I Contracted Myself

【475】A pleasant journey

The teleportation array in the Shenzang space is very developed, but whether there is a teleportation array between regions depends on the relationship between the regional controllers.

For example, in the four regions of the Zunmeng, most cities have teleportation arrays, which can be easily teleported.

For example, the regional controller of the blue region, Jiaoyue Tianzun, has a very good relationship with the regional controller of the tidal region, Shen Shiniang, so the blue region and the tidal region controlled by Shen Shiniang can also teleport to each other.

However, the relationship between Jiaoyue Tianzun and Baiyu can only be said to be neither good nor bad, so there is no teleportation array between the blue region and the Baiyu region. If Wuming and others want to go to the Baiyu region, they can only teleport from Xinding City to Wanghai City, the city at the edge of the blue region, and then ride their own mounts or drive vehicles through the dangerous wilderness to reach the Baiyu region.

Wuming and others teleported from Xinding City to Wanghai City, but they did not rush to leave, but played in Wanghai City for a day.

Although Wanghai City and Xinding City are both cities in the blue region and are both cities controlled by Jiaoyue Tianzun, the atmosphere of the two cities is completely different.

New people come to Xinding City every day, and the whole city gives people a feeling of youth and vitality.

Wanghai City is different, because it is the city at the edge of the blue area. This city gives people an ancient feeling. The city wall is twice as high and three times thicker than the wall of Xinding City, and there are a large number of practitioners stationed on the wall.

At the same time, the residents of Wanghai City also look more sturdy, with a feeling of being experienced in hundreds of battles.

In fact, most practitioners must have experienced countless battles, but they will undoubtedly be more relaxed and more friendly in Xinding City, while the practitioners in Wanghai City are like in the wild, ready to fight at any time, and their faces are more serious, giving people a feeling of not smiling.

The next morning, Wuming and others took the floating battleship to leave Wanghai City.

This floating battleship is silver-white, about 100 meters long, driven by intelligent AI, and equipped with multiple laser cannons, which can easily suppress practitioners below level 50 with firepower.

Wuming bought this battleship in preparation for the next Shenzang Trial, but he didn't expect to use it today.

The main reason was that there were many ladies accompanying him, and it might be inconvenient to take the Qilin, so he chose this battleship.

At this time, everyone was sitting on the chairs on the deck, drinking tea and chatting.

"Although Wanghai City is not a tourist city, the rough fried animal meat is still very delicious, which is also a major feature." Zhang Shouzhong said with some aftertaste.

Da Huang agreed: "The main reason is that the animal skin is handled very well. After frying, it is soft and crispy. I must eat it again when I come back."

"I like the combat uniforms of Wanghai City very much." Cheng Xuejie said.

Lin Renmei smiled and said: "There is an unowned area in the direction of the south gate of Wanghai City. It is said that the biggest trouble inside is a secret realm. Inside is a sea that can't see the end. Wanghai City got its name from this, but there are both disadvantages and advantages. That is, the residents of Wanghai City can enter the secret realm to obtain resources. At least before the unowned area is controlled by the strong, they can get various sea beasts from afar."

"No wonder those combat uniforms are so tight and made of scales." Maria said.

At this time, the laser cannon on the right side of the warship suddenly turned slowly and fired a shot at a distance, killing a beast hiding in the bushes on the spot.

"It's really dangerous in the wild."

Da Huang ran to the edge of the warship and looked down, but because the warship was very fast, he could not see the dead beast in the blink of an eye.

"There are two types of beasts in the wild of Shenzang Space. One is the enhanced beast in the uncontrolled area, and the other is the ordinary beast living in the controlled area. We are now between the blue area and the white jade area, so the beast should be just an ordinary beast." Lucyphil said.

Maria asked: "What is the difference between enhanced beasts and ordinary beasts?"

"Enhanced beasts will automatically adjust their strength according to the enemy's strength. For example, if your strength is 100th floor, then the enhanced beast will automatically upgrade to the level of 100th floor, so enhanced beasts are very troublesome, and most ordinary beasts are at the level of about 50th floor." Lucyphil replied.

Maria was shocked and said, "What if we encounter a group of enhanced monsters? Wouldn't that mean we're dead?"

"How is that possible? If there is a group, the level will be appropriately lowered." Da Huang complained.

At this time, a creature with a convex back similar to a combination of an ape and a Tyrannosaurus appeared in front of us. It just opened its mouth and roared at the warship, and then a laser shot directly into its mouth, and instantly there was a big hole in the back of its head.

With a loud bang, the giant fell down.

The warship moved slightly to the side, avoiding the corpse of the giant and continued to move forward.

It was only at this time that Wuming understood why the warship could just deal with enemies below level 50.

Because this warship was designed to be driven not only in the Shenzang Trial, but also in areas with regional controllers.

After the warship sailed for half a day, some buildings finally appeared.

There is only one city in the Baiyu area, and the rest are densely populated villages. Some villages are actually mercenary bases, some villages are family settlements, and there are even some workshops with special technologies.

The building that Wuming and his friends were encountering now was a village. Looking down from a high place, they could see a group of people who seemed to be taming animals.

"That's the village of the beast-taming family. They will take the trained beasts to Baiyu City for sale. Some of the trained beasts are sold to the Colosseum, and some are bought by summoned beasts to be used as cannon fodder." Da Huang looked at it and said.

After all, it has been in the Shenzang space for thousands of years, so it still has some knowledge.

Wuming listened and realized why this village took root in this location, because there is a wilderness behind it, and there are endless beasts coming in from the unowned area next to it.

The warship did not stop, but passed by the village at a very fast speed. The guards on the arrow tower of the village took a look at the deck of the warship, and one of them said enviously: "Dog rich man, it's full of beauties."

"Practice well and don't talk too much." The more mature guard next to him whispered.

If there are powerful practitioners on the warship, what they say may be heard by the other party. If the other party has a bad temper, it may even bring disaster to the village.

On the battleship, Maria said happily: "Hehe, Mr. Wuming, they said I'm a beauty!"

"Maria is really cute." Wuming said with a smile.

Da Huang complained meanly: "They don't know that Maria is a female Tyrannosaurus. If they knew, they would definitely take it back."

"Dead dog, I'll kill you!"

Maria was immediately furious and chased Da Huang to hit him. The battleship was suddenly filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

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