I Contracted Myself

【483】True Self Heaven

However, Wuming's approach is not without disadvantages.

Delaying time can certainly wear down the opponent's fighting spirit, but it will also give them more time to prepare traps.

For this reason, Wuming also prepared to practice a new rule secret after moving into his new home.

After learning the ancient cutting eye freezing light technique, he has already entered the door. After understanding the true meaning of the rule secret technique, it is much easier to understand other rule secret techniques.

Although it still requires a certain amount of luck and a moment of blessing, it is much better than not even being able to touch the door before.

This time, he practiced the mystery of the veil, which is the secret technique that Lucy Phil sent Cheng Xuejie off the stage before.

Once you learn this secret technique, many conspiracies and traps will be difficult to hurt him.

Wuming sat on the swing, holding a broken, old red ribbon in his hand. This red ribbon was the foundation for practicing the Veil Chaos Trace Art, but it was completely different from practicing the Ancient Eyes Cutting Eyes Frozen Light Art. This red ribbon had no abnormalities, and the difficulty of getting started was hundreds of times higher than that of the Ancient Eyes Cutting Eyes Frozen Light Art.

The Ancient Eyes Cutting Eyes Frozen Light Art was a truly entry-level rule art, but this entry level was not its strength level, but the difficulty of learning it.

In fact, the Ancient Eyes Cutting Eyes Frozen Light Art was very strong, and it was one of the few rule art arts with great lethality.

Most of the art arts were actually not very offensive, and the rule art arts of defense, sealing, and control were the majority of the rule art arts. The attacking art arts such as the Ancient Eyes Cutting Eyes Frozen Light Art were, on the contrary, a minority of the minority.

It was only because the Ancient Eyes Cutting Eyes Frozen Light Art was easy to learn and easy to get started with that it became the gatekeeper of the rule art arts. Learning the Ancient Eyes Cutting Eyes Frozen Light Art was equivalent to getting started.

"I can't feel any special power at all, how can I learn it?"

Wuming took the red ribbon and studied it carefully. In fact, he got this red ribbon from Lucyphile before Lucyphile left. He also studied it when he had nothing to do, but he didn't find anything.

This ribbon is too ordinary. There are nothing else on both sides of the red ribbon except two parallel black lines. The material is also very ordinary. If Gao Shang Palace hadn't reinforced this ribbon, it might turn into dust with a light pinch.


Half a day passed in a blink of an eye. Wuming put away the red ribbon, took out the oracle stone and started ordering takeout.

Maria, who was lying on the stone table not far away, saw that Wuming didn't continue to study the red ribbon, and immediately came forward and asked: "Master Wuming, have you learned it?"

"No, I'm hungry, buy some food first." Wuming replied.

Maria sat on the swing next to Wuming, swinging on the swing while saying: "Don't worry, Lord Wuming. It's great to learn one of the secrets of rules. Most people can't learn any."

"Thank you, I will learn it!" Wuming smiled.

After a while, the takeaway aircraft arrived. Wuming changed his mood and had a big meal with Maria. Then he continued to study the secret of the red ribbon.


Byson Dynasty.

The sword slaves were all setting up various traps everywhere under the command of the No. 1 sword slave Bu Renshi.

At first, they were worried that there was not enough time, and they all raced against time to set up various formations and mechanisms, but after they were set up, they began to look forward to Wuming's arrival, and then used the props given by Baipson to kill Wuming.

A few days passed in a blink of an eye.

Whether it was the sword slaves or the soldiers of the Baisen Dynasty, they were all a little numb.

"Lord Buninishi, will the Wuming you mentioned really show up? Now the army is in a panic, and many soldiers are beginning to doubt whether to fight or not." One day, a general found Buninishi and asked carefully.

Buninishi also had a headache. After Wuming accepted the mission, shouldn't he come to save the world immediately? Can he really save the world with such a slow efficiency?

Don't wait until hundreds of billions or trillions of years later when the world is destroyed before coming.

Buninishi was irritated, but on the surface he said calmly: "Wuming will definitely come. You should appease the soldiers in the army. You will still be needed in the formation when the time comes. If there is a mistake, I believe you know what the result will be."

"Count? What count?"

Suddenly, Buninishi frowned when he heard the question. Just when he was about to scold the general, he realized the next second that the voice was not from the general in front of him.

Not good!

He turned around suddenly, and a green-haired man looked at him with a smile.

"Who are you?" Buninishi immediately stepped back, holding the Sky-Slaying Great Sword behind him with one hand.

The green-haired man had thick smoky makeup on his eyes. He grinned when Buninishi asked, "Me? My name is... Shingo Tenjin, you can also call me... Lala Lala!"

Those 'Lala Lala's were so nervous that Buninishi and the general didn't react. When they reacted, Shingo Tenjin was already standing behind them, with one hand on Buninishi's shoulder and one hand on the general's shoulder.

He smiled and said, "You want to deal with Wuming, and I also want to kill Wuming. Our goals are the same, but I'm different from the cannon fodder before. I have other good ideas, but I need you to cooperate a little... a little, just for a little while!"

"Since everyone wants to deal with Wuming, they are friends on the same front..." Buninishi realized that Shingo Tenjin was very strong, and immediately wanted to win him over.

However, the real Tianren didn't wait for him to finish his words, and gently inserted a sweet potato leaf into his neck with one hand.

"You are... the sweet potato god!" Bu Renshi's whole body suddenly froze, his face turned pale, and he said with difficulty.

Shingo Tenjin said with a smile: "Don't slander me, how could I be the sweet potato god, I am me, Shingo Tenjin, as for the sweet potato god... it's here!"

As he spoke, he inserted a sweet potato into the general's neck with his other hand.

The general actually wanted to resist when he heard Bu Renshi's words, but Shingo Tenjin's hand on his shoulder made him unable to move. Now that a sweet potato was inserted into him, his whole body quickly turned into a sweet potato, and gradually became like a sweet potato.

"Okay, then wait for Wuming to come."

Shingo Tenjin gently pushed the two people, and the two people took two steps forward stiffly. Bu Renshi's body immediately grew dense sweet potato leaves, and the general took root under his feet and quickly spread to the ground.

"Sweet potatoes are so good, they can be eaten and used."

Shingo Tenjin looked at the two people, sighed, and disappeared again.

Although he really wants Wuming to die, as a strong man who has survived for countless years, he will not do it himself. The vest flow is gone, but there are still countless ways for a strong man to survive in the world and achieve his goals.

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