointed ends and a round middle. The back was like an eye, and the abdomen had densely packed short legs. The ends of the short legs were small The small black spots seemed to be composed of some kind of sharp horn.

It has no eyes, or maybe it has real eyes on its back.

Wuming looked at it for a long time and had no clue at all. He couldn't help but look at Lucifer. Lucifer was studying the fight between dragon and snake against heaven. She seemed to sense his gaze and said: "The secret of the rules." This is why it is difficult to learn magic. You can only rely on yourself and cannot rely on others. If you can't even learn the entry-level rules and secrets, you won't be able to learn other rules and secrets. "

"Is this entry level?" Wuming said in disbelief.

At this time, Maria came back holding the rhubarb like a dead dog. Seeing the gem in Wuming's hand, she softly said, "Does Master Wuming also want to learn the rules and secrets? This is so difficult."

"Secret technique of rules? No, I don't want to learn it!!!" Dahuang shuddered and immediately wailed.

Maria threw the rhubarb aside in disgust, sat next to Wuming, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Wuming, although I have not learned the secret of rules, I know the shortcut for Sister Lucifer to learn the secret of rules!"

"Maria!" Lucifer frowned.

Maria suddenly did not dare to speak anymore and looked at Lucifer with a resentful look.

The eldest sister is like mother. Although Lucifer is easy to talk to most of the time, once Lucifer becomes serious, Maria is still very afraid of Lucifer.

"It's okay, I'll think about it again." Wuming comforted.

He knew that Maria wanted to help him, but to be honest, Maria still couldn't learn the rules and secrets even though she knew the shortcuts, which meant that the so-called shortcuts were of no use at all.

"Boss, give up. This is really not something that normal people can learn. It's too scary." Dahuang persuaded in a low voice.

Wuming asked curiously: "It's just a gem, what's so scary about it?"

"You stare into its eyes and concentrate." Dahuang said.

Wuming listened and did as Big Huang said, staring at the eyes on the back of the bug inside the gem. At first, he didn't notice any problem, but after about ten minutes, he seemed to have fallen into an infinite loop of black holes. All surrounding time and space are frozen.

He fell crazily, dancing and wanting to stop, but his body fell uncontrollably. He saw the insects cut into countless pieces still squirming, and saw countless square-shaped human heads with their eyes closed and their mouths constantly opening and closing. , and there are countless eyes in the mouth.

In an instant, he fell into the mouth of a human head and into the eyes...

Maybe a second later, Wuming suddenly leaned back, distanced himself from the gem in his hand, and then took a breath.

"Boss, you feel it, this ghost thing is particularly disgusting. My father insisted that I see it, and I almost died in it." Da Huang said proudly.

Wuming frowned and said, "What did I just see...?"

"I don't know." Da Huang replied.

Wuming looked at Lucyphil, and Lucyphil also replied, "I don't know. It looked like this when my father found it. He said that people with fate can understand a kind of will that is difficult to describe in words. When they understand that will, they can naturally learn the ancient cutting eye freezing light technique."

"I'll try again!" Wuming heard it and said with gritted teeth.

Although the feeling of falling was very uncomfortable, he felt that he could still hold on.

He stared at the insect eye in the gemstone, and fell into the bottomless abyss again in a moment. This time he saw more things, a jelly-like brain, visible sound waves, traces of life and death, and constantly flashing chrysanthemums...

Falling layer by layer, he still didn't understand what this had to do with Gu Xing's eye-cutting freezing light technique, and couldn't understand what Lucy Phil was talking about.

He continued to fall, and continued to fall.

Without active struggle, it seemed that he would not wake up.

So Wuming maintained this state, watching incredible things appear on both sides, and then quickly go away.

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