I Contracted Myself

【479】You dare! I dare!

Sword of the Dynasty area, Sword Palace.

In the bedroom, Baipson held a sword in both hands and lay in a sword pool made of a huge ‘sword tombstone’. There were many swords in the sword pool, but they were all broken swords. The ownerless sword energy was running around, and the whole sword pool exuded a terrifying murderous intent.

Mo Baier stood at the edge of the sword pool, quietly waiting for Baipson to wake up.

During this period, Baipson's character became worse and worse for some unknown reason. Many servants in the Sword Palace were brutally killed by Baipson because of trivial matters.

All the survivors were trembling and cautious, and dared not make any mistakes.


Suddenly, Baipson opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes showed bloodthirsty color, and he said with a grin.

Mo Baier immediately knelt beside the sword pool and whispered, "It seems that your majesty has solved the confusion in his heart. Congratulations, your majesty."

"I did see a corner of the future through the arithmetic of the Ten Thousand Burial Sword God. How did you do what I asked you to do before?" Baipson said lightly as he stood up from the sword pool.

Mo Baier bowed his head and said, "Wuming's whereabouts are uncertain. There is no chance to contact him for the time being."

"Your daughter is known as a beauty. Is it difficult to approach him?" Baipson frowned, and the palace was instantly filled with violent murderous intent.

Mo Baier shuddered slightly and bowed his head and said, "Because Wuming has too many fans, he rarely appears in public. Although Qing'er has a stunning appearance, it is difficult for her to see Wuming."

"Haha, let her come back and enter the palace." Baipson was tempted.

Mo Baier immediately lowered his head, and replied helplessly but dared not resist: "Yes, Your Majesty."

"I'm looking forward to it... huh?" Baipson stretched out his hand to hook Mo Baier's chin, and was about to relax, but suddenly frowned, feeling like someone was pointing a sword at him from behind, like a thorn in his back.

He narrowed his eyes and immediately looked at the blue area, and his pupils turned into the shape of a long sword.

"You dare!!!!"

He stared at the blue area, and the murderous intent in his heart almost condensed into substance.


Blue area, Xinding City.

Ma Lie temporarily lived in a shabby small warehouse, which was divided into several coffin-sized rooms. His room was at the front of the warehouse, and other people coming in and out would disturb him. But he didn't care, and thought that his saving was meaningful.

After two months of hard work, he finally rented an oracle stone, and now he is busy learning how to use the oracle stone.

At first, he just wanted to improve his strength, slowly accumulate wealth through the resource tower, and finally use his own strength to overthrow the rule of the Baisen Dynasty.

But later, he met his friend Zhu Chixia, who was also a waiter, in the noodle shop where he worked. After getting familiar with each other, they knew some basic information about each other.

It turned out that Zhu Chixia's world also encountered extremely terrible natural disasters. Every ten years, a huge snake beast would appear to devour humans. He entered the Shenzang space by chance and had the same idea as Ma Lie at the beginning.

He worked hard for five years, but he only mastered some extraordinary powers and was still a long way from defeating the snake beast.

Fortunately, Wuming appeared.

The rescuer network created by Wuming gave him a different choice.

He could publish a commission on the rescuer network as a client, so as to ask a more powerful practitioner to save his world and kill the terrifying snake beast.

Before Ma Lie arrived, his world had been saved by a rescuer named Chen Wei, so now he is no longer as bitter and resentful as before, and he always feels that there is a big stone pressing on his chest.

Even because of this, he has gained dozens of pounds.

Ma Lie then knew that there was such a righteous organization and such a great and powerful person in the Shenzang Space. He wanted to borrow the oracle stone from Zhu Chixia to issue a commission.

But Zhu Chixia's oracle stone was a private binding oracle stone. No one except Zhu Chixia could use this oracle stone. And once Zhu Chixia died, the oracle stone would be automatically destroyed, so there was no need to worry about his online history being seen by others.

Ma Lie had no choice but to consider buying an oracle stone. The problem was that the oracle stone was not cheap. Although it was very cheap for powerful practitioners, Ma Lie was too weak. Even with the salary of a waiter plus the resources of the resource tower, it would take more than ten years to afford it.

He obviously didn't want to wait that long, so he decided to rent an oracle stone.

It must be said that for the upper class, what is readily available is something that the lower class has to fight for with their lives, and the rental fee is also very expensive. He ventured to the resource tower, but instead of passing the level, he was seriously injured. Although all the injuries healed after coming out, the trauma on the spiritual level would not heal for a while.

It took him two months to rent the Oracle Stone, and he only rented it for one night.

After two hours of groping, he finally figured out how to use the Oracle Stone. Then he spent some time to find the nameless fan section. He entered the rescuer website tremblingly, and then filled in his information and the items he needed help according to the form.

After filling in everything, he gradually looked at the submit button.

"You dare!!!"

Suddenly, a will came from the void. This will was extremely condensed, like a sword appeared in front of Ma Lie, like a lion with bared fangs and claws, roaring at Ma Lie with murderous intent.

Ma Lie was suppressed, and he looked at the phantom in front of him in disbelief.

He recognized Bipson, the founder of the Bipson dynasty.

In an instant, countless images appeared in his mind.

Women and babies starving to death on the roadside, old men dying of thirst due to water taxes, comrades hanging on crosses...

He stared at Bipson's shadow with bloodshot eyes and roared: "I dare!!!!!!"

While roaring, he pressed submit hard and the application was sent out instantly.

Sword Palace.

Bipson suddenly showed a charming smile, his pupils returned to normal, and he said calmly: "Mo Bai'er, get the oracle stone."

"As you command, Your Majesty." Mo Bai'er quickly stood up and went to get the oracle stone.

After a moment, she took the oracle stone, held it in both hands, and whispered: "Your Majesty, the oracle stone is here."

"Yeah." Bipson picked up the oracle stone and opened the oracle network directly.

He entered the nameless section and found the task posted by Ma Lie in a moment. He sneered and wrote under the task: "This is a family matter of Dynasty Sword. Whoever dares to interfere will die!"

After posting it, he stared at the post for a while and said, "Find a way to contact Wuming and ask him to delete this post. Tell him...this will gain my friendship from Bipson."

"As you command, Your Majesty!"

Mo Bai'er knelt on the ground. Although he didn't like Bipson's idea in his heart, he responded obediently.

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