I Contracted Myself

【489】Traps, traps, accidents!

A red meteor fell from the sky and hit the ground not far in front of Wuming. The shock wave swept everything around and set off a huge sandstorm.

In the strong wind, Wuming felt a burning breath. This burning breath was very special, chaotic and violent.

"Wuming, I'm here to kill you!" A man's voice came from the dust.

The next moment, a bright fire-like attack broke through the sandstorm and hit Wuming in the air.

Wuming frowned and avoided the attack of the flame. After realizing that it was an enemy, he rushed into the sandstorm in an instant. Under the big pit inside, a young man wearing a tattered red leather jacket and black leather pants held brass knuckles in his hand. Seeing Wuming rushing in, he immediately jumped up and punched Wuming in the face.

In an instant, the flow of time seemed to slow down.

Wuming blocked the young man's fist with his hand and gently pulled it to the left. The young man's attack missed directly. Then Wuming quickly punched the young man in the face with his other hand.

It is worth mentioning that the young man was not within the protection range of the Nine Heavens Strength Divine Array. He was an intruder and, like Wuming, was not protected by the Nine Heavens Strength Divine Array.

Wuming took the full force of this punch.


With a terrifying loud noise, the young man was directly slapped into the ground, the earth broke into pieces, and the young man fell into the crack immediately.

Wuming clenched his fist and found that the feel of this punch was particularly good. At the same time, he also realized the difference between the young man and others. This guy didn't seem to be in the same group as Bipson.

Outside the star, countless reporters couldn't help laughing.

The voice on the Internet was even more full of joy, because no one knew who posted the speech of "Chaos but Justice" on the Internet. Combined with the current picture, it can be said that the matter is already clear at a glance.

Wuming didn't pay attention to what happened on the Internet. After dealing with the young man, he continued to fly forward.

At his speed, the palace was getting closer and closer, which also meant that the enemy would soon get serious.

Because the Baisen Dynasty was completely conquered by Baipson with his own strength, most cities do not have qualified fortifications, and the current defense means are all composed of formations and sword slaves.

Once the sword slaves can't stop Wuming, the remaining means become somewhat powerless.

Of course, all this is the way it is.

Baipson alone can slaughter everyone in the Baisen Dynasty. This is a force built by a superhuman, and naturally there is no possibility of posing a huge threat to superhumans.

And what Baipson can do, Wuming can also do.

How can you stop Wuming by using means that can't stop Baipson?

Baipson didn't actually put his hopes on these people. He just wanted to use sword slaves and mercenaries to consume Wuming's power and learn more about Wuming's strength.

If the final conclusion is that he really can't beat it, no matter how important the Eternal Divine Dynasty formation is, he can actually give up with pain. After all, no matter how important it is, it can't be more important than his life.

Only by being alive can you have everything, and Baipson knows this very well.

The reason why Baipson didn't give up now was that he thought he had the possibility to defeat Wuming, and it was not to the point of a brave man cutting off his arm.

At this time, Wuming flew over a mountain and suddenly saw a dense crowd of soldiers holding spears in front of him.


A general immediately roared.

This roar was not particularly loud, but it spread throughout the army.

The soldiers in the army immediately threw their spears at Wuming. In fact, these people did not see Wuming. The angle of throwing spears was adjusted by the order. Now the order to throw spears was also given by the general. All they needed to do was to throw the spears in their hands.

In an instant, dense spears flew into the air, and were held up by countless formations in the air. These spears immediately turned golden, like a rainstorm of pear blossoms, and instantly pierced Wuming.

Wuming closed his eyes and quickly attacked the surrounding spears with his body.

"To cut the grass, you must root it out, and to kill people, you must kill the sky!"

Suddenly, Bu Renshi jumped up from the ground and hit Wuming like a bloody comet.

Wuming, as if he knew everything in advance, easily dodged the blow that Bu Renshi had been charging for a long time, and then punched Bu Renshi on the head. Bu Renshi's nose bled on the spot and he flew backwards.

"How is it possible that the sword I charged for three days could be crooked?"

Bu Renshi fell heavily to the ground, spurting out a mouthful of blood. He looked at Wuming in the air in disbelief and said in panic.

He thought that Wuming was distracted by the spear, and he would take the opportunity to sneak attack and would definitely be able to severely injure Wuming.

In the end, Wuming was not even hurt.

At this time, Wuming looked at the soldiers on the ground and said, "I'll give you a chance. If you leave now, I won't pursue it, otherwise you will bear the consequences!"

The soldiers were just following the orders of the general and had no choice, so Wuming let them go.

As for the attacking mercenaries, as long as they were not blind, they would definitely see how miserable and painful the people in this world were after entering this world.

Wuming will never show mercy to those who help the tyrant, and they choose to help the tyrant knowingly.

These soldiers are different. They may just want to join the army to make a living, or they may just want to live. Some of them are sent to the army by their parents and have no choice.

So now Wuming gives them a chance, although he doesn't think these people can seize the opportunity.

Sure enough, the next second the general yelled "release" again, and these soldiers all raised their spare spears and threw them at Wuming again.

Wuming sighed, and the next second he chased towards the ground like a meteor. Instantly, a terrifying lightning exploded with him as the center, and all the soldiers illuminated by the light were wiped out.

The general and Bu Ninshi immediately wanted to retreat, but in the blink of an eye, Wuming approached them. Wuming grabbed one of them with one hand and slammed him hard on the ground.

The next second, his fingers quickly tapped the bodies of the two people.

Normally, after being tapped, the two people should swell and explode, but the next situation was wrong.

The bodies of the two people swelled violently, and then one grew a lot of sweet potato leaves, and the other grew dense sweet potato roots, and the bodies of the two people changed completely.

In the sky, Baipson suddenly stood up from the throne and looked at the scene on the ground in disbelief.

"Not good!"

Baipson realized something and immediately wanted to fly away.

But everything was too late.

The earth exploded instantly, the whole planet exploded, and then it suddenly rotated and collapsed.

At the same time, another gray force also surged out from the center of the earth, and all the materials that were originally rotating and collapsing underwent new changes.

In the Shenzang space, the real self Tianren who was watching the live broadcast frowned again when he saw this scene. This force was not a trap he prepared, which meant that in addition to him, someone else had made a move on the planet!

"It seems that there are other people who think the same as me." The real self Tianren said with a smile.

What a pity.

Just because the two people think the same, the result may be variable.

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