I Contracted Myself

【493】Above the Crack

Temporarily bid farewell to Elder Time.

After Wuming came out, he simply sat on the fence nearby and began to think about what to do next.

Elder Time had actually given the most critical information just now. The warden had the key to leave. The warden went to the top floor and did not come down again. The only way to leave was to use the key to open the office, that is, the Door of Innocence in the shelter to leave the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

Because the warden had a seal that could freely travel through the various floors of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, he was likely to have an accident on the top floor.

The only way for Wuming to leave now was to climb up layer by layer, find the warden after reaching the top floor, find the key from him, and then return to the bottom of the shelter.

However, according to the information provided by Elder Time, the Eternal Silence Prison Tower was equivalent to the most advanced prison in the heavens and the worlds. The prisoners and monsters imprisoned here must be the most dangerous ones.

What's more terrible is that because the warden had an accident, the Eternal Silence Prison Tower seemed to have undergone some changes over the long years that even the Elder Time didn't know about. Now no one can tell the specific situation of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower clearly. Even the pangolins living in the shelter only know some of the situations at the bottom, and not all of them.

For example, they don't know where the creatures or objects that occasionally appear out of thin air come from, nor do they know what the situation is on the upper floor.

They just live cautiously in the shelter based on this little bit of information they observed. When the black tide comes, they hide. When the black tide leaves, they go out to collect things that appear out of thin air. When they encounter creatures, they kill them and eat their meat. When they encounter objects, they take them back to the shelter.

If Wuming hadn't appeared, maybe they would have continued like this forever.

"My lord, Boss He and the others are awake."

While Wuming was thinking, the pangolin saw Boss He and others sitting up in the distance and quickly reminded them.

Wuming nodded, stood up and walked over. When Master He and the others saw Wuming coming, they all showed a look of fear and anxiety. The three female fairies who were about to untie the rope for them flew higher in a panic, looking around with guilt, as if pretending to look at the scenery.

"I am not a person who likes to kill innocent people, but I am not a person who likes to listen to others' instructions. I will set the rules. If you follow the rules, I can consider sparing you. Who disagrees?" Wuming sat on the steps and said to these people.

Master He said with a bleak face: "I agree, I agree!"

"I disagree!" The mantis immediately gritted his teeth and said.

Wuming's eyes instantly shot out two lasers, and the mantis's head exploded, and green liquid splashed everywhere. Wuming's eyes gradually retracted and asked: "Who else disagrees?"

"Agree, we all agree!" The others saw this scene and said tremblingly.

Wuming smiled and said, "Very good, it seems that a consensus has been reached. Pangolin, let them go!"

"Sir, but I'm tied up." The real pangolin said in panic.

The mole pangolin stepped forward with a happy face, kicked the real pangolin, and said arrogantly: "Sir, you are calling me, your name is Xiao Zuanfeng!"

"My name is Xiao Zuanfeng, but I am the real pangolin!" Xiao Zuanfeng said unhappily.

The pangolin said proudly: "But my name is Pangolin!"

"Okay, my rules are very simple. Don't interfere with my work. If I need you to do something, you are not allowed to object. Isn't it very simple?" Wuming said at this time.

Master He and others laughed bitterly: "Yes, yes."

It's really simple, but what if Wuming wants them to die? Can they live without objecting?


Whether they object or not, it seems to be a dead end.

"You, take me to see where you're 'fishing'." Wuming looked at Master He at this time and named him directly.

Master He was stunned for a moment, then he reacted and nodded quickly, saying, "Sir, please follow me."

He stood up and walked in front, and Wuming followed.

Wuming asked as he walked, "What's your name? Master He?"

"Sir, I have forgotten my name. I only remember my last name He. Some people call me Master He, but some people call me Boss He." Master He replied.

Wuming thought, "So you have been here for a long time?"

"Probably hundreds of millions of years. If I hadn't been contaminated by the black tide once and had to cut my soul, my memory might be more complete." Master He explained.

Wuming asked, "What exactly is the black tide?"

"I don't know. I was just slightly contaminated with a drop, and my soul was forced to be cut by one third. I only know not to be touched by the black tide!" Master He said honestly.

After a while, they came to the cave at the other end. After entering the cave, there were many twists and turns. After opening one stone after another to block the passage, a gap appeared above the passage.

"Originally this crack was going to be bigger, but recently the Hurricane Hammer has made it smaller." Master He explained.

Wuming looked up at the crack and asked, "What is the Hurricane Hammer?"

"The Hurricane Hammer was our former partner, and he was the bravest of all.

He thought this crack could lead to an exit from the bottom, so he went up to explore it several times. The last time he was not very lucky and died next to the crack.

At that time, the mantis was watching from below. It is said that it saw a terrifying eye in the eyeball of the Hurricane Hammer and was almost scared to death.

And the Wind Hammer was frightened to death. "Master He said with a sigh.

Wuming frowned. Since the Wind Hammer was frightened to death, the Wind Hammer that was blocking the gap now...

He asked: "Did his body turn into a corpse?"

Master He nodded and said: "My Lord, you are as good as God. The mantis guy was frightened and fled to the shelter. When he calmed down and came back, the body of the Wind Hammer was gone. Later, we found that the gap became smaller. We observed quietly and found that the body of the Wind Hammer was using a black substance to block the gap, as if to completely seal the gap. "

"Why hasn't it been blocked yet?" Wuming took a look. The gap was not very big.

Master He smiled and said: "My Lord, this is also a very important source of food for us. How can we let it block it? Every once in a while, we will widen the gap a little bit, so that it will not let too large creatures come down, nor will it make the gap so small that prey can't get down. "

"Well, I know, let's go back! "Wuming nodded, then turned and left.

In fact, Wuming had another question.

This is a prison, and above it are places where all kinds of terrifying monsters and powerful prisoners are imprisoned. Where does the prey come from?

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