I Contracted Myself

【492】Eternal Silence Prison Tower

Although Pangolin had already answered, Wuming did not completely believe Pangolin's words.

Moreover, the pangolin’s answer didn’t have much information to begin with. Wuming knew nothing about it except that he was in a place called ‘The Bottom’.

He needed to figure out where he was and find a way out.

It is estimated that everyone in the Shenzang space is already anxious, and his disappearance will also have a negative impact on the rescuer network, and all the world that should be saved may lose hope as a result.

Other practitioners save the world because they hope to get what they want from them.

He is like a big boss who has to pay wages to the rescuers who save the world. If he disappears, doesn't it mean that the boss has run away? Can his employees still work well?

Therefore, even if he cannot leave immediately, he should still find a way to let those people know that he is not dead yet and his salary will still be paid!

After hearing Wuming's words, the three female goblins tilted their heads, showing 'intelligent' eyes.

"Understood? A refuge is a refuge."

"This is a refuge!"

"That's weird. Is there anything to understand about the shelter?"

They chattered and discussed. Wuming looked at the serious discussion of the three little guys and realized that the intelligence of these three female goblins seemed to be insufficient.

"Sir, Crotho, Lachesis, and Atropos are not too smart and may not be able to understand what you mean." Pangolin reminded carefully at this time.

Wuming nodded and said calmly: "I can see it."

"Actually, they can survive mainly because they can promote the growth of plants and take care of them." The pangolin explained.

To put it simply, the three female fairies were useful, so they were protected instead of being eaten as food.

Before Wuming could speak, Pangolin whispered: "If you want to ask any questions, you can actually go to Elder Time. He may be able to answer your questions."

"Elder Time, which one?" Wuming looked at the bound creature and asked.

The pangolin replied: "Elder Time is a book. It is not here. I will take you there!"

"Well, let's go." Wuming nodded in agreement.

The pangolin took Wuming to a dilapidated hut. After entering the house, the pangolin opened a cabinet and took out a tattered book.

This is a book that was originally supposed to be golden. After a long period of time, it has faded to gray, and only speckled golden residues can prove that it was once glorious.

The cover of the book is a huge clock pattern. Also due to the passage of time, this pattern is also tattered, and only one-third of the time symbols can be barely seen.

The pangolin opened the book, and the next moment a confused old man floated out of the book.

"Grandpa Elder, I'm here to see you again." the pangolin said.

Elder Time squinted his eyes, and after a long moment he said, "It's you, little mouse, what do you want from grandpa?"

"Grandpa Elder, this adult wants to consult you on something." Pangolin said.

Elder Time looked at Wuming, and Wuming also looked at Elder Time. The two sides were silent for a long time. Just when Pangolin thought things were going to be bad, Elder Time said quietly: "It's been a long time since I've seen someone as bright as this gentleman. A good person, his merits are immeasurable, his merits are immeasurable.”

Then it nodded and said, "Sir, do you have any questions? As long as the old man knows, he will answer them all."

"What is this place?" Wuming asked directly.

Elder Time was silent, and the pangolin sighed slightly after waiting for a while. In fact, it also asked this question, and not only did it ask Elder Time this question, Master He and a series of other creatures who came here knew that Elder Time existed. All creatures in the world have asked this question.

The answer of Elder Time, without exception, was the bottom, and then he did not answer any questions.

Later, for a long time, the pangolin came to serve Elder Time when he had time. After a long time, Elder Time said to it: "Little mouse, you are too weak, just stay here."

This sentence means that Elder Time actually knows where this place is, but he just thinks that the person asking is too weak. In order to prevent these people from going to die, he does not answer this question.

So is Wuming strong enough now?

After a long silence, Elder Time said: "If it is you, my lord, you may have a chance to leave."

Without waiting for Wuming to ask, it continued: "Actually, the real name here is the Eternal Silence Prison Tower. It is located at the bottom of all the heavens and worlds. All deaths will eventually fall here, and the Eternal Silence Prison Tower is used to imprison Some extremely evil people suppress the hub of the entire eternal silence space at the same time.”

"So... the bottom means that we are now at the bottom of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower?" Wuming frowned and asked.

Elder Time nodded and said: "Yes, according to legend, the Eternal Silence Space once had an owner, but that owner later left. As a result, the Eternal Silence Space lost its ruler. Occasionally, some monsters born unexpectedly appeared. These monsters later crawled Leaving the eternal silence space, breaking into all the heavens and worlds, causing huge disasters in countless worlds.

So a strong man built the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

He threw the Eternal Silence Prison Tower into the Eternal Silence Space to suppress the entire Eternal Silence Space. At the same time, he also arrested some practitioners who committed the most heinous crimes and imprisoned them in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower. On the one hand, he could provide energy to the Eternal Silence Prison. The prison tower, on the one hand, makes it impossible for these heinous criminals to escape. "

"Then how can we leave the Eternal Silence Prison Tower?" Wuming asked.

Elder Time replied: "In the past, there was a warden in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, and the shelter was actually his office. It was only when you came that the shelter was transformed into what it is now.

A long, long time ago, something seemed to have happened on the top floor of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, and the warden hurried up, and once he went up... he never came down again."

"Does the warden have a way to leave the Eternal Silence Prison Tower?" Wuming immediately understood what Elder Time meant.

Elder Time nodded and said: "The warden has the key to leave the Eternal Silence Prison Tower. Only by using the key to open the Innocence Door in the office can you leave the Eternal Silence Space. Otherwise, any creature that leaves the Eternal Silence Prison Tower will be swallowed by the Eternal Silence Space."


The pangolin, who seemed to have seen hope, had his eyes dimmed visibly after hearing what Elder Time said.

It looked at Wuming and whispered, "Sir, give up. It's impossible to reach the top of the tower."

"Oh? Why?" Wuming asked back.

Pangolin replied, "The monsters on the upper level are very strong. We have seen it before. Just the look scared a dwarf to death. That dwarf bastard is the bravest among us."

"Not bad, not bad. The higher the level of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, the more terrifying the monsters are. Unless you have the seal of the warden, you can only climb up layer by layer, which is almost the same as seeking death." Elder Time nodded and agreed with Pangolin's words.

Wuming took a deep breath and didn't brag. After all, he was a newcomer and was unfamiliar with the place. He really couldn't guarantee that he could beat the monsters on the upper level.

Not to mention the upper level, he was not particularly familiar with the current situation on the lower level.

If he acted rashly now, it would not be a question of being reckless or not, but a question of whether he had brains or not.

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