I Contracted Myself

【482】The Cursed House

Sword of Dynasty area, Sword Palace.

Bipson looked at Mo Bai'er kneeling on the ground, showed a chilling smile, and said leisurely: "It's really touching, the love between mother and daughter is deep."

"Your Majesty, I really didn't know Qing'er would take refuge in Wuming, I really didn't know." Mo Bai'er trembled.

The smile on Bipson's face faded and he said calmly: "Okay, now that Wuming is determined to go against our Dynasty Sword, what are your plans?"

As he spoke, he looked at his men standing in two rows in front.

These subordinates are all sword slaves. Each one is bound to a sword and uses his own body to nourish these swords. When Bipson does not retract his sword, they can rely on the power of the sword to a certain extent, and they can be regarded as the mainstay of the Sword of the Dynasty.

"Your Majesty, since Wuming has made up his mind to oppose us and will inevitably enter your Majesty's world, we simply set up a dragnet there to prevent him from coming back." A man with a rough appearance and wolf-like eyes said.

He is the No. 1 Sword Servant Bu Ninshi, and the sword he is bound to is called Tu Kong. This sword was once a commonly used sword by Bipson, and it was named after it once wiped out a city in one day.

Later, because Tu Kong's strength could no longer keep up with Bipson's speed of becoming stronger, Bipson gave him the Bu Nin Stone, which was responsible for nourishing Tu Kong's sword.

Bu Ninshi has followed Bipson for a very long time, so he ranks first among the thirty-three sword slaves, but in terms of strength, he is actually ranked outside the tenth. After all, the Great Sword of Tukong is the earliest sword used by Bipson, and its potential is also lowest.

"Your Majesty, we can also issue a reward. In fact, there are many people who can't stand the nameless people now. We can definitely make use of the power of these people." Sword Slave No. 3 Orma said.

Sword Slave No. 9 also immediately said: "We can use the Sealing God Line to block Wuming's escape route once he enters His Majesty's world, and then let him continue to fight those who can't stand him, wearing down his strength, and waiting for him Exhausted, and then completely destroyed him with overwhelming power."

The Sealing God Thread is a treasure from the Divine Treasure Trial. It can perfectly seal off a planet, making it impossible for living creatures on the planet to leave, for up to a hundred years.

Within a hundred years, Wuming could be exhausted to death on the land of the Baisen Dynasty.

"Mo Bai'er, what do you think?" Bipson did not comment on the sword slave's proposal. He suddenly looked at Mo Bai'er with a half-smile and asked.

Mo Bai'er shook her plump body slightly and said in a trembling voice: "I...I think what the adults said is right."

"Hahahaha, just go ahead and do it!" Bipson suddenly laughed.

Mo Baier had no idea what Bipson was thinking. As long as she lowered her head lower, the chill in her heart became stronger and stronger. She had a very, very bad premonition.

White jade city.

Wuming and others spent three days looking at the house.

Finally, he sold the shop and bought a small villa on the third floor of Baiyu City.

There is a big problem with this villa, and that is that it has been cursed by someone. Five buyers have died after buying this villa.

However, there is no shortage of adventurers in Shenzang Space. Just like those confident buyers before, Wuming also confidently purchased this villa.

Everyone had nothing to move, so they cleaned it up after purchasing, and then moved in directly.

This is a three-story small villa covering an area of ​​3,300 square meters. In front of it is a huge artificial lake. The edge of the backyard behind the villa overlooks the entire Baiyu City.

Because of its strategic location, people continued to take the risk to buy it. However, five sellers died unexpectedly, leaving the house vacant for a while.

If Wuming doesn't buy it, it is estimated that in a few weeks, some brave practitioners will still buy it. Maybe this will form a cycle. After the buyer dies, the house will be put up for sale again.

"Can you feel the curse?"

After the room selection activity, everyone gathered in the backyard. Wuming sat on the swing and asked everyone.

Maria shook her head and said: "No, I can't feel the breath of the curse at all. Could it be that it's not a curse, but someone deliberately hunting down the buyers of this house, in order to continuously lower the price of the house, so as to facilitate myself who has insufficient financial resources? Buy?"

"This is an interesting guess." Wuming said with a smile.

Lin Renmei said calmly: "There is indeed no aura of curse. It may be that it is different from the power system we know. After all, some power systems are weird and unpredictable. If you don't know how to do it, you can easily fall into it."

"I have read the records of the previous buyers. The first buyer was named Zhuang Huacheng, who was a soul painter by profession. After he bought this house, he lived there for about a month and then committed suicide in the house. The suicide note he left behind confessed that he decided to commit suicide because he had lost inspiration and became desperate.

The second buyer was named Tom Mooreus, who was the leader of the giant cat mercenary group. After buying the house, he died in a mission before he could move in. His wife and children had to sell the villa. , to raise funds for Tom Moore's funeral.

The third buyer is..."

Cheng Xuejie told the information about the previous buyers one by one, and then said: "They all died in different ways. The rumors of the curse only started to spread after the death of the fourth buyer. When the fifth buyer purchased, the house price had already increased." The pressure is very low, and it’s even lower when we come here.”

"You want to say that this might be an accident, and the reason for such a rumor is that the fifth buyer deliberately released the news, with the purpose of lowering the house price and reducing competitors?" Zhang Shouzhong immediately reacted and asked.

Cheng Xuejie nodded and said, "This possibility is not ruled out, but the other party may not have thought that he would really die."

"Then let's see, anyway, the curse only targets the owner of the house, and the wife, children, and friends do not seem to be affected. Now I am the owner of the house. If this curse is really that strong, then I will admit it." Wuming said with a smile.

Lin Renmei looked at Wuming and changed the subject: "When do you plan to carry out the mission?"

"In two days, the other party must have laid a net waiting for me. It doesn't matter if they wait a little longer, and it can wear down their patience." Wuming replied.

Isn't there a saying called 'the first blow is strong, the second is weak, and the third is exhausted'?

At the beginning, the other party must be aggressive and full of fighting spirit. Once Wuming really appears, he will definitely strike with thunder.

But Wuming did not make a move immediately. Instead, he left them alone for a while, waiting for their fighting spirit to subside before appearing again. By then, the opponent's combat effectiveness had dropped by more than half.

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