I Contracted Myself


On the ground, Wuming didn't care about the disturbance in the sky, and continued to fly towards the palace.

On the way, he encountered one enemy after another, and the results were as follows:

"Hahahaha, there is a road to heaven but you don't take it, there is no door to hell but you break in, Wuming, die!"

One minute later...

"Ahhhh, impossible, how can you be so strong?"


"Wuming, remember, the one who killed you is me, Cheng Shikun!"

Thirty seconds later...

"Spare my life, I still have a wife and children, please, spare my life!"


"Wuming, don't even think about taking another step forward, I, George Barack Hussein, am not those trash before!"

Ten seconds later...

"Wait, wait, I can tell you a secret... No... Ahhhhhhhh!"


After solving three sword slaves in a row, Wuming yawned, feeling that these enemies were not even qualified to warm up for him.

Don't think that he doesn't practice at all in his daily life, in fact, that's because he doesn't need to practice. His strength is divided into three parts, the first part comes from the Wuming Sea.

The Nameless Sea connects countless worlds through the Dream River. Whenever a creature dies in these worlds, its soul or aura will flow into the Dream River and finally into the Nameless Sea.

Therefore, the Nameless Sea is getting stronger every second and every minute, and what Wuming needs is to master these powers.

It's like a fat man, whose fat keeps accumulating and getting bigger and bigger. What he needs to do is to consume the fat through exercise and use the energy converted from the fat to strengthen himself.

The second part comes from a large number of superpowers. Many superpowers can be superimposed together to produce the effect of ascending on the spot by stepping on the right foot with the left foot.

After Wuming used the Dragon Snake Anti-Heaven Soup Fight, all his superpowers were greatly improved. This part of the power is also very huge. For example, the mutant eye is still mutating, and many messy abilities are constantly accumulating.

In fact, Wuming is enough to beat countless practitioners with superpowers alone.

The third part comes from self-taught abilities, such as formations.

The three formations he built in the Nameless Sea through self-study have now begun to operate. They are not open to the outside world, but they are open to the residents of the bubble world. He will also earn rent while lending out power. Although it is impossible to obtain too much power at a time, this is also one of the open source projects. After a long time, he can also accumulate huge power.

The above three are ways to improve his life essence, which is the real source of his strength.

In addition to strength, there is also combat power, such as the God Worm, Nameless Book, Perfect Shield, Ignoring Eye, Infinite Light Orb, etc. obtained in the Shenzang Trial, which are all part of his combat power.

These abilities will not improve his life essence, but they can give him the ability to kill enemies above his level in battle.

In addition, the rule secrets he learned by himself are also abilities to improve combat power, but they will not have any effect on his life essence.

His level has basically not changed, but after precipitation, his combat power has actually improved a lot, and he has the ability to kill enemies above his level.

In fact, even if he does nothing now, eats, drinks and has fun every day, as long as he lives long enough, his level will continue to rise, but it takes a very long time.

However, in the world of practitioners, this is actually the norm. Entering the Shenzang Trial and passing various rewards to increase the level is a coincidence.

If you can definitely improve your level by practicing, then the regional controllers in the Shenzang space cannot be stuck at a certain level for thousands or tens of thousands of years.

Assuming that you work hard to practice for a hundred years to upgrade one level, there must be super strong people above level 1000 now.

However, the reality is... most practitioners are stuck at around level 200, and there is no strong person at level 300.

Compared with those practitioners who have difficulty making progress, Wuming's situation is actually very good. After all, as long as he is alive, let alone level 300, it is possible to reach level 3000, but it takes a very long time.

"Wuming, that's it."

At this time, another sword slave appeared in front of Wuming.

Wuming found that this sword slave was a little different. He stopped in mid-air and looked at the top of the sword slave's head. He found that there was a puppet on the top of the sword slave's head.

This means that this sword slave is controlled by someone, just like a puppet.

Wuming had no interest in talking to the other party. He closed his eyes instantly and rushed towards the other party under the control of the Deep Sea Apostle.

"You are courting death. You don't understand what you are facing at all!" The sword slave blocked Wuming's hand knife with his sword and said coldly.

Wuming didn't speak, but his attack speed was getting faster and faster, and his moves were real and fake, making the sword slave exhausted.

He no longer had the idea of ​​communicating with these sword slaves. No matter what difficulties these people had or how helpless they were, Wuming only needed to look down at the earth and he could harden his heart and kill them without mercy.

The bones on the ground may have been buried, but the history left in the earth will not be washed away by wind and rain.

Wuming could easily understand everything that happened in the past. The refugees who were forced to migrate were killed on the way. These people rode on horses and came from distant cities. After killing them, they left.

In the distant past, countless cruel and inhumane crimes also occurred on this road. Wuming only needed to stay in this world to hear the crying from under the earth and the wailing from the wind.

This is a feeling that ordinary people cannot imagine. Wuming's five senses have long been extraordinary. What he sees is completely different from what ordinary people see.

Just like seeing a corpse, ordinary people can only see the appearance of the corpse, but he can see the corpse being born as a baby, crying, and acting coquettishly in the mother's arms, slowly growing up, from ignorance to maturity, and finally ushering in death.

In fact, many practitioners also have such extraordinary senses, so they are divided into several different types of people. One type of people becomes numb after watching, one type of people feels pleasure after watching and becomes a murderer, and another type of people sympathizes with the dead, feels the same, and even develops compassion.

Wuming is the latter. After understanding the sufferings experienced by people in this world, he already knows what he should do in his heart. Of course, he has saved countless worlds and pulled countless people in despair out of the abyss of despair. He has already honed a tough and unshakable heart, and will not be affected by the misery of others.

The reason why he didn't talk to Jian Nu was that he was just too lazy to talk. After all, is it meaningful to keep nagging a dying person?

This special sword slave was slightly stronger than the others, but only to a limited extent.

Ten seconds later, Wuming's finger broke through the sword slave's defense and tapped his chest quickly. Under the precise control of the Deep Sea Apostle, there was no mistake in each move.

The sword slave realized his own death, so he stopped attacking and said to Wuming, "You will regret it!"

After that, his body swelled and then exploded.

Wuming didn't say anything and was about to continue flying forward. Suddenly, he felt a different breath coming down from the sky quickly, so he looked up at the sky.

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