I Contracted Myself

【484】Baipson's Background

"Enemy attack!"

Soon after the True Self Heavenly Man left, the Bunin Stone, whose body was covered with sweet potato leaves, gradually returned to normal. Bunin Stone came to his senses and immediately roared.

But then he frowned. What did he just shout?

Enemy attack?

Where did the enemy come from?

He immediately looked at the general next to him. The general who had turned into a sweet potato man looked at him strangely.


At this moment, both of them were a little embarrassed. What were they talking about just now?

They seemed to have forgotten that the True Self Heavenly Man had come, and also forgot what the True Self Heavenly Man had done to them. Their memories gradually returned to the moment before the True Self Heavenly Man appeared.


A few days passed.

Wuming learned the art of walking in the misty veil.

In fact, the rule secret art does not increase the level of the practitioner. Wuming learned two rule secret arts, and his level did not change at all.

Although the two rule secret arts are powerful, they are essentially just a kind of ability to take advantage of external forces. They just used some rules set by the transcendents in the past to achieve their own goals.

This power is not their own power, so the essence of life will not change because of learning the rules secret art, nor will the level be upgraded because of learning the rules secret art.

The reason why Wuming realized the art of walking between mist and chaos is very simple, that is, when he went out, he saw a family using fog to form a wall outside their house. Anyone who entered the fog would be teleported outside, and only the gate could really enter the family.

The moment he saw the fog wall, Wuming took out the red ribbon with a sudden inspiration, and he really realized the art of walking between mist and chaos from it.

In fact, the art of walking between mist and chaos is a kind of boundary line, but Gao Shanggong and Lucy Phil both used this boundary line to create the defensive art of walking between mist and chaos.

Moreover, the art of walking between mist and chaos has a higher-level application method. If you are good at using the art of walking between mist and chaos, you can easily divide the battlefield and let the enemy fight one-on-one with you, and even use the art of walking between mist and chaos to achieve the effect of returning all the enemy's attacks.

Of course, this secret technique also has its own disadvantages, that is, it is difficult to defend against some coordinate attacks or attacks that do not require a path.

It is not invincible, but it is indeed difficult to deal with. General space means and ordinary attack moves basically have no effect on those who master the veil chaos and traces. After learning the veil chaos and traces, Wuming was ready to leave for Ma Lie's world.

"Master Wuming, I also want to save the world." Maria looked at Wuming eagerly when Wuming went out.

Wuming smiled and said, "This is my mission. Besides, I have learned the veil chaos and traces. If there is danger, I can withdraw at any time. You wait at home for a few days, and I will be back soon."

"Master Wuming, have a good trip." Da Huang said immediately.

Wuming nodded, then looked at Lin Renmei, then at Cheng Xuejie, and then at Zhang Shouzhong, and smiled: "Okay, I'm off."

After that, he received the space crystal sub-crystal submitted by Ma Lie and teleported away directly.


Byson Dynasty, Sand City

Wuming appeared in the city and saw a group of people queuing up to get water.

He used the superpowers of Tianchang Fox to make himself completely invisible to others, and then watched the residents pay and get water. Some ragged people hid in dark corners, watching this scene with numb eyes, and their breath became weaker and weaker.

This is a border city very close to the desert. There is only one well, and it is controlled by the government. Anyone who wants to get water must pay.

People have resisted and thought about digging wells secretly, but the result is death.

In the end, the more bloody and backbone people die faster.

Wuming walked through the streets and alleys to confirm that the information provided by Ma Lie was correct. This is a country that needs to be completely overturned from top to bottom, starting from the palace!

He flew into the air in an instant, and then flew towards the direction of the palace.

In the year of severe drought, the outside of the city was barren, and the edible things had long been eaten by people in the surrounding villages and cities, and the land was bare.

Wuming saw many human bones on the ground. The youngest ones might have died before they were born. Their small bones were stuck in their mothers' bones. It was a horrible sight.

He accelerated suddenly the next moment, flew thousands of kilometers in an instant, and then was hit to the ground by a lightning bolt from the sky.

"Is my luck good or bad?"

At this time, a burly sword slave with a big sword in his hand fell from the sky and said with a strange, pig-like voice.

"Hey, where are the people?" The sword slave watched the dust gradually dissipate, but did not see Wuming.

The next moment, he felt something was wrong, and immediately turned around and blocked his chest with the sword. In an instant, a fist was printed on the big sword, and he flew backwards immediately.

The feeling is wrong.

Wuming clenched his fist and thought to himself.

With the power of his current punch, the sword slave should normally explode into blood foam on the spot, but he didn't feel much force when he hit the sword just now.

"It's a close call. Fortunately, I reacted quickly." The sword slave jumped up on the ground and said with a smile.

Wuming's eyes instantly shot out two lasers. This time, the sword slave didn't even have time to block with his sword. Instantly, the two lasers hit the sword slave's chest, and the sword slave flew backwards again.

Still something was wrong.

Wuming put away the lasers and looked at the sword slave curiously.

His attack was weakened, but the reason for the weakening is still unclear. However, it was weakened too much, which was a bit like the ninth level he experienced in the Shenzang Space.

In an instant, he thought of the props rewarded by the Shenzang Space.

These days, he has checked Baipson's information and knows something about Baipson.

Baipson was a participant in the Shenzang Trial five hundred years ago. There were eight survivors at that time, and Baipson was one of them. Seven of the rewards he received were used in the levels of the Shenzang Trial.

The reward he received in the first level was the Eye of the Divine Sword, which seemed to greatly improve his sword realm and allow him to have the ability to become one with the sword.

The reward for the second level was the Sword of the Dynasty, which is the name of his current area.

This sword can absorb the luck of the dynasty and continuously strengthen Baipson's strength. The Baison Dynasty still exists today, perhaps because Baipson needs to absorb the luck of the Baison Dynasty, so he has been maintaining the existence of the Baison Dynasty.

The reward for the third level is the Overlord Sword Body, which gives Baipson the ability to fuse with the sword. Every cell of his is a sword, which can emit terrifying sword energy at will.

The reward for the fourth level is a one-time prop, which has been used, so there is no need to mention it again.

The reward for the fifth level is unknown, and the reward for the sixth level is the Hidden God Sword Sheath, which can be used to nourish the sword. Baipson's Dynasty Sword has been nourished in the sheath.

The seventh level is a one-time prop, the eighth level is also a one-time prop, and the reward for the ninth level is unknown.

This is the power that Baipson got in the God Hidden Space, and it is because of these powers that he has the current strength.

It can be said that every person who passes the God Hidden Trial is very terrible. Baipson is just one of many controllers, not the top one.

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