I Contracted Myself

【472】Good opportunity to share the same misfortune

Although I don’t know what the transcendent who made the rules was thinking, the ancient eye-cutting freezing light technique should have originally been a death freeze.

During the battle, when one party kills the other, the local area will be frozen, as if the time in the area where they are located has stopped.

For example, a boxer punches another boxer’s brain. At the moment when the opponent’s brain explodes, the entire ring is frozen in time and space. Both of them will remain motionless for a while, and then time and space will return to normal.

It’s like playing a game. The moment you defeat your opponent, all the characters in the game stop. If you add the word KO, I believe everyone should be able to imagine the scene at that time.

Wuming thought that this rule can be effective in all the heavens and worlds, and he only had a weird feeling in his heart.

But now he didn’t have time to think more, let alone time to sigh that the thinking of the transcendent is indeed different from that of ordinary people. A strange and obscure ripple flashed across his eyes, and the whole person of the Sweet Potato Leaf King was frozen.

“Ancient eye-cutting freezing light technique!” Lucyphile saw this scene and said with a little surprise.

Maria was also surprised and asked, "Master Wuming has learned the secret art of rules?"

"Woof woof woof!"

Da Huang's eyes widened and he became incoherent.


No dog or person knows better than it how difficult it is to learn the secret art of rules, because it was the only one that Gao Shanggong could really torment.

Gao Shanggong really wanted more people to learn the secret art of rules. Under his oppression, Da Huang had a very painful youth, which may be one of the reasons why it ran away from home.

At this time, Wuming gently pulled out his hand and exclaimed, "Interesting, it turns out..."

He found that he couldn't say it. He clearly understood what the ancient eye-cutting freezing light technique was, but he couldn't say it when the words came to his lips.

At this moment, he finally understood Lucyphile's feelings. It was obvious that Lucyphile didn't want to say it, but she couldn't say it at all.

"Boss, have you learned the ancient eye-cutting freezing light technique?" Da Huang ran over and asked directly.

Wuming rubbed Dahuang's dog head hard and said with a smile: "Isn't this obvious?"

"Too amazing, you have learned the secret art of rules in less than half a year, Lord Wuming, you are amazing." Maria said admiringly.

Wuming smiled and said: "It's just a coincidence, and I have to thank him!"

As he said, he looked at the frozen Sweet Potato Leaf King.

Next, he began to search for information in the Sweet Potato Leaf King's brain.

The Sweet Potato Leaf King was hit by the Gu Xing Cut Eyes Freezing Light Technique. Now he is like a puppet, at the mercy of others. All his defenses have lost their wonderful changes and become simple and straightforward.

After a moment, Wuming extracted the information in the Sweet Potato Leaf King's brain.

He simply transmitted the information to Xiaoxi, who then transformed it into a picture, and finally transmitted it to the Oracle Stone. He said: "The information in the Sweet Potato Leaf King's brain is a bit strange, you all have a look."

The Oracle Stone began to play the information extracted from the Sweet Potato Leaf King's brain.

The picture is from the first perspective of the Sweet Potato Leaf King. He wakes up in a small room. He first wonders who he is and even starts to think about why he is here. Then he realizes that he is the Sweet Potato Leaf King and is loyal to the Sweet Potato God.

Everyone frowned when watching this part. Lin Renmei judged: "The Sweet Potato Leaf King may also be a victim of the Sweet Potato God Cult."

"He may not be the real Sweet Potato Leaf King, no, he may be one of the Sweet Potato Leaf Kings!" Da Huang guessed.

Next, the picture continued to play. After the Sweet Potato Leaf King accepted his identity, he soon began to kill and set fire under the instructions of the Sweet Potato God. Although Wuming and others knew that these sins should be blamed on the Sweet Potato God, they still felt very uncomfortable when they saw the Sweet Potato Leaf King killing fresh lives.

Because this part of the information is not of much value, the picture began to play quickly and finally came to a few months ago.

The Sweet Potato God suddenly sent down an oracle, ordering the Sweet Potato Leaf King to lead the cultists to kill Wuming. The Sweet Potato Leaf King curiously asked the Sweet Potato God the reason, and the Sweet Potato God did not answer.

But no answer itself is the best answer.

"According to the time calculation, the Sweet Potato God ordered the attack on Wuming just in the third week of the operation of the Rescuer Network. Wuming had killed people from the Sweet Potato God Cult before, but the Sweet Potato God did not express any opinion. This shows that Wuming must have done something that touched the interests of the Sweet Potato God during this period." Lin Renmei frowned.

Cheng Xuejie's eyes lit up and said, "Doesn't that mean that as long as we check all the tasks within three weeks after the operation of the Rescuer Network, and carefully study each task to see if there is a mastermind behind the disaster in these rescue missions, maybe we can follow the clues and find the real body of the Sweet Potato God!"

"It may also be that the world related to the interests of the Sweet Potato God has just been hung up. In order to avoid damage to his own interests, the Sweet Potato God hurriedly gave the order." Maria said enthusiastically.

The picture is still playing, but there is nothing to say. The Sweet Potato Leaf King came to Xinding City quietly with the support of the believers in Xinding City. After lurking for a while, when the believers in the surrounding cities gathered, he launched an attack on Wuming.

Of course, there is actually another detail here, that is, the Sweet Potato Leaf King received a reward from the Sweet Potato God and possessed a divine item.

This item is called "Good Opportunity for Common Disasters", and once activated, it will connect the lives of all those who touch the activator together, and then die together.

When more than two lives die, there will be a life feedback, with a 50% chance of feedback to the initiator, so the initiator will be resurrected and the involved person will die completely.

Another 50% chance is distortion feedback, the initiator will merge with the involved person, this process will be very painful, if the initiator does not survive, he will eventually become a monster without self.

According to the information in the brain of the Sweet Potato Leaf King, this item has been given by the Sweet Potato God many times, but the users have died without exception.

Because most people will be selected for distortion feedback, and they can't bear the pain of the distortion process at all, and finally become monsters without self.

These monsters are all imprisoned in a space by the Sweet Potato God, and I don't know what they are for.

The Sweet Potato Leaf King knew this, so when he launched the opportunity of common misfortune, he really had the will to die in his heart.

"It's really a terrible item!" Da Huang said in horror after watching the video.

Fortunately, Wuming comprehended the ancient eye-cutting freezing light technique at the last moment, otherwise he would be caught in a great opportunity for common misfortune. I am afraid that a monster that is incredibly powerful and can only destroy will soon appear in the backyard.

Da Huang just imagined the scene of Wuming turning into a monster in his mind, and his heart was chilled. This is definitely a disaster for Xinding City.

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