I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [088] Movements of all parties

Looking at Mount Everest a few kilometers away, at the foot of the mountain.

The two adventurers were bruised and paralyzed on the ground, unable to get up after several struggles.

"Tell me, which way did that girl go?"

In front of the two adventurers, a burly man two and a half meters tall asked calmly.

The older of the two adventurers, the awakened one, coughed and shouted in pain and grievance: "We all said, we don't know, we really don't know, it was just an accidental encounter."

"Ape Dragon, he is telling the truth." Next to the strong man, a woman said.

Zhu Yuanlong looked at the two adventurers, and finally turned around and said: "After taking care of them, we will continue to search. We must find the girl as soon as possible!"


The woman responded and waved to the men behind her.

Several men immediately stepped forward and grabbed the hair of the two adventurers, dragged them aside and chopped them off neatly.

at this time.

In the woods more than ten kilometers away, Zhang Ping was fighting a corpse-eating ape.

He used a sneak attack to kill a corpse-eating ape in an instant, but in fact the corpse-eating apes are not weak. They seem to be born to use the ape king style, and their movements are unpredictable. In fact, they are very difficult to fight. .

"Yuan Long? Ape Dragon?"


Zhang Ping held a huge sickle in his hand and looked in the direction of the wind while waving it.

The corpse-eating ape's eyes lit up slightly, and the next moment it immediately punched Zhang Ping's head.

"Fell into a trap!"

Zhang Ping narrowed his eyes with a smile, and his upper body twisted downward strangely, making movements that were impossible for humans to do.

While avoiding the corpse-eating ape's fist, he rotated his waist and used the Dread Scythe to cut off the corpse-eating ape's waist. The corpse-eating ape screamed and its upper body fell to the ground, with blood and internal organs flowing all over the floor.

Zhang Ping can use partial pure hydration or partial pure blood to make many actions that humans cannot do. For example, by pure hydrating the waist, the upper body can easily rotate 180 degrees.

He has been thinking about these little tricks, but this is the first time he has used them in battle.

Apparently, it works well.

He glanced at the corpse-eating ape that was still struggling and wailing on the ground, and simply ended its pain with the Mist Flying Knife.

"Ape Dragon, that girl..."

After confirming that the corpse-eating ape was completely dead, Zhang Ping looked seriously at the direction where the sound came from.

Someone looking for a girl?

But listen to the conversation and the begging for mercy from the last two adventurers,

Cursing, this group of people looking for girls may not be good people.

Zhang Ping had no intention of meddling in other people's business. He was just used to analyzing the various information brought by the whisperers, because there was a lot of important information hidden in these clueless conversations.

He squatted down and began to collect useful materials from the corpse-eating ape.

Corpse-eating apes and corpse-eating dogs are two completely different creatures. In fact, corpse-eating apes do not entirely feed on corpses. To be precise, their diets are quite complex, and almost all creatures are included in their diets.

As Guan Hongying said, they don't mind eating some weak creatures, even if these creatures are not dead.

In the endless mountains, the plants that appear every certain distance will be hugely different.

According to research by scholars in Pearl City, this is due to differences in the habitats of alienated beasts. The corpses of some alienated beasts become nutrients for plants after death, which will eventually cause some plants to mutate.

The simplest examples are water-eroding bullet rabbits and hydrochloric acid grass.

The two have always been interdependent. Where there is hydrochloric acid grass, there will definitely be water-eroding bullet rabbits, and where there are water-eroding bullet rabbits, there will definitely be hydrochloric acid grass.

When the water-eroded bullet rabbit dies, the burial ground will become the most suitable place for the growth of hydrochloric acid grass, and the place with hydrochloric acid grass will become the most suitable place for the breeding of water-eroded bullet rabbits.

It is this phenomenon of the harmonious coexistence of alienated beasts and nature that creates countless strange terrains and plants of various shapes in the endless mountains.

At this time, Liu Sishan and Cheng Xuejie passed through a jungle made entirely of vines. In front of them was a red leaf forest.

The red leaf tree is a relatively short tree that is very suitable for the habitat of an alien beast called the fire monkey.

This plant is very resistant to high temperatures and has a very high ignition point. To melt some special metals, red leaf trees must be used as fuel.

"Be careful, there's something going on ahead." Liu Sishan whispered as he approached the red leaf forest.

She and Cheng Xuejie hid quietly behind a red leaf tree, and then saw several men in black chasing Bai De.

Bai De is Zhang Ping's coach. During the time when Liu Sishan was personally protecting Zhang Ping, he investigated Bai De's background and knew that Bai De was not a bad person.

"Could it be that Bai De's appearance here has something to do with Zhang Ping?" She narrowed her eyes and decisively decided to take action.

She made a gesture to Cheng Xuejie, who nodded slightly, preparing for a curious attack.

At this time, Bai De ran past Liu Sishan and suddenly caught sight of Liu Sishan and Cheng Xuejie from the corner of his eye. He frowned slightly and stopped abruptly the next moment.

After walking for a while, he stopped running.

The eyes of the men in black immediately locked on Bai De, and then a whip of water instantly passed through the ribs of the men in black. At the same time, Cheng Xuejie jumped out from behind the tree, using three hands and two feet to kill the seriously injured Bai De. All the men in clothes were kicked to the ground.

"It's best not to move, otherwise your heart will be pierced by me instantly." Liu Sishan slowly walked out and said calmly.

Although these men in black don't look like good people, Liu Sishan has no habit of killing innocent people indiscriminately.

She won't make any judgments easily until she understands the truth of the matter.

"Thank you two girls for helping!" Bai De took a breath and saw that the men in black were subdued, and immediately said thank you.

Liu Sishan looked at Bai De and asked, "Zhang Ping?"

"You are... what Zhang Ping said..."

Bai De immediately understood what Liu Sishan meant, and his eyes lit up slightly.

Then before he finished speaking, he realized that there were outsiders present. He glanced at the man in black on the ground and simply shut up.

Liu Sishan looked at Cheng Xuejie, who immediately understood what she meant and knocked out the men in black on the ground one by one.

"Okay, where is Zhang Ping?" Liu Sishan asked after making sure that the man in black was unconscious.

Bai De smiled bitterly and said: "I'm not sure. I was asked by Wang Jieming to ask the owner to go to the Unfinished Park to meet Zhang Ping. Who knew that Zhang Ping killed a person at that time, and later I found out that the person was a fox. …”

He roughly told the whole story until he was surrounded by men in black.

In fact, he was not running for his life, but wasting away the physical strength of these men in black. One man in black had already been solved by him, but the main attributes of these men in black were agility and physical strength, so it was difficult to solve them. He needed It takes more time to be sure to clean it up without getting hurt.

"Did Zhang Ping lure away the Montenegrin ants?" Liu Sishan frowned worriedly after hearing this.

The problem is that there's really no one to blame for this.

This is the trouble Zhang Ping brought upon himself, and it was also the decision Zhang Ping made himself.

She sighed slightly and decided: "Then please take me to your meeting place, and I will wait for him with you."

"Okay, let's go." Bai De nodded.

Cheng Xuejie looked at these men in black and asked, "What should they do?"

"Let them fend for themselves." Liu Sishan decided.

Being comatose in such a barren mountain is actually no different from death.

After they leave, there will naturally be alienated beasts to help them deal with these men in black.

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