I Contracted Myself

【469】Sweet Potato Leaf King

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, Wuming could no longer bear it and suddenly broke away from the feeling of falling.

He opened his eyes with all his strength, and it felt like his eyelids were turning towards his scalp. In an instant, his eyelids turned 360 degrees and wrapped around him.

There was a brief blank in his consciousness, and when he came back to his senses, he saw Maria looking at him with an obsessed look.

This feeling was particularly unreal, but also particularly real, giving him a feeling that the space was vibrating, and everything around him seemed to be distorted.

About ten minutes later, he gradually recovered, and everything around him gradually returned to normal.

"Master Wuming, have you learned it?" Maria asked with a blushing face.

Wuming rubbed his temples and shook his head uncomfortably, saying, "No, this thing is really hard to understand, and the aftereffects seem to be getting stronger and stronger."

Originally, he thought he might be the special one?

But now it seems that he is no different from Maria and Da Huang. This rule secret technique is indeed difficult to learn, and the most difficult part is that it is completely confusing.

It's not that it's difficult to get started, but that you can't even find the door, so how can you get started?

There is also this sequelae. It seems that the longer you enter that state, the greater the impact you will receive. In severe cases, people may not be able to distinguish between reality and illusion.

You can imagine what the outcome will be if you force yourself to learn the secret art of rules without talent.

"You can try a few more times. Sometimes you just need a little patience and a little luck." Lucyphile returned the Dragon Snake Anti-Heaven Soup to Wuming and said.

Wuming looked at the Dragon Snake Anti-Heaven Soup in surprise, then looked at Lucyphile and asked, "Have you finished your research?"

"Well, it's a very interesting prop. I have gained a lot." Lucyphile nodded, but there was no smile on her face. It was unknown whether she was just being polite or really gained something.

Wuming put away the Dragon Snake Anti-Heaven Soup Bowl and then glanced at the gem in his hand. Lucyphile saw what he was thinking and smiled, "I will live here recently. You can take it first. It would be better if you can really learn it. In fact, my father has always hoped that more people will learn the secret art of rules, but there are still no more than three people who can learn the secret art of rules."

"Then I will try again!"

Wuming saw that Lucyphile's tone was sincere, so he gritted his teeth and nodded.

He was really unwilling to give up. He had suffered twice. If he didn't learn the ancient eye-cutting freezing light technique, it would be a big loss.


Shenzang Space, Blue Area, Xinding City, Big Square.

Several evil god believers disguised themselves as salesmen, passers-by, and snack vendors, secretly watching the pedestrians in the square.

The people of the evil god sect wanted to pull everyone in the world into their sect, but unfortunately the domain controllers in the Shenzang space have been cracking down on various evil god sects. Once law enforcement officers found members of the evil god sect, they would be extremely cruel.

Especially in the past few months, because the ratman Billy Rui brutally killed dozens of law enforcers, the law enforcement team leader Chen He directly issued a death order, and found members of the evil god sect, and killed them without mercy.

After a round of purges, the evil god believers in Xinding City had to keep a low profile. At least the situation that Wuming encountered at the beginning is now difficult to encounter again.

At this time, a flash of light that was not dazzling or even unobtrusive flashed by, and a young man appeared in the square.

Several evil god believers narrowed their eyes, but then continued to do their own things. They did not approach the man, but just silently remembered the man's appearance and tried to win him over when they had the opportunity in the future.

Ma Lie did not know that he had been targeted by the evil god believers when he first landed in the Shenzang space. He looked around, then took a deep breath and walked towards the pedestrian street not far away.

He was unfamiliar with the place, so he planned to find a crowded place to observe first, and then make plans after confirming the situation.

Pedestrian street.

Chen He and Guan Ling sat in an open-air snack shop, holding skewers in their hands, eating while paying attention to the pedestrians around them.

"Captain, why don't we try to save a few worlds?" Guan Ling said suddenly while eating the meatballs on the skewers.

She was also greedy for the various rewards on the rescuer's website, especially the biological force field cultivation method released by Wuming, she really wanted to learn it.

Chen He frowned and said seriously: "I heard from the top that a dangerous person has fled to Xinding City from other areas. We... I'm afraid we can't leave."

"Dangerous person?" Guan Ling was stunned.

Chen He whispered: "It is said that it is the left hand of the Sweet Potato God, the Sweet Potato Leaf King."


Guan Ling was silent for a while.

When she first heard about the Sweet Potato God, she always thought it was a very funny and funny character, but gradually got to know the Sweet Potato God and realized how dangerous and evil the Sweet Potato God was.

The Sweet Potato Leaf King, no one knows what his specific name is, but he is one of the strongest forces of the Sweet Potato God in the Shenzang Space. No one knows what his purpose is in coming to Xinding City this time.

"Captain, what is the purpose of the Sweet Potato Leaf King coming to Xinding City?" Guan Ling asked.

Chen He shook his head and said, "I don't know. Fortunately, Mr. Wuming lives in Xinding City. If a major accident really happens, we can still ask Mr. Wuming for help."

"Will it be too much trouble for Mr. Wuming?" Guan Ling asked worriedly.

Chen He said helplessly, "This is just a last resort. If we can solve it, it's fine. If we can't solve it..."

He didn't finish his words, but Guan Ling understood what he meant.

At this time, Guan Ling noticed Ma Lie, who was wearing ragged clothes. She nudged Chen He with her elbow, and then pointed at Ma Lie in the distance with her chin.

Ma Lie was sitting in a corner of the pedestrian street, quietly observing the pedestrians around him, and collecting the information he needed through the conversations between pedestrians and vendors.

Although he felt that he was very secretive, in fact, most of the practitioners being observed knew that he was observing them, but the practitioners in the Shenzang space would not take action just because of a sentence "What are you looking at", so he was not troubled.

"Sneaky, not like a good person!" Chen He put the bamboo sticks he had eaten into the trash can, and then prepared to go forward.

Guan Ling grabbed him directly and said unhappily: "Captain, he is obviously an ordinary person, at most he is a little stronger, maybe he is new, let's see."

"If he is new, then take him back and educate him." Chen He said lightly.

Then he ignored Guan Ling's obstruction and went directly to talk to Ma Lie.

A minute later, Ma Lie followed Chen He and Chen He said to Guan Ling, "Let's go back to the bureau."

"Oh." Guan Ling put the bamboo sticks into the trash can and nodded in agreement.

Behind them, several evil cultists who were quietly following and observing Ma Lie saw this scene and could only retreat helplessly.

PS: I am very sorry for the lack of update. I am trying to recover. Dao Sansheng will work hard!

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