I Contracted Myself

【480】See through at a glance

Baiyu City.

Wuming was a little reluctant to leave.

The main reason was that Baiyu City had too many fun and delicious things. Although it was much more chaotic than Xinding City, it was much better than Xinding City in general.

Mercenaries could always get many things that ordinary people could not get, and gradually formed cooperative relationships with various chambers of commerce in Baiyu City, providing many special commodities steadily.

As long as you have money, you can buy almost anything here, even intelligent life, there is no way to buy and sell.

For example, before entering the city, the intelligent life is sealed up. As long as there is no accident in the transaction process, the fate of the goods will be decided by the goods themselves?

At this time, Wuming was sitting in the living room, piecing together an ancient treasure map.

These were the fragments of the treasure map he bought from the treasure map shop. No one knew what treasures were hidden in these treasure maps, and no one knew whether the treasures had been excavated in the past history.

Baiyu City has special mercenaries who will search for various ancient treasure maps in the world, but they will not go treasure hunting themselves. Instead, they will sell these treasure maps to treasure map shops and let the shops sell these treasure maps.

Of course, in order to prevent mercenaries from secretly memorizing treasure maps or looking for treasures themselves, it is generally necessary to sign a strict contract to sell treasure maps to ensure that these treasure maps have not been tampered with.

The store where Wuming bought the treasure map has a very good reputation. Indeed, many people have found treasures after buying treasure maps, so Wuming also plans to play.

"Sister Lucy Phil has been gone for several weeks. I don't know when she will come back." Maria said worriedly while watching Wuming piece together the treasure map.

Lucy Phil really found information about her uncle in Baiyu City, and left Baiyu City that day, saying that she was going to find Gao Jianhong.

Because the place she was going to was an area that had not yet been controlled, it was very dangerous. Wuming and his friends were originally going to go together, but she refused and just asked Wuming and his friends to help take care of Maria.

"Don't worry, Lucy Phil has mastered so many rules and secrets, she will definitely come back safely." Wuming comforted.

Zhang Shouzhong was sitting on a sofa not far away, chatting with a beautiful woman online while eating. Hearing the conversation between the two, he interrupted and said, "Wuming, what do you decide?"

"What decision?" Wuming put a broken treasure map on the edge of the treasure map and asked.

Zhang Shouzhong said, "It's a store. Do you want to open a store or rent it out?"

"I don't really want to, but it's a pity that this store has no backyard. If there is a backyard..." Wuming said helplessly.

Da Huang lay on the ground. After hearing Wuming's words, he immediately looked up and said, "Sir, you should start considering selling the store, and then buy a quiet house with a backyard in the residential area."

"Yes, this is a good idea." Zhang Shouzhong said.

Anyway, no one present is really short of money, and they don't need to make money from this store.

"This store is no longer in a prime location. Can it be sold at a good price?" Wuming asked.

Lin Renmei said calmly: "I looked at it a few days ago. In fact, the solution is very simple. Just build a teleportation array next to the store, so the value of this store has not dropped too much."

"Then go and look at the house first. If there is a suitable one, sell this store and buy a house." Wuming made the decision.

Although he probably won't live in Baiyu City permanently even if he buys a house, it's not bad to come to Baiyu City occasionally for a short stay, so buying a house is definitely worthwhile.

At worst, he can sell it when he is completely tired of living there.

In the afternoon, everyone went out to look at the house together. Zhang Shouzhong also contacted a local snake who was very familiar with Baiyu City to lead the way.

Baiyu City does not have a real estate agency, or even a real estate company, because the regional controller Baiyu hates these two industries.

At present, the houses and shops in Baiyu City are all managed by the Baiyu City official. You only need to log in to the Oracle Network to check which houses are no longer owned and understand the house prices.

However, some information will not be published on the Internet, such as who lives near this house, the real Feng Shui, etc.

Therefore, buying a house requires the help of some local tyrants, who know the situation of the residents near those houses, and even know whether the houses for sale have hidden worries.

With the help of these people, you can avoid stepping on landmines.

"Miss, Lord Wuming is out."

At this time, one of the two girls hiding under the bushes not far from the store, a girl dressed as a maid, spoke.

The white-clothed woman who held the martial arts competition immediately looked at Wuming. She took a deep breath, walked out from under the bushes, and rushed directly towards Wuming.

However, at the moment of her sprint, Wuming avoided her collision like catkins.

"It's you!"

Lin Renmei appeared beside the white-clothed woman and grabbed her arm with one hand.

In addition, Cheng Xuejie and Maria also recognized the white-clothed woman, and both of them showed doubtful expressions.

"Wu... Lord Wuming, actually... I like you!" The white-clothed woman lowered her head and said with a blushing face.

Zhang Shouzhong exclaimed: "Oh, so the previous martial arts competition was to attract Wuming!!!"

"Well, it's a pity that Lord Wuming didn't come." The woman in white said shyly.

Wuming blinked and said indifferently: "Sorry, I don't like you, can you stay away from me?"

"Wow, so cold and ruthless!" Da Huang said in shock.

Maria was a little angry at first. She was the first to come, but the bitch in white dared to cut in line. But then she heard Wuming's straightforward rejection. She was surprised and a little happy. Wuming rejected the bitch in white so straightforwardly, but he didn't do that to her. Does that mean...

"Master Wuming, why?" The woman in white asked tremblingly as if she had been hit hard.

Wuming said calmly: "Because you are acting. Although your heartbeat, blood flow, and physiological reactions are all simulating the state of liking someone, you don't actually like me, right?"

Through the God Worm, the woman in white in his eyes is a fake lady wearing a vicious mask with a heart-piercing scorpion on the mask.

Moreover, he has thousands of superpowers that can easily judge whether the other party is sincere or false. No matter how much the woman in white pretends, she can't deceive him.


The woman in white fell silent, and this time she was also a little confused.

Because she really didn't know where she had revealed her flaws. Everything was so perfect, and her every move was like a girl in love. Why did Wuming see through it at a glance?

However, now that things have come to this, she can only honestly complete her mother's orders.

If she could get along with Wuming, she wouldn't have to serve that old man Baipson, but now Wuming didn't take the bait, she could only be a mouthpiece and pass Baipson's message to Wuming.

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