I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [087] Big Dreams and Small Goals

Zhang Ping stared at Guan Hongying and said seriously: "Has Li Aoxue killed innocent people indiscriminately? Does she like to kill people like a cat and a mouse?"

"How is it possible? Your Majesty has great ambitions, how could he do such a completely useless thing." Guan Hongying directly denied it.

Zhang Ping then gave a general account of Liu Sishan's experience, and then said: "I believe that my sister is not lying, so how should you explain it?"

"Impossible. When did she meet His Majesty?"

Although Guan Hongying didn't like the cleaning team's plan to thwart Li Aoxue, she actually had a high opinion of Zhang Ping.

She knew very well that Zhang Ping could not lie about this kind of thing.

Therefore, she must prove Li Aoxue's innocence.

"About when?"

Zhang Ping frowned slightly. He had a good memory. He remembered that Liu Sishan said that it only took her one year to advance from a junior awakened person to an intermediate awakened person.

She also said that when she and her master encountered Li Aoxue, she was still an intermediate awakener, so she couldn't do anything.

Pearl Ability Academy is a public academy, and all funds are allocated by the city government.

Generally, students enter school at the age of 8 and undergo 10 years of cultural studies and physical training, but many geniuses graduate early.

Liu Sishan also entered school at the age of 8. She is 3 years older than Zhang Ping.

By the time Zhang Ping entered school at the age of 8, she had already graduated early. She was 11 years old at that time.

In other words, she became an intermediate awakener at the age of 12.

Zhang Ping is now 17 years old, and Liu Sishan is 3 years older than him, which is 20 years old.

Based on this calculation, Liu Sishan should have become an intermediate awakener about eight years ago.

The problem is that Zhang Ping doesn't know when Liu Sishan advanced to a high-level awakened person. Liu Sishan's stay as an intermediate awakened person must be quite long, and it is impossible to advance in just one year.

"It was probably eight to three or four years ago." Zhang Ping said a little uncertainly.

Guan Hongying frowned and said: "With such a long span of time, I can't give you an answer, but I believe that Your Majesty will never do such an unscrupulous thing. Maybe... her enemy is impersonating her. I will Tell your majesty, if we can meet again one day, I will give you an answer!"

"Okay, I'll wait for your answer. Then... I will collect the materials that are useful for the corpse-eating ape. After collecting them, I will take the first step. Please pay attention to your safety." Zhang Ping was not disappointed with this.

, after all, the time he provided was indeed too long.

Even if Guan Hongying is Li Aoxue's confidant, it is impossible for her to stay with Li Aoxue for eight years and understand Li Aoxue's every move.

"Is there really someone pretending to be Li Aoxue? Isn't this a common whitewash in novels?"

Zhang Ping walked to the corpse-eating ape, preparing to collect materials that could be used from the corpse-eating ape, but he was still thinking about Liu Sishan.

He believed that Liu Sishan did not lie, but he could also see that Guan Hongying did not lie either.

Guan Hongying is so easy to understand. She has a fiery personality, a sharp tongue and a soft heart. She often likes to be straightforward, so the possibility of her lying is extremely low.

Of course, Zhang Ping didn't completely believe her words, maybe 60%.

"Um...thank you for saving Aunt Hongying, can I know your name? You know...my name is Zhong Xiaoyu." Zhong Xiaoyu walked to the entrance of the cave at this time, looked at Zhang Ping and said a little embarrassed.

Zhang Ping manipulated the mist into a small knife, raised his head and squinted his eyes and smiled: "My name is Zhang Ping. I have a long bow and an ordinary appearance."

"I'll remember it, thank you, Zhang Ping, we'll see you next time!" she said happily, her cheeks turning slightly red, exuding a youthful flavor.

Zhang Ping smiled and said, "I hope we don't have to be so tense next time we meet."

"Well, certainly not."

After Zhong Xiaoyu finished speaking, he turned around and walked into the tree hole.

She took Guan Hongying and left first. In fact, she didn't mind staying a little longer, but Guan Hongying didn't trust Zhang Ping and was worried that something might happen if she stayed too long.

Zhang Ping glanced at the empty tree hole, shrugged and said, "I don't know how to eat people, so why should you be wary of me?"

"Zhang Ping, what you said just now are all your own thoughts?" Situ Shibai asked after seeing that the two women had left.

Zhang Ping nodded and said: "Well, everything is what I think from the bottom of my heart."

"Then if it were you, what would you do?" Situ Shibai asked again.

Zhang Ping didn't understand the meaning of Situ Shibai's words and asked doubtfully: "What if it's me? What if?"

"If you wanted to unify the human race, what would you do?" Situ Shibai added.

Zhang Ping shook his head and said: "It's impossible, it's impossible. I will never do such a thankless thing. My biggest dream in the past was to eat and wait to die. Now, I have a slightly bigger dream. That's wandering around the world, look

this world. "

Of course, there are three small goals before this big dream, which are to deal with Tian Changhu, then kill the Zhu family, and then help Liu Sishan avenge his blood.


Situ Shibai fell into silence.

He originally thought Zhang Ping had some great ideas, but the result was this...

Seeing that Situ Shibai stopped asking, Zhang Ping smiled faintly and continued to dissect the corpse of the corpse-eating ape.

Of course he knew what Situ Shibai wanted to ask, but whether it was feudal society or capital society, or even the system implemented in his original country, they could not be fully adapted to this world.

After all, this world has a large number of alien beasts and endless awakeners.

In the final analysis, this world is more like those in online novels: the strong prey on the weak, and the strong are respected.

No matter what great truth there is, you must first have enough power to make others listen to your truth. From this point of view, it seems that no matter what world it is, it is actually the same.

The weak will be beaten.

After collecting the corpse-eating ape, Zhang Ping continued to set off.

He did have a lot of ideas about this world, but he never told anyone about these ideas, because he didn't know the details of this world, and he couldn't even answer the question "Why are there awakeners?" Why think so much?

What if this world is just a dream created by a big boss?

All Zhang Ping can do is to follow his heart and move forward step by step with his feet on the ground until he can see all the scenery of this world clearly and understand all the truth of this world. At that time, perhaps he will be qualified to change something.

Now all this is too early for him.

Next, he continued to walk through the forest, looking for alien beasts suitable as training objects.

However, powerful mutants are often unpredictable. Unless you become the prey of the mutants, it is not so easy to easily encounter the mutants.

Of course, the main reason is that Zhang Ping is not experienced enough.

If it is an old hand like Liu Sishan, it is relatively easy to find the mutants.

Walking and stopping along the way, little Seron came out of the storage twice, ate and went back to sleep.

The little guy wanted to go on an adventure with him at first, but he became drowsy after a while. In the end, he learned his lesson and simply went into the storage to rest.

After all, it is still too young and its energy is not even as good as that of ordinary people.

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