I Contracted Myself

【481】Good news


Whose friendship?

Who is Baipson?

After the woman in white honestly conveyed Baipson's words, Wuming blinked and three question marks popped up in his head.

Then he took out the oracle stone, opened the oracle network, and logged into the rescuer network. He found Ma Lie's post and found that the post had been up for more than ten days, but no one had accepted the task.

He looked at the message under the post: "This is the family affair of Dynasty Sword. Whoever dares to interfere will die!"

"Tsk tsk, domineering." Zhang Shouzhong took a look at the side and couldn't help but sigh.

Lin Renmei smiled lightly and said: "I killed at least 99.9 million idiots like this. I didn't expect that there is still room for such people in the Shenzang space."


The woman in white didn't dare to speak and trembled. If His Majesty Baipson heard this, he would probably kill them on the spot.

"Don't underestimate him. He was so arrogant in the Shenzang Space and was not killed. This Baipson still has some strength. But... I'm curious about how he died." Wuming carefully read the information provided by Ma Lie, and then said faintly.

He knew very well that it was impossible to overthrow the rule of the Baisen Dynasty by relying on the natives of Ma Lie's world alone, because the foundation of the Baisen Dynasty was too terrible. In addition, Baipson was high above the Shenzang Space. As long as Baipson was alive, the Baisen Dynasty would be unshakable.

This requires a stronger force to sweep everything and return a bright and clear world to the world.

While speaking, he gently clicked to accept the task. Since no one dared to accept this task, he accepted it.

The moment he accepted the task, the Sword Palace burst out with terrifying murderous intent and sword intent, and many areas watched the rescuer online, Wuming accepted the task commission, some showed a smile of watching the show, and some began to think about what Wuming's purpose was in this step, and some people changed their impression of Wuming and truly recognized Wuming.

The woman in white looked at Wuming in disbelief. She was shocked and said, "You are looking for death. You can't imagine how powerful His Majesty Baipson is."

"Then wait and see, who is stronger, he or I." Wuming put away the oracle stone and said with a smile.

At this moment, the woman in white looked at the confident Wuming, and her heartbeat suddenly accelerated. Oh no, this is the feeling of heartbeat!

"Okay, this is it for the time being. I will do the task when I get back. Bye!" Wuming said lightly at this time, then bypassed the woman in white and left directly.

The woman in white's face changed slightly, and she immediately followed Wuming with the maid.

"Why are you still following us?" Da Huang smelled the woman's scent and turned his head to ask unkindly.

The woman in white gritted her teeth and said, "Master Wuming, I want to follow you. If I go back now, I will definitely be killed by the tyrant Baipson."

"You don't want to stay with us as Baipson's spy?" Zhang Shouzhong guessed suspiciously.

The woman in white raised her hand and swore, "God of Space, if I, Mo Qing, stay with Lord Wuming as a spy, I will die!"

"Follow me if you want. Aren't you afraid that I can't beat Baipson?" Wuming glanced at Mo Qing and asked with a smile.

Mo Qing replied, "My intuition tells me that Lord Wuming will definitely win."


Wuming smiled but said nothing.

At this time, Zhang Shouzhong saw a beautiful woman coming in front of him, and immediately stepped forward to contact her. After a moment, he introduced her to everyone, "She is the resident of Baiyu City I'm looking for. Her name is Hu Lijing."

"Good name, just as the name!" Wuming looked at the fox ears on Hu Lijing's head and gave a thumbs up.

Hu Lijing shook the fox tail behind her and smiled, "I also think this name suits me. I am Hu Lijing from the Qingqiu fox clan. Hello everyone!"

Next, everyone introduced themselves. After chatting for a while, Hu Lijing began to lead the way and talked about the situation of several better houses in Baiyu City recently.

"Houses in Baiyu City have always been in short supply. Most houses will be bought immediately once they are vacant. The remaining houses that no one buys must have some minor problems. One of the houses released a few days ago was bought by a Zerg. It is said that there are a lot of insect nests in the whole house, especially some space insects are still building nests on the coordinates, so it is vacant." Hu Lijing said as she walked.

Cheng Xuejie frowned and said, "So you can't buy a good house now?"

"It depends on how you define good and bad." Hu Lijing said with a smile.

Next, everyone used the teleportation array to teleport after several rounds and came to a huge sky garden. There was also a giant tree forest in the middle of the vast lawn.

On the lawn not far away, several lion people were still playing on the lawn, and a group of real lions were surrounding these lion people as guards.

"This is the wild garden. In recent years, because there are always orcs releasing animals here, there are many deadly creatures in the distant forest. As a result, this place is monopolized by orcs." Hu Lijing introduced in a low voice.

Maria frowned and said, "Why don't you send someone to clean up those creatures? Wouldn't it be safer this way?"

"The Law Enforcement Bureau did clean them up at the beginning, but there are always people releasing them every few days a year, and it's really hard to keep an eye on them. Besides, it's not a big crime. Even if you are caught, you will only be detained for a few days." Hu Lijing explained.

Cheng Xuejie said calmly, "It must be a premeditated action, the purpose is to monopolize this place."

"Okay, let's take a look at this house. Didn't Mr. Zhang say that he is very powerful? If you are strong enough, this house may be suitable for you." Hu Lijing smiled and walked quickly towards a house.


Xinding City.

Ma Lie was full of hope, thinking that a strong man would soon rescue his world.

But soon he learned from his friend Zhu Chixia that Baipson threatened everyone directly on his rescue post, and whoever dared to accept this task would die.

And the development of things was not unexpected, no one dared to accept the task.

Zhu Chixia found a lot of information about Baipson. The more Ma Lie learned, the more desperate he became. Baipson's power in the Shenzang space was far beyond his imagination. No wonder no one dared to accept the task.

But he soon cheered up. Since no one dared to save his world, he would save it by himself, which was nothing more than returning to the original path.

He practiced harder and studied all kinds of exercises that could be learned harder.

In addition to work, he devoted himself to practice.

"Ma Lie, good news, good news!"

Suddenly, Zhu Chixia's pig-killing scream came from outside the door.

Ma Lie was sitting on the toilet, practicing and working as a scab. Hearing Zhu Chixia's voice, he had to open the door and asked, "What good news? Baipson died suddenly?"

"No, it's your post. Look... Mr. Wuming took the task!" Zhu Chixia shouted excitedly.

Ma Lie suddenly showed an incredible expression and immediately looked at Zhu Chixia. Zhu Chixia smiled and shared the screen of her oracle stone.

When Ma Lie saw the name of the person who took over the task, tears suddenly filled his eyes. His world was saved!

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