I Contracted Myself

【490】Falling to the bottom

The method that the True Self Celestial Being arranged on the sword slave Bu Renshi and the general is called the "Great Method of Ten Thousand Sons and Thousands of Grandsons Returning Together". Once the two are in a situation where they are bound to die, they will forcibly destroy everything around them and be dragged into a certain evil god abyss where he has thrown sweet potatoes.

That is the abyss formed by the real evil god. So far, no cultivator who has fallen into the abyss has been able to get out.

His original intention was to trap Wuming in the abyss and let Wuming be trapped in the abyss forever, or die in the abyss. If there is no interference from another force, this plan is absolutely super stable.

At the same time.

In a small world somewhere, a chicken was also watching the live broadcast. Seeing that the True Self Celestial Being's method triggered the back-up plan he left behind, he gritted his teeth and said: "Sweet Potato God, dare to ruin my big plan, damn it, damn it, damn it!!!!"

This plan was originally formulated by him. From sending the space crystal to Ma Lie, he calculated step by step that Wuming would confront Baipson.

When Wuming fights with Baipson, he will use the resentment of countless dead people on this planet to slowly influence Baipson.

This is the cause and effect that Baipson himself owes, so it is difficult for Baipson to guard against this move. In the end, Baipson will turn into an evil god with enough power to kill Wuming.

After killing Wuming, offering sacrifices to the gods can also get an out-of-control evil god, a sure win!

Who knew that the sweet potato god would intervene, and now he doesn't know what will happen next.

Countless people in the heavens and the worlds are paying attention to the subsequent developments.

The reporters all quietly retreated, not daring to approach the whirlpool at all, and Ma Lie saw his hometown suddenly shattered in the Shenzang space, and he had already cried in the toilet.

After a day and a night, the whirlpool gradually became smaller, and everything returned to normal.

It's just that the planet is gone, and Wuming and Baipson are nowhere to be found.

Song Xue stared blankly at the empty front, muttering to herself: "Is Wuming dead or..."

At this moment, no one knows the answer.

Wuming closed his eyes, feeling dizzy and unable to control his body. He wanted to stop, but he felt as if there was no concept of ‘stopping’ around him.

He didn’t know if he was moving or where he was.

At the moment the planet exploded, his telekinesis suddenly spread out, enveloping all the people on the planet and sending them into a bubble world where no one had yet lived.

It was because of his delay that he really lost the chance to escape.

All this happened very quickly, so quickly that even the reporters didn’t record it.

About a day and a night later, Wuming suddenly felt gravity, and before he could react, his whole body was in close contact with the earth.

At the same time, there were many sounds of things falling to the ground.

He opened his eyes and found himself in a cave, surrounded by many dead horses, all of whom had their eyes wide open, as if asking Wuming why he didn’t save them.

“Where is this place?”

Wuming got up from the ground, patted the dust off his body, and looked around.

At this time, he heard a rustling sound and immediately looked in the direction of the sound. Suddenly, a stone was pushed away and a mole came out of a small hole.

The mole was also stunned when he saw Wuming. It blinked and said happily the next moment: "Great, there is food again!"

It immediately pounced on Wuming fiercely. Wuming raised his hand and hit it hard on the head. With a muffled sound, the mole fell to the ground with his eyes rolled back.

About ten breaths later, the mole woke up faintly and immediately retreated when he saw Wuming squatting in front of him.

"If you want to run, I will knock you out again." Wuming said lightly.

The mole's retreating movement suddenly stagnated, and then he crawled on the ground and begged for mercy: "My lord, spare my life, I don't want to eat you at all."

"Get up, where is this place?" Wuming frowned and asked.

After he landed, he found that the cave was filled with some indescribable energy. This energy was very special, which made him feel that he couldn't mess around, as if something extremely terrible would happen if he messed around.

"Sir, don't you know where this is?" The mole asked with surprise and pity.

Wuming frowned and said, "Where is this place?"

"This is the bottom!" The mole replied.

Wuming didn't understand. What is the bottom?

He asked, "Speak clearly, if you dare to hide it, I will definitely try what roasted mole tastes like today."

"Sir, the bottom is the bottom. I don't know why the bottom is called the bottom. When I came here, I heard Senior Skeleton say that this is the bottom. He said so. I only know that this is called the bottom. Roasted mole is not delicious at all. Believe me, sir, it is not delicious at all!" The mole was threatened by Wuming and panicked, crackling.

Wuming closed his eyes and was about to connect with the Nameless Sea, but the next moment he had a feeling that if he connected with the Nameless Sea now, the Nameless Sea would be ‘polluted’.


Wuming frowned and gave up the idea in his mind.

This intuition must come from his past knowledge, but he has not yet reacted, so he has the so-called ‘intuition’.

He was a little depressed and wanted to punch the ground, but stopped at the moment of punching, because he had a feeling that there must be no leakage here, otherwise something terrible would happen.

And his punch would probably cause a ‘leak’.

He took a deep breath, and his body gradually became like an ordinary person. The next moment, he felt extremely depressed, and the whole cave seemed to have a kind of crazy magic.

"Interesting, is this what ordinary people feel in the cave?" Wuming rubbed his temples and said to himself with a smile.

Then he looked at the mole, and the mole immediately widened his eyes, making himself look a little cute, for fear that Wuming would roast it at the slightest thought.

"What's your name?" Wuming asked.

The mole quickly replied, "My lord, my name is Pangolin."

"You are a mole, and you are called Pangolin?" Wuming almost sprayed and asked in disbelief.

The mole said embarrassedly, "My mother likes a pangolin very much, so I was called Pangolin after I was born."

"Your mother is also very playful." Wuming complained.

After speaking, he looked around, and his eyes finally fell on the hole where the pangolin came out, and asked, "Where does this hole lead to?"

"That... can I not tell you?" Pangolin hesitated.

Wuming smiled and said, "Then we'll have roasted mole tonight."

"Sir... there... there is a path to the shelter." The pangolin said in a sad tone.

Wuming's body began to shrink the next moment, becoming the size of a pangolin, and said, "What do you mean by shelter? What dangers are there here that you need to avoid?"

As he spoke, he walked directly towards the cave entrance.

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