I Contracted Myself


The pangolin followed Wuming and answered hesitantly: "There will be a black tide outside the shelter. Once contaminated by the black tide, you will become a monster. You can only survive by hiding in the shelter."

"Black tide? What is that?" Wuming asked as he entered the cave leading to the shelter.

The pangolin explained: "I don't know. We poor guys who accidentally fell to the bottom don't know much. We just know that the black tide is very dangerous, and the entrance to the shelter must be sealed, otherwise there is a risk of contamination even if you hide in the shelter."

While answering, it moved back the stone that was used to block the hole and stuffed it steadily into the hole.

One person and one mole walked forward in the dark passage. Wuming found that this passage was quite interesting. Not only did it twist and turn, but there were grooves in many places. The stones in the grooves could be moved out to further block the passage.

Half an hour later, the front suddenly opened up. A cave with an area about the size of a basketball court appeared in front of Wuming. There were plants and houses made of blocks in the cave. A mantis was cutting sticks to repair the fence of the plant area. Several goblins were using their abilities to create light sources for the plants. Not far away, several people gathered together and seemed to be talking about something.

Suddenly, a dog-headed man moved his nose and looked at the cave entrance. When he saw Wuming, his ears immediately stood up and he roared at Wuming.

When the voice sounded, other creatures also looked at Wuming. Several humans instantly took out their weapons, and there were goblins holding magic wands, all of them were facing a great enemy.

"Pangolin, why did you bring people to the shelter? Are you looking for death?" A real pangolin looked at the mole pangolin from a distance and cursed coldly.

The pangolin said aggrievedly: "I don't want to, but this lord is too strong."

"You should know that we don't have enough food. If he comes, will you share your food with him?" The real pangolin cursed.

At this time, a man with white hair and beard stepped forward and stared at Wuming, bluffing: "My fellow Taoist, since you are here, everything you have done in the past is meaningless. No matter who you are, I hope you can abide by the rules here."

"Wait, Master He, we haven't agreed yet." The mantis holding a wooden stick said at this time.

Master He looked at the mantis helplessly. Others couldn't see Wuming's strength. He practiced "Bao Mu Gui Zang" and had a pair of treasure eyes, but he could see Wuming's strength.

Let's put it this way, most of them in Master He's eyes were emitting blue light, and the strongest was only silver light, while the light emitted by Wuming was colorful, and he had only seen this color on those powerful people in the past.

When Master He saw the light on Wuming, he actually had no intention of taking action.

Fortunately, Wuming didn't have the bloody aura of killing innocent people, so he wanted to try to restrain the other party with rules. If the other party was willing to abide by the rules of the shelter, it would be a good thing for everyone in the shelter.

"Should I fight them first? After I overwhelm them, I can ask about what's going on here?" Wuming looked at the mole and asked.

Pangolin said with a bitter face: "My lord, if possible, it's better not to do it. The shelter is very fragile. Once there is a gap, it will be troublesome."

"Then let's fight quickly!" Wuming laughed.

The mantis was furious and roared: "You don't know how high the sky is. This is not a place for you to run wild!"

As it spoke, it instantly threw the stick at Wuming, then its body passed the sight and slashed at Wuming's chest with a knife.

Wuming saw the mantis attacking, and immediately raised his hand and slapped it. The mantis's knife was still a few centimeters away from Wuming, and the triangular face was hit by Wuming's slap first. In an instant, the whole body spun around like a gyroscope, and finally fell to the ground, unable to get up again.

The next moment, without waiting for others to make a move, Wuming defeated these people one by one at an extremely fast speed. Even Master He only saw Wuming's shadow. When he wanted to defend, Wuming's fist had already hit his face.

In fact, many creatures present had energy shields or shields, but these shields and shields were like paper in front of Wuming. Wuming could break them with one punch and knock out the target.

In three breaths, except for Wuming and the mole, there were only a few cute female fairies hugging each other and shivering, and the remaining creatures were all unconscious.

"Weaker than I expected." Wuming clapped his hands and said to the pangolin.

The pangolin shivered and smiled reluctantly: "My lord is mighty."

"Is there a rope here?" Wuming looked at the pangolin and asked.

Pangolin hesitated, Wuming added: "I have offended them all. You brought me in. Even if I leave now, do you think they will let you go?"

"Yes, yes!"

Pangolin reacted and realized that he had boarded Wuming's pirate ship. Now it was not a question of whether Wuming would leave or not, but a question of him letting the wolf into the house.

Once Wuming left, his end would definitely not be good.

Rather than being targeted by others, it would be better to surrender to Wuming and use Wuming's power to bully others.

After thinking this through, Pangolin became decisive and sent the rope to Wuming in a moment, and said attentively: "Sir, these ropes are made of real dragon tendons. He Lao Da and his men can't break free. In the past, there were people stronger than He Lao Da and his men, but they were defeated by them with their numbers. Then they relied on these ropes to bind the enemy and used those people as bait."

"Bait? What's the temptation?" Wuming tied up the creatures present and asked as he tied them up.

The pangolin pointed to the roof of the cave and said: "There is a second level here. There is a place where you can use bait to catch monsters. Although the monsters are contaminated, there are ways to remove the pollution, and the remaining meat can be used as food."

"That's it." Wuming nodded.

Next, he spent a lot of effort to tie up all the people. Because the rope was one piece, these people looked like grasshoppers tied together. The two ends of the rope were tied not far away by unknown people. On a stalactite.

In fact, it was not a stalactite, it was just similar in shape to a stalactite, but it was a rock made of unknown material.

"Okay, you guys can come over too. Don't worry, I'm actually a good person." Wuming sat on the stage, looked at the shivering female elf, and waved.

The three palm-sized female goblins hugged each other in fear, trembling even more obviously.

Wuming straightened his face, frowned and said, "Come here, do you hear me?"


One of the blonde female goblins quickly apologized and pulled the two little sisters forward to listen to Wuming's resignation.

Among all the creatures present, these three female fairies are the weakest. Among them, the blonde female fairy is level 10. The other two female fairies, one with green hair and one with red hair, are at level 8 and level 7 respectively.

"Tell me what you understand about this place."

Wuming looked at the female goblin, then at the mole pangolin, and said calmly.

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