I Contracted Myself

【473】The Boy Who Brings Wealth

Afterwards, Wuming searched the soul of the Sweet Potato Leaf King again, but there was no more information, which was basically consistent with the brain information he had collected before.

It is worth mentioning that the Sweet Potato Leaf King had not seen the Sweet Potato God either. He had only seen the sacred object of the Sweet Potato God: a sweet potato!

Ridiculous and ridiculous.

If someone had told Wuming before that there was a group of people who believed in a sweet potato, Wuming would definitely think it was a joke.

But now the facts are in front of him, he has to believe that such a ridiculous thing is happening in reality. Maybe this is the difference between reality and story. Reality can always be so ridiculous that even a story can't be made up.

"Okay, it's over."

After confirming that the Sweet Potato Leaf King had been squeezed dry, Wuming sat on the stone bench and breathed a sigh of relief.

Da Huang looked at the motionless Sweet Potato Leaf King and asked: "Master Wuming, what should we do with him? Kill him? Destroy the body?"

"It's a waste. The reward on the Sweet Potato Leaf King is as numerous as stars. I think the best way is to hand it over to the authorities." Lucyphil suggested.

Cheng Xuejie frowned and said, "Will the Sweet Potato God hate Wuming even more after knowing this?"

"Senior sister, you got one thing wrong. Since the Sweet Potato God sent someone to assassinate Wuming first, the question now is not whether he hates Wuming or not, but that we already hate him. It's better not to let me know who he is, otherwise I will crush his bones one by one!" Lin Renmei said lightly.

Wuming smiled and said, "Yes, after dealing with the Sweet Potato Leaf King, I will check all the tasks of the Rescuer Network, and then find out one by one whether there is a black hand behind those disasters. Sweet Potato God... It's better not to let me meet him!"

He has good intentions towards most lives. Indeed, he often gives people a feeling of being too "saintly", but in fact, he has always been ruthless to those who have done many evil things, and he has no hesitation in killing people and destroying their souls.

Because he is upright, his friends are all good people, and he never needs to worry about people around him calculating him behind his back.

Compared to those who seem to live in a dark quagmire and even their friends are calculating, he seems to live in the sunshine and spring breeze. They are definitely two completely different experiences and two different realms.

Lucyphil looked at Wuming and smiled faintly: "If you need help, count me in!"

She hates crowded places because people's hearts are too mixed. Those dark thoughts are like dirty stolen goods in a stinking ditch, which makes her feel unbearable.

But here at Wuming, she only feels the warm sunshine, which is why she is willing to move into the Akita hut. Otherwise, with her father Gao Shanggong's connections, even if she enters the Shenzang space, how could she need to live in a hotel.

Next, Wuming contacted Guan Ling and handed over the Sweet Potato Leaf King to the Law Enforcement Bureau. As for whether the Law Enforcement Bureau can get more information, it depends on Guan Ling and their methods.

Of course, there are indeed a lot of wanted orders on the Sweet Potato Leaf King, and Wuming did not suffer any loss by handing the Sweet Potato Leaf King over to the authorities.

Some of these wanted orders came from the public, issued by practitioners whose relatives and friends died at the hands of the Sweet Potato Leaf King or who had been severely injured by the Sweet Potato Leaf King, and some were issued by the official authorities of other regions that had been harmed by the Sweet Potato Leaf King, so Wuming handed the Sweet Potato Leaf King to the Law Enforcement Bureau in the morning and received these bounties in the afternoon.

The most valuable bounties were two villas and a shop in three regions.

In those three regions, big figures of the Law Enforcement Bureau were assassinated by the Sweet Potato Leaf King, so the bounties given for the wanted orders were the most generous, and villas and shops were directly offered as bounties in the prime locations of the city.

Now that the Sweet Potato Leaf King has been arrested, after Chen He and Guan Ling verified the identity of the Sweet Potato Leaf King, these bounties were directly transferred from the official authorities to Wuming's name.

In addition to the two villas and a shop, Wuming also received bounties such as magic weapons, skills, resource coins, and a hundred-year tax-free reward from the Xinding City official.

In short, for the next hundred years, as long as the industry under his name does not need to pay taxes to Xinding City.

When Da Huang heard the news, he jumped up with joy and decisively transferred the Akita hut to Wuming. He knew very well that Wuming would not cheat him, so he trusted Wuming.

Then, everyone helped Wuming count the rewards for the whole afternoon.

The main reason was that the Sweet Potato Leaf King had never been defeated in the past, so the rewards had been accumulating. Those who offered rewards for the Sweet Potato Leaf King gave a variety of rewards, which could be said to be numerous and diverse.

"This money comes too easily. Catching a Sweet Potato Leaf King will make you rich." Zhang Shouzhong couldn't help but sigh after helping Wuming count the incalculable bounty.

Da Huang rolled his eyes and retorted: "You can't say that. Most wanted criminals are proficient in hiding, and all kinds of anti-reconnaissance and anti-divination abilities are maxed out. If you go looking for them, I can guarantee that you won't find any of them. If the Sweet Potato Leaf King didn't come to you, do you think you can find him?"

"Indeed, if the Sweet Potato Leaf King was really that easy to catch, no one would have caught him for so many years." Cheng Xuejie agreed.

Maria admired: "It's still Lord Wuming who is powerful. He can let the Sweet Potato Leaf King come to you."

"Misfortunes are the foundation of blessings, and blessings are the foundation of misfortunes. Whether it is a blessing or a misfortune depends on personal strength." Lucyphil glanced at Maria and said.

If Wuming can't beat the Sweet Potato Leaf King, then this is obviously a big disaster, but Wuming is much stronger than the Sweet Potato Leaf King, so the disaster will naturally turn into a good thing.

"Yes, in the end, as long as you are strong enough, you can turn adversity into good fortune!" Lin Renmei agreed.

Wuming took a piece of jade and said, "This technique is good. Senior sister, you can try it."

Then he handed the jade to Cheng Xuejie.

The jade contains a technique called "Mind Image Body Strengthening Technique". This is an inner seeking method. Through meditation in a specific way, it gradually has the effect of strengthening the self.

Especially in the last stage, you can even change your image in your mind and slowly evolve into a better self.

Wuming has a feeling that this technique combined with the bio-force field may have great potential!

"Okay, I'll try it!" Cheng Xuejie nodded.

Da Huang exclaimed at this time: "Master Wuming, this store is actually in Baiyu City. We are rich!"

"What's wrong with Baiyu City?" Maria asked.

Wuming also looked at Da Huang. This store was just an external object that he didn't care about.

Similarly, the two villas awarded were nothing to him. On the contrary, he lived in Akita Cottage comfortably, which was second only to the Nameless Sea in his heart.

Da Huang saw that everyone was looking at him, and immediately realized that no one knew about Baiyu City, so he shouted in disbelief: "You don't know Baiyu City?"

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