I Contracted Myself

【487】Come here

Helplessly, Wuming could only close his eyes and not look.

The arrow shot at his throat and passed through his throat directly, and the whole arrow disappeared instantly.

Although the people present were unhappy, they all knew that Wuming had this trick, so they immediately took the opportunity to retreat, and at the same time took out several props and threw them into the air. One of them was a golden bamboo that exploded in the air, forming dense arrows, and then there was a metal ball that emitted light like the sun, shielding the perception of all creatures below...

Wuming closed his eyes, and he could actually use his telekinesis, mental power and other abilities to perceive everything around him, but when several props played their effects accordingly, he could not feel anything in the outside world.

Now he either opened his eyes or he could only be a real blind man.

Sure enough, once more people knew any trick, they could always think of a way to crack it.

Although those props could not hurt him, they could affect the surrounding environment, making his perception ineffective, thereby achieving the purpose of affecting him.

There is no doubt that the moment he opened his eyes, he was definitely faced with a violent storm of attacks.

But if you want to use this trick against him, you are underestimating him.

Instantly, starting from his back, the Deep Sea Apostle slowly spread around like a black tattoo. After it was completely attached to his back, he instantly appeared in front of the Staff Man and slashed at the Staff Man's forehead with his hand knife.

The Staff Man's pupils shrank slightly, and he raised the staff to block in front of him while retreating.

The edge of the knife collided with the staff, and the Staff Man was immediately knocked out.

Others came to help, but the attack on Wuming had no effect. Although some of the damage would fall on the Deep Sea Apostle, the Deep Sea Apostle could be reborn in the Nameless Sea even if he died, and the result would not change at all.

"It's a pity that Wuming's five senses cannot be blocked." Baipson frowned slightly while watching the battle below from the sky.

He wanted to buy the props that made Wuming unable to close his eyes, but this kind of props were very expensive, and he only bought one, and it was obvious that this prop was not yet time to use it.

Wuming is very strong, and we have not yet explored Wuming's limit. Once we use the props but cannot kill Wuming, it will be difficult to deal with Wuming next.

Initially, the plan set by Baipson and his team was to wear down Wuming's power, and to find out Wuming's strength while wearing down Wuming's power.

Only by knowing ourselves and the enemy can we completely solve Wuming once and for all. Next, Wuming's offensive was exquisite and continuous. Under the control of the Deep Sea Apostle, Wuming's combat power was much more powerful than his normal attack. Almost every attack hit the enemy's most painful point. The staff man felt like he was stuck by Wuming and was pushed into the abyss of death by Wuming little by little.

What's more terrifying is that this feeling is very strong, but he has no way to get rid of it.

Ten seconds later, the staff man roared, simply gave up defense and madly slashed at Wuming with an energy knife, but all the attacks were ineffective. Instead, he was hit by Wuming continuously in the vitals, and suddenly expanded and exploded, following the footsteps of his own leader.

After the death of the staff man, the remaining mercenaries lost their will to fight. Even the female mercenary who wanted to avenge her leader was knocked unconscious by her companions and was taken away neatly.

Obviously, these mercenaries gave up the mission.

Because there were reporters filming in the sky, although Baipson was very dissatisfied with these mercenaries' desertion, he did not attack them.

After all, if he killed these mercenaries now, he would not be able to recruit mercenaries to fight for him in the future.

Outside the star.

A host shouted excitedly: "Lord Wuming won again. It turns out that Lord Wuming is invincible. These scums who help the evil are not worth dying. Let's cheer for Lord Wuming together and hope that Lord Wuming can save the world."

"There is no suspense. There is no possibility of Lord Wuming losing." A panda man said not far away.

Because there is no suspense, the gamblers in the Oracle Space did not use this battle to gamble. Most of the gamblers bet on the victory or defeat of the battle between Wuming and Baipson.

Of course, everyone knows that this time it is possible that the overthrow of the Baisen Dynasty will be the end. Wuming may not fight against Baipson. After all, most people do not know the importance of the Baisen Dynasty to Baipson.

In fact, it is not only the people in the Shenzang Space who are watching the live broadcast, but many mercenaries in the Baisen Dynasty are also watching the live broadcast.

These people were originally flying towards Wuming at a very fast speed, fearing that the prey would be taken by others first, but after seeing that the first mercenary group to arrive was killed by Wuming, these guys slowed down at the same time.

"The strength of the Hongyu Mercenary Group can be ranked more than 200 in the Shenzang Space. Ning Hongyu's strength seems to be more than 190 layers. It is said that she has killed more than 200 layers in actual combat. But in front of Wuming, her proud sword energy can't even hurt Wuming, and her swordsmanship is easily cracked by Wuming with one hand, and finally died more cleanly.

Such an enemy is not something our Yulong Mercenary Group can deal with. Give up the mission." The leader of the Yulong Mercenary Group suddenly stopped and said directly to other members.

However, no one in the group objected, because after seeing Wuming kill the Red Rain Mercenaries, they didn't think they could do better than the Red Rain Mercenaries.

Wuming was indeed a good man, but he didn't hesitate at all during the battle, and his actions were too quick and decisive.

Although Ning Hongyu is blind in one eye, she is also a great beauty, with top-notch looks and figure. Moreover, because she has been fighting for life and death for many years, her temperament of being as brave as a man can arouse men's desire to conquer her. She also has many male and female fans in the Shenzang space.

But Wuming killed her on the spot, and the beautiful woman died on the spot. His means were so cruel that people shuddered.

Many mercenary groups gave up the mission after careful consideration.

In fact, the public opinion on the Oracle network is indeed split into two sides. One side is madly supporting Wuming, while the other side is denouncing Wuming.

Some people who like beauty don't care about their stance or right or wrong. As long as they look good, their values ​​follow their appearance. When they saw Wuming killing Ning Hongyu, their eyes were red, and they wanted to slap Wuming to death and save the beauty.

Outside the star, Song Xue also felt a chill. She was more convinced that Wuming was not a good person. After all, Ning Hongyu was a beauty like her. When Ning Hongyu exploded and died, she also felt the same pain.

However, because she was still live streaming, she could only force a smile and say, "Master Wuming is so strong, so amazing."

The next moment, she felt uncomfortable as if she had eaten a fly after getting the agreement of a large number of viewers, but she had to go against her inner thoughts and continue to be a brainless Wuming fan.

At this time, in her live streaming room, a netizen named "Chaos but Justice" said, "You bunch of flatterers, a good beauty died in Wuming's hands, which is a crime against heaven and earth. I swear to kill Wuming!!!!"

"Is this how to use crime against heaven and earth? It's really chaotic, but it's definitely not justice."

"Stupid... idiot!"

"Go, kill, don't go is a dog!"

The next moment, countless netizens mocked, Song Xue had a stiff smile on her face, and saw "Chaos but Justice" exit the live streaming room in the background.

Before leaving the live broadcast room, Chaos But Justice only left one sentence: "Come if you want!"

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