I Contracted Myself

【474】Just go

The four areas controlled by Zunmeng are next to each other, shaped like a C. The blue area is right in the middle, with the red area above and the gold area below. Below the gold area is the black area controlled by Yeqin.

They named the areas after their own colors, but other areas are not like this. Most area controllers name the areas according to their own preferences.

In the middle of the depression of the Zunmeng C-shaped area is an area called "Baiyu". There is only one big city in the Baiyu area, and the rest are villages.

Countless villages surround the only city like stars around the moon, and this city is Baiyu City.

The owner of Baiyu City is also the controller of the Baiyu area, and his name is also Baiyu.


In fact, it is not a coincidence that a guy named Baiyu simply named the areas and cities under his control after himself.

At the beginning, Baiyu City was not a great city, but later Baiyu promulgated a rule to attract more people to live in the Baiyu area, that is, mercenaries are tax-free.

All practitioners who register as mercenaries do not need to pay taxes to the Baiyu area for all the money and property they receive from mercenary missions in the Baiyu area.

After this rule was released, a large number of mercenaries entered the Baiyu area, and even set up bases in villages, forming large and small mercenary camps.

In fact, many regional controllers followed suit later, but Baiyu, as the first regional controller to issue the rules, had already gained a first-mover advantage, and many mercenaries had already set up camp in the Baiyu area, so those regional controllers who followed suit soon found that there was not much benefit in doing so, and simply withdrew the order.

Over millions of years, Baiyu City has developed into the largest mercenary market.

Even though Baiyu City has been expanding, the prime location is still incredibly valuable. At the speed at which Wuming and Lin Renmei are getting resources from the resource tower now, it will take at least thousands of years to buy a house as big as a toilet in Baiyu City.

After listening to Da Huang's explanation, everyone finally understood how valuable the store Wuming got was.

"If you put it that way, it is indeed very valuable." Lin Renmei said.

Zhang Shouzhong was surprised and said, "It's not just about value. I'm afraid it's hard to buy such high-quality assets even if you have money. After all, as long as you are not stupid, you can make money lying down with such a store."

"Indeed, such assets are usually held tightly in hand, and no one will let them go easily." Cheng Xuejie agreed.

Da Huang said excitedly, "Why don't we go and investigate it on the spot."

"What do you think?" Wuming looked at everyone and asked.

Lin Renmei said casually, "I don't care."

"I want to go, I want to go." Maria immediately raised her hand and looked at Lucyphil eagerly.

Lucyphil said helplessly, "Then let's go and take a look. Baiyu City happens to be a mercenary city. Maybe we can find that crazy guy."

A few days ago, her father contacted her with the secret technique and asked her to help find her uncle Gao Jianhong who was in the Shenzang space.

Before Wuming learned the secret technique of rules, only three people knew the secret technique of rules, namely Gao Shanggong, Gao Jianhong and Lucyphil.

Gao Shanggong had studied a lot of knowledge in the Shenzang Space 100,000 years ago. Later, due to some limitations of the Shenzang Space, he left the Shenzang Space and never entered the Shenzang Space again.

Gao Jianhong was different. He had been studying the secret arts of rules in the Shenzang Space, wandering in various dangerous areas, and even leaving his footprints in many undeveloped areas.

In his opinion, the Shenzang Space has many secrets, especially the areas that have not been conquered by practitioners, and even hide the secrets of transcendence.

A week ago, he contacted Gao Shanggong and told him that he had made a great discovery in the Shenzang Space, and maybe he could deduce a very powerful secret art of rules.

He also said that he would tell Gao Shanggong about his discovery in detail when he returned to a safe place.

But after the disconnection, he never contacted Gao Shanggong again.

Gao Shanggong didn't care at first. After all, Gao Jianhong would not contact him for tens of thousands of years when he went crazy, but he began to feel uneasy a few days ago. He used one of the secret arts of rules to do a little divination and knew that the problem was with Gao Jianhong.

So, he contacted Lucyphile and asked Lucyphile, who was in the Shenzang Space, to look for him. After Lucyphile agreed, she posted an unlimited high-priced reward online. Anyone who could provide information about Gao Jianhong could get a generous amount of resource coins from her.

In total, she had paid a lot of resource coins online, but there was not much valuable information.

Before there was enough detailed information, she couldn't search for Gao Jianhong all over the world like looking for a needle in a haystack, so she continued to stay in the Akita hut and wait for news.

Wuming and others knew about this, so after listening to Lucyphile's words, Wuming smiled and said, "Then let's go and have a look."

"As a mercenary city, Baiyu City is indeed a good place to get information. Mercenaries are definitely the most well-informed group of people in the Shenzang Space. A lot of news comes from their mouths after they get drunk." Da Huang said happily.

Suddenly, it thought of something and said, "By the way, although Baiyu City is privately called the Mercenary City, don't say that when you go to Baiyu City. Baiyu has been obsessed with being a bit pretentious in the past few thousand years. She thinks Baiyu City should be an elegant city, and only an elegant city deserves the name of Baiyu City. So she not only planted a lot of plants, but also decorated the entire city with beautiful jade, calling it an elegant city. Anyone who says anything about the Mercenary City in the city will be remembered by her petty mind."

"It was she who used tax exemption to attract mercenaries to move in, and now it is also she who doesn't like mercenaries. Isn't this a double-edged sword." Zhang Shouzhong complained.

Da Huang rolled his eyes and said, "Then go and say it in front of her."

"I'm sick, so I said it in front of her. I haven't lived enough." Zhang Shouzhong said with a smile.

Amidst the laughter, everyone agreed to go to Baiyu City. It happened that they hadn't left Xinding City yet, and going to other areas and other cities could also broaden their horizons.

Because everyone has storage equipment, there is no need to pack anything, and you can just leave.

Thousands of meters away from Akita's cabin, in a noodle shop, Ma Lie, dressed as a waiter, was wiping the water droplets on the glass. Suddenly, he heard a pleasant laugh and couldn't help turning his head to look to the left.

Wuming and others walked by him, and he closed his eyes slightly and looked away, continuing to wipe the glass silently...

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