In fact, no one here needs to eat to stay alive.

But enjoying food is not just about filling your stomach.

After Wuming chose a store suitable for humans, sure enough, the store's style became normal. He saw a store called Super Big Eater and clicked on it directly.

The recommendation reads: Stellar Cuisine 'Cosmic Juicy Big Meatballs', which uses space-sealed cooking techniques to collect billions of different beasts from all over the world, take the essence of their whole bodies, and cook meat equivalent to a star into meat As time goes by, the pressure inside the meatballs will gradually increase, and part of the minced meat will turn into ecstasy gravy. As the gravy penetrates into the layers of meat, the taste will become more and more intense.

After Wuming read the introduction, he felt his appetite returned.

He looked at the price and ordered one out of curiosity. It was mainly composed of billions of different beasts. What they tasted like when mixed together, he really didn't know.

Curious, very curious.

"I ordered the cosmic juicy juicy meatballs, what about you?" After ordering, Wuming looked at everyone and asked.

Dahuang replied: "Master Wuming, I ordered the Soul-Gathering Marrow Soup and Crispy Bone Fried Rice."

"I ordered the charcoal-grilled Jörmungandr. I haven't eaten the mythical creature yet." Zhang Shouzhong replied, already drooling.

Cheng Xuejie said: "I ordered the Comet Jinyu Soup and Jianmu Roast Dragon Pork."

In fact, Lucifer and Maria both have dragon blood, but they don't care about others eating dragons, and they even eat dragons themselves.

Of course, the dragons here are basically pseudo-dragons, which are completely different creatures from real dragons.

Probably the same difference as humans and monkeys.

Humans still eat monkey brains, what's wrong with them eating some dragon meat?

Maria said at this time: "I also ordered wood-roasted dragon meat and a bowl of fruit salad."

"I ordered the Explosive Hundred Eyes and Nine Rotations of Reincarnation." Lin Renmei said.

Everyone looked at Lucifer, who said calmly: "I ordered a hundred thousand body banquet."

"I can more or less guess what the others ordered, but I have no idea what the Lucy Phil dish is," Zhang Shouzhong said.

Cheng Xuejie nodded and said, "Indeed, I can't imagine it."

After a moment, an aircraft appeared in front of the window. Wuming opened the window, and the aircraft flew in one after another.

These aircraft were originally in the shape of rugby balls. After confirming the guests, they slowly opened and formed a dining table in front of everyone. Then the other end began to live broadcast the chef cooking. "Hello, this guest."

The chef greeted Wu Ming politely, and then began to introduce the recipe of cosmic juicy meatballs.

After the introduction, he started cooking. Pieces of meat from different creatures were transported to him from the storage space. Because time was frozen in the storage space, the meat appeared no different from when it was just slaughtered.

The chef held an artifact-level kitchen knife and quickly chopped it off. In an instant, a piece of meat larger than a whale was cut into countless slices of meat thinner than paper.

"I'm going to start speeding up next!" the chef said to Wuming.

The next moment, he was like rewinding a video, his movements became very fast, countless pieces of meat appeared, and countless pieces of meat instantly turned into pieces.

The processed meat was instantly put into a golden sphere. The surface of this golden sphere was covered with countless wriggling runes. It was probably slightly smaller than a basketball, but no matter how much meat the chef put in, the sphere did not change at all.

Obviously, this is part of the space cooking mentioned in the introduction.

Gradually, the chef began to rotate the sphere suspended in mid-air, putting more and more meat into the sphere. At the same time, he chopped some meat into minced meat and put it in orderly.

There are also various seasonings that are gradually sprinkled on as the meat is added.

At this time, the picture began to split, and parallel time and space appeared one after another. In each parallel time and space, there was a chef processing meat, and then the meat was returned to the golden balls.

In just fifteen minutes, a huge amount of meat was put into the small ball. In countless split parallel time and space, the chef made seals with his hands, and a flame came out of thin air. Then with his finger, the flame was like water. Like being sucked into the golden ball.

After an unknown number of flames were sucked in, countless split time and space quickly merged into one. The chef still kept a smile and said: "Guest, your cosmic juicy meatballs are ready, please taste them!"

After saying that, the ball fell into the teleportation formation and appeared in front of Wuming the next moment.

This little ball looked nothing special in the live broadcast. When it was actually transmitted, Wuming discovered that this little ball had used countless sealing techniques that were difficult for him to understand, and it only sealed the space. The flesh was not affected in any way, and even the fragrance was still emitted normally. When it came out, the rich fragrance made the whole living room feel like it was plunged into a sea of ​​meat.

"It smells so good!" Zhang Shouzhong looked at the golden ball and said eagerly.

Lucifer said calmly: "The juicy juicy meatballs of the universe are actually sold in many worlds, but the fragrance is not as strong as here in the Divine Tibetan Space. It may be because of cutting corners." "I will eat this tomorrow!" Ma Leah said.

Wuming picked up the energy knife on the table and slashed it directly at the golden ball. A piece of meat fell from the golden ball and landed on the energy plate.

He picked up the chopsticks and took a bite, thought for a moment and said, "The a bit like peach flesh, but different...the taste is indescribable, and the texture is indescribable. Come and try it."

In fact, he couldn't tell, mainly because he couldn't think of a suitable adjective. Even for the flesh of the peach, he could only say it was close, but in fact it was still far from it.

After hearing this, everyone stepped forward one after another, and the aircraft floating above immediately increased the area of ​​the table and produced more tableware at the same time.

"My piece of meat tastes like cumin." Zhang Shoucheng cut a piece of meat and said immediately after taking a bite.

Lin Renmei said calmly: "I can't describe the taste. I've never tasted it before, but it's delicious."

"My palate seems to be unable to taste the taste of meat." Dahuang said helplessly.

After all, the nameless order is suitable for humans, not dogs, so part of the added meat is inedible from rhubarb.

Dahuang dared to try it simply because Wuming was right next to him, and he could save it from death even if something happened.

"I don't like this very much. Let's forget about it tomorrow." Maria tasted a piece of meat and curled her lips.

She looked at Lucifer, who said calmly: "It tastes very good."


Maria was sour, and she knew exactly why it didn't taste good to her, but Lucifer felt it tasted good.

The biggest difference between her and Lucy Fair is that she has no human blood, while Lucy Fair has human blood, so Lucy Fair can accept this kind of food suitable for humans.

Food preferences do vary greatly between different races.

Maria learned at a very young age that she could tolerate food with a strong fishy smell, while Lucifer could not eat food with a strong fishy smell.

At this time, other aircraft also transmitted their orders, and Maria immediately returned to her dining table and began to eat delicious food that suited her.

"Maria, I just took a look. There is a shit restaurant among the food suitable for the Zerg. Don't you have Zerg blood? Maybe you can try it!" Dahuang returned to his seat and said with a smile.

Maria was about to eat, but her face suddenly darkened after hearing Dahuang's words.

"No, there is murderous intent!"

Dahuang immediately stopped smiling, finished the food on the table in a few mouthfuls, turned around and ran away.

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