I Contracted Myself

【471】Sudden enlightenment

Suddenly, a drop of black liquid shot out from the house.

The pupils of the black-clad man in the front suddenly shrank, and he wanted to lean back to avoid the liquid, but then he saw the liquid in front of him quickly change from the shape of a water drop to the shape of an olive pit. The next moment, the liquid began to rotate, and the speed suddenly increased.

In a flash, the liquid passed through the eyebrows of the black-clad man and flew out from the back of his head.

Puff, puff, puff, puff...

Then, a series of subtle sounds rang out one after another.

In an instant, all the movements of the black-clad men were frozen, and time and space seemed to stop.


Raindrops fell.

All the black-clad men fell to the ground, and blood gradually flowed out of the hole in their eyebrows.

The liquid that had completed the killing made a circle and finally returned to the house, just falling into Wuming's palm.

"Master Wuming, don't you want to know who sent these people?" Maria asked curiously after looking at the corpses lying all over the door.

Wuming looked towards the roof and replied, "These are all minions and cannon fodder. The slightly older ones are still playing with my deep-sea apostles up there."

"These people are all bad guys, it's just right that they're dead!" Da Huang said indifferently.

Cheng Xuejie took the Oracle Stone at this time and said, "I found out the identity of the guy up there, look!"

As she said that, she projected the image of the Oracle Stone to the front. In the image, the masked bandaged man looked sinisterly and happened to look in the direction of the camera, which was recorded by someone.

"He is one of the right-hand men of the Sweet Potato God, known as the Sweet Potato Leaf King. Although no one is sure of his actual strength, the official assessment is between 195 and 199 floors. Because he has the blessing of the Sweet Potato God, he may even reach a level of more than 200 floors when he tries his best. He is an extremely dangerous wanted criminal!" Cheng Xuejie read out while looking at the introduction.

Da Huang said strangely, "Master Wuming, do you have such a big grudge against the Sweet Potato God?"


If it was just a small fight, the Sweet Potato God would not have sent the Sweet Potato Leaf King to assassinate Wuming.

Wuming thought about it and found that he really didn't offend the Sweet Potato God in many ways. He shook his head and said, "It shouldn't be that exaggerated."

"Could it be that some mission of the Rescuer Network involved the Sweet Potato God?" Lin Renmei said.

If a certain mission happened to destroy the conspiracy of the Sweet Potato God, the Sweet Potato God might indeed be angry with Wuming, or even send a strong man from his own sect to assassinate Wuming.

"It's hard to say, but since we are here, we will always figure it out." Wuming shook his head and said indifferently.

The Sweet Potato Leaf King is undoubtedly an important figure in the Sweet Potato God Cult. As long as the Sweet Potato Leaf King is captured, Wuming has too many ways to collect the information he wants from his mind and soul.

At this time, the battle on the roof is still going on.

The Sweet Potato Leaf King and the Deep Sea Apostle are constantly colliding. The black lightning of the Sweet Potato Leaf King continues to spread in the rain, and gradually turns into a ferocious black thunder dragon in the collisions.

He raised his hand, and the thunder dragon fell from the sky and directly bombarded the Deep Sea Apostle.

The Deep Sea Apostle naturally did not allow the Thunder Dragon to land on the roof and destroy the Akita hut, so its arms spiraled and turned into a huge round shield.

It raised the shield and faced the ferocious black Thunder Dragon.


The Thunder Dragon collided with the shield, and the surrounding rain evaporated instantly, forming a short vacuum field.

At the edge of the field, the high-temperature water vapor was quickly destroyed by the rain. The Sweet Potato Leaf King stared at the front with his eyes. A moment later, a black long sword suddenly broke through the steam. He quickly leaned back to avoid the stab of the long sword.

Then he exerted force on his waist and kicked his legs in the air. The Deep Sea Apostle who should have been in front of him was not kicked by him.

Not good!

The Sweet Potato Leaf King realized that he had made a mistake.

Sure enough, the next moment, the long sword pierced the air and twisted, spinning at high speed in the air, turning into a ball of black paste, and then dense black spikes pierced out of the paste.

Puff, puff, puff!

Even though the Sweet Potato Leaf King tried his best to dodge, he was still pierced by the spikes in the abdomen, shoulders, and thighs. When the spikes retracted, three more blood holes appeared on his body, and blood gushed out of the wounds.

"Sure enough... God's judgment is correct. Wuming's strength is comparable to that of the regional controller. I can't deal with just a summoned creature." The Sweet Potato Leaf King quickly retreated, thinking to himself.

There is no question of whether to accept the mission of the Sweet Potato God. Even if he dies, he must complete the mission. However, although the Sweet Potato God is an evil god, he will not send his men to do things that are doomed to fail. After all, it is becoming more and more difficult to develop believers now. If it is not necessary, the Sweet Potato God does not want his forces to be wasted in vain.

Before coming, the Sweet Potato God had already prepared props for the Sweet Potato Leaf King that would definitely kill Wuming.

If he did not want to alert Wuming and make Wuming go offline directly, the Sweet Potato Leaf King would not deliberately fight with the Deep Sea Apostle.

At this time, the Deep Sea Apostle quickly approached him. He gritted his teeth and roared, and his fists with black lightning blasted at the Deep Sea Apostle, but his hands were instantly cut off by the Deep Sea Apostle.

He groaned, knelt on the ground, and spit out blood from his mouth.

The injury to his hands was not the reason for his spitting blood, but after the lightning was interrupted, the remaining power in his body could not be output in time, so it caused great harm to himself.

His eyes were blurred, and finally he fell heavily.

The Deep Sea Apostle did not finish the attack, but stood still next to him. After a while, the Deep Sea Apostle grabbed his clothes, dragged him to the backyard of Akita's hut, and placed him on the ground.

"I didn't expect that the vicious Sweet Potato Leaf King would be caught in my courtyard." Dahuang came out of the back door, looked at the Sweet Potato Leaf King like a dead dog, and said with a smile.

Wuming slowly walked to the side of Sweet Potato Leaf King and said: "For most practitioners, he is indeed an extremely dangerous existence."

As he spoke, he reached out and grabbed the Sweet Potato Leaf King's head, intending to first check the information in the Sweet Potato Leaf King's head, and later he would also check the contents of the Sweet Potato Leaf King's soul.

But the moment he pressed it, the Sweet Potato Leaf King suddenly opened his eyes.

The next moment, Wuming found that his hand was connected with the flesh and blood of the Sweet Potato Leaf King's head. The Sweet Potato Leaf King said hoarsely: "Those who blaspheme, let's die together, the power of the Sweet Potato God will remain forever!!!"

Then he activated the suicide tool hidden in his body, and his body instantly erupted with terrifying will to die.

For a billionth of a second, Wuming's pupils slowly shrank, but his eyes gradually widened. It was like a flash of lightning bursting out in his mind. Things that were incomprehensible and things that could not be understood were all captured by this moment. Lightning penetrated.

He finally knew what the ancient eye-cutting and freezing light technique was all about.

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