I Contracted Myself

【476】What I Saw in Baiyu City

Time flies by in the fight, and the warships are gradually approaching Baiyu City.

Most people may imagine Baiyu City as a medium-sized castle, or a small city covered with white jade.

But in fact, the scale of Baiyu City is terrifying. When the warship can see Baiyu City, the first thing it sees is a vast expanse of white, as if the whole world suddenly breaks in front of it.

"Although I have seen the appearance of Baiyu City in the Oracle Network, I can only feel the majesty of Baiyu City when I really arrive there." Zhang Shouzhong sighed.

Wuming nodded and said, "After all, it is a collection of all the wealth of a region. It is not surprising that Baiyu City has this scale."

Other regions are often dotted with cities, but there is only one city in the Baiyu region, so the scale is naturally getting bigger and bigger, gradually becoming what it is now.

"The permanent population of Baiyu City is about 3 billion, and the total number of intelligent life in many worlds may not be as much as it, but Baiyu City is different from the cities in the blue area. There are all kinds of races here, so everyone should be careful." Lin Renmei said lightly.

Because some races feed on humans, such as vampires and ghouls. Although they may not dare to take action due to the rules of Baiyu City, they cannot relax their vigilance.

Of course, humans are food, and vampires are also food. It can be said that the creatures living in Baiyu City can completely form a food chain.

However, in Baiyu City, even if you see a pig walking on the street, you must treat it as an intelligent life. You can't guarantee that this pig is really a monster that has not yet transformed.

Half an hour later, the warship finally arrived under the city wall. After flying around the city wall for another two days, Wuming and his team found the huge city gate.

Everyone got off the warship, and after the warship was put away, they slowly entered Baiyu City.

Because there is a shield on the wall of Baiyu City, the whole picture of Baiyu City cannot be seen clearly from the outside, and only a vague outline can be seen vaguely.

After entering Baiyu City, everyone saw a lot of flowers and plants on both sides of the road, and some ancient trees were planted in the middle of the pedestrian street. There were also some strange metal pieces hanging on the trees. When the wind blew, they jingled and had the effect of calming the soul and calming the mind.

Wuming soon realized the purpose of this arrangement. Most of the people who came and went in Baiyu City were mercenaries. If they disagreed, they might cause trouble and fight.

The sound made by these metal pieces can reduce the situation of fighting.

There were a lot of pedestrians on the street, some of them exuded a strong smell of blood, and some exuded a stench of corpses. Most of them were strange creatures, and there were very few human creatures.

Lizardmen, triangular-headed spherical people, twisted people full of tentacles, skeleton horses...

Here, you can see a large number of intelligent creatures that people can't imagine and describe, which fully reflects the diversity of creatures in the heavens and the worlds.

It has to be said that compared with Baiyu City, Xinding City is like a small country city.

Moreover, Xinding City is mainly inhabited by humans, while Baiyu City embraces all worlds, and any creature can settle here.

"Sister, look at that person." Maria saw an alien with a slant on his face, blushed and pulled Lucypher's hand, and said softly.

Lucypher glanced at it indifferently, and then said coldly: "Make a fuss."

"Let's go to the store first!" Wuming frowned at this time and suggested.

He didn't like the pedestrians in Baiyu City very much. No matter whether these guys were good or not, they all exuded a momentum of killing people at the slightest disagreement.

Especially some races, he could even smell the human smell from their mouths.

If it was outside Baiyu City, he would solve the other party neatly, but it was not easy for him to do it in Baiyu City.

Because Baiyu City is very large, there are a large number of teleportation arrays even in the city. Wuming's store is located in the "golden area" of Baiyu City, and it is also a single-family building.

Everyone checked the map of Baiyu City in the Oracle network and followed the instructions on the map. After several teleportations, they finally arrived at Wuming's shop.

"It's really a prime location. One thousand meters to the right is the Mercenary Association, five hundred meters to the left is the Gray Exchange, and the Vientiane Mall is ahead. We're rich, we're rich!" Da Huang looked at the shop and his tail shook quickly.

Wuming frowned and said, "But why are there so few people here?"

"Oh, that's right, the streets are empty." Maria also found the problem.

Just now when they came from the teleportation array, there were not many passers-by around. Now when they came to the shop, there were still not many passers-by. "I think I know the reason." Lin Renmei said lightly while looking at the map in the Oracle network.

Then she projected the map in front of everyone without keeping them in suspense, and said, "Look, there is a teleportation array on the right side of the Mercenary Association. You only need to walk 20 meters to get to the Association. There is a teleportation array opposite the Gray Exchange. There is a teleportation array on the other side of the Vientiane Mall. There is a large square in front of the mall, and there is also a teleportation array in the large square."

"So if you want to go to these three places, you can teleport directly there, but no one has come to our store?" Da Huang was suddenly shocked and said in disbelief.

Wuming smiled and said, "It seems that we are a little too happy."

"These three teleportation arrays were built relatively recently, and the teleportation array of the Gray Exchange was built only ten years ago. We can only say that our luck is not very good. The bounty of this store has existed for thousands of years. At that time, this place was indeed a prime location..." Lin Renmei shrugged and said lightly.

However, she knew very well that Wuming was not so obsessed with money and wealth, and she herself was not short of money, so she did not feel sorry.

Cheng Xuejie felt a little pity and said, "Let's go in and take a look first."


Wuming nodded, then walked to the front of the store. He pressed his hand on the verification panel of the blockade barrier. After a moment, the verification panel confirmed his identity, and the entire barrier dissipated directly.

In fact, the defense of this barrier is very weak. He can blow it up with a light punch. The problem is that blowing up this barrier will alert the law enforcers of Baiyu City.

Therefore, this barrier is actually mainly to prevent thieves and the like from entering the store.

The door of the store is not locked. After opening the barrier blockade, Wuming opened the door. This is a weapon shop, the interior space has been greatly expanded, and a large number of weapons are placed.

On the way here, Wuming knew the details of this shop.

The owner of this shop is a believer of the Sweet Potato God Cult. It was he who assisted the Sweet Potato Leaf King to sneak into Baiyu City, so he immediately absconded after the incident.

Therefore, the shop was sealed after countless searches by the law enforcement team, and then it was put up as a reward, and it has been hung for thousands of years.

If Wuming hadn't killed the Sweet Potato Leaf King, it is unknown how long this shop would be sealed...

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