I Contracted Myself

【477】Soft and slightly sticky


"This is rubbish too!"

"Fake, so rough..."

Entering the store, Wuming looked at the weapons on the display cabinet one by one. The more he looked at them, the worse his face became.

Lucifer frowned and said, "Something's wrong. This store was truly a prosperous store back then, and the customer flow must have been high. If the weapons sold were all shoddy and inferior products, wouldn't it arouse suspicion?"

"This place was raided by the Baiyu City Law Enforcement Bureau before. Do you think they would keep the good things? Dream on." Zhang Shouzhong complained.

When he was the intelligence leader of the rescue team, he saw this situation a lot. For example, the rescue team saved a world, and by the time the logistics team came over to clean up the mess, 90% of the most precious things had already fallen into the hands of the rescue team.

Of course, there are still some rescue groups with ideals and ambitions, but they are only a handful.

Dahuang agreed: "The Law Enforcement Bureau also has rules, but they can indeed take away all the good weapons and replace them with some junk. As long as it can't be seen on the surface, who can prove it hundreds of years later?" What’s in the store?”

"Forget it, it was only the store that originally offered rewards. Although these weapons are a little bit rotten, they are still worth some money. There is no need to be upset over such a trivial matter." Cheng Xuejie comforted.

Wuming waved his hand, and all the weapons were suddenly swallowed up by the black liquid, and then explained: "What I'm angry about is not that these weapons are of low value, nor that others have taken away good weapons, but that these weapons are too shoddy and a waste of good materials. "

Although he rarely makes weapons, after all, he is a blacksmith who has studied seriously from Liu Tiefeng and has become a blacksmith. He still feels pity when he sees good materials being wasted.

This is probably like someone who has experienced famine and cannot see others wasting food.

"Are the materials for making weapons precious?" Maria asked in confusion.

In her opinion, the materials for forging those weapons were common and there was nothing precious about them.

Lin Renmei explained: "It is indeed nothing to the Shenzang Space, but in our world, some materials are very rare. How to explain it? It's like people at the beach eat sea fish every day, and sea fish is very important to them. It is indeed common, but for inland residents, sea fish is very rare. Basically, most people living in inland have never eaten sea fish. "

"Is that so?" Maria was surprised, but through Lin Renmei's example, she probably understood Wuming's feelings.

Cheng Xuejie smiled and said: "In fact, many bubble worlds are now very technologically advanced, and you can also eat frozen sea fish inland."

"Really? Sure enough, everyone's life is getting better and better." Lin Renmei didn't pay much attention to the things in the bubble world, and said with some surprise.

Zhang Shouzhong nodded and said: "I have built a flying land-sea route in my world. People in the inland want to eat seafood. It is really easy and fresh."

"Okay, let's go upstairs and have a look." Dahuang was not interested in everyone's talk and ran into the store.

Everyone kept up while chatting. Because of the barrier seal, the store was basically no different from the new one, not even a speck of dust. Moreover, time seemed to have been frozen, and nothing had aged after thousands of years. .

Going up to the second floor, the space is still expanded. First there is a huge living room. There are rooms in three directions of the living room. There are about thirty rooms. Except for a few utility rooms, most of the rooms are bedrooms. There is only one Den and three bathrooms.

"There's no kitchen." Cheng Xuejie returned to the living room after checking the room, sat on the sofa, and said dissatisfied.

Zhang Shouzhong sat heavily on the sofa, glanced at Yu Shi, and said with a smile: "The absconding shopkeeper is a male, so it's normal that he can't cook, and the takeout in Baiyu City is very developed. You can just order takeout if you want to eat. ”

Xinding City delivers food by robots or summoned beasts, and each store can choose which one to use to deliver food.

But Baiyu City is different.

Baiyu City uniformly uses aircraft to deliver food, and the aircraft does not deliver the food. Its core is a small teleportation array. When it flies to the guest, it will be suspended in front of the guest, and then the projection of the chef cooking will be broadcast live, waiting for the dish to be cooked. After that, it can be directly transported to the customer through the teleportation array.

"Let me see what delicious food there is." Maria took out the oracle stone and said enthusiastically.

Wuming smiled and said, "Just choose a room later and transform it into a kitchen."

"There's no need to go to so much trouble. You should take a look at Baiyucheng's takeout first." Zhang Shouzhong swallowed his saliva and then suggested.

Wuming heard the words and took out the oracle stone. After entering the food section takeout page and selecting White Jade City, densely packed shops were displayed.

He found that the takeout in Baiyu City and Xinding City were really different.

The takeout in Xinding City basically assumes that it can be eaten by humans, while the takeout in White Jade City has to choose your own race, because the food of some races is not food for humans, and some even contain harmful substances for humans. poison.

Just now Wuming took a quick glance and saw a shop called 'Nine Flavors Iron Paste'. There was a reminder on it that humans should not try this dish.

However, out of curiosity, Wuming clicked in anyway. After the page refreshed, various iron paste dishes were presented in front of him, as if such a dish was really in front of him.

The signature dish, Jiuwei Iron Slurry, is made from the scales of the Black Iron Dragon, which are melted into the iron slurry after being cooked at high temperatures, and then added with the blood of the Brass Dragon, the eyeballs of the Golden Horror Beast... and other nine kinds of seasonings. , you will feel the hardness of the black iron dragon and the stability of the brass dragon at the entrance...

Wuming frowned after reading it, unable to imagine what this thing tasted like. It was hard, steady, and alert... Are these the smells?

Next, he looked at some shops that were not suitable for humans to visit. Finally, he had to admit one thing, that is, the food in these shops was indeed weird and not suitable for normal human consumption.

There is even a shop that specializes in 'dung dishes'. It is said that many Zerg people particularly like this shop and have given many five-star reviews.

A person from the fly tribe who goes by the name 'Aunt Rash' wrote in the review: "I have tasted the feces of countless creatures in my life. Most of the feces of creatures have a relatively average taste. Although some stores specialize in controlling the diet of creatures, so as to Improve the flavor of feces, but this deliberate method inevitably falls into the cliché. Watermelon-flavored feces is too fragrant, and banana-flavored feces is too sticky. Although this store uses similar methods, it is closer to nature. The feces is soft and sticky, and the smell is just right. I like it very much! ”

After Wuming read the reviews, not only was his curiosity gone, but his appetite was also gone, so he decided to choose a store suitable for human consumption.

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