I Contracted Myself

【494】No record of injustice

On the way back to the shelter from the passage, Master He took the initiative to introduce everyone in the shelter.

There are currently five humans in the shelter, a cat man, a pangolin spirit, a mole spirit, a pigeon spirit, and the female demon Sansha.

The five humans, in addition to Master He, are Lu Xiankai who is proficient in the art of heavenly craftsmanship, Zhang Chengjie who is proficient in alchemy, Liu Quexian who is proficient in all arts, and Edison who is proficient in array formation.

The artificial light source of the shelter was created by Lu Xiankai and Liu Quexian, the breath isolation array of the shelter was created by Edison, and the elixir they usually use for cultivation was refined by Zhang Chengjie.

After listening to Master He's introduction, Wuming asked, "What about you? What do you know?"

"Reporting to the adults, I am the strongest." Master He replied.


Being able to fight is sometimes a very important advantage.

Now Wuming has easily become the boss of the shelter because of his ability to fight.

Then Master He continued to introduce the situation of the non-human race. Catman Jessica was considered a scout in the team, while the mole pangolin needed to go out to collect supplies, and the pangolin Xiao Zuanfeng was responsible for digging new tunnels.

Xiao Zuanfeng actually had a fellow tribesman who accidentally dug a tunnel to a dangerous place and died in the end.

Xiao Zuanfeng dug tunnels all year round, and the mental pressure was very high, so he gradually became a little neurotic.

The last pigeon spirit had no name, everyone called it pigeon spirit, with a relatively low IQ, but it flew very fast, was responsible for delivering messages, and often acted with Jessica.

Together with the goblin Sansha who was responsible for cultivating plants, they were all the current residents of the shelter.

After Master He finished talking about the situation of the residents of the shelter, he just walked to the end of the passage. Wuming sent Master He away, and he strolled in the shelter to observe the specific situation of the entire shelter.

Judging from the houses in the shelter, there were obviously more than these people in the shelter in the past, but people came and died, and gradually only Master He and his people were left.

Although Wuming really wanted to leave the Eternal Silence Prison Tower immediately, from the information he had obtained so far, he really had no way to leave the Eternal Silence Prison Tower in a short time.

So what he had to do now was to figure out what the Black Tide was, make the shelter look comfortable for him, and search for the whereabouts of Baipson.

At the last moment when he was sucked into the vortex, he seemed to see Baipson.

Since he was teleported to the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, there was no reason for Baipson to escape, but Baipson did not appear at the bottom, so where would he be teleported to?

He walked aimlessly while thinking, and suddenly the artificial light in the sky dimmed, and the entire shelter was immediately covered with a layer of gray gauze.

"My lord, it's night, do you need me to arrange a place for you to stay?" Pangolin quickly came over and asked flatteringly.

Wuming nodded, motioning for Pangolin to lead the way, and asked, "Does the shelter have a day and night?"

"Actually, it is to save energy. Among the resources we have collected now, there is a reusable magic stone, but the magic stone is too small and can only provide limited energy every day, so Lu Xiankai simply set the light source to the current state." Pangolin replied.

After a while, Pangolin took Wuming to a house that looked okay and said, "Sir, this was originally Master He's house. Master He has just packed up and left. Everything inside is new. Do you like it?"

Wuming walked into the square house and made sure that there was no peculiar smell in the house, and there was no trace of Master He living there. He nodded and said, "I will live here for the time being."

"Then please have a good rest, sir. Pangolin will take his leave first." Pangolin said respectfully.

Wuming nodded and closed the door after Pangolin left. He sat on a wooden chair and thought about what to do tomorrow, so he got up and prepared to go to bed.

The main thing is that there is nothing to do if you don't sleep.

"My Lord, my Lord..."

Wuming was lying on the bed. As soon as he closed his eyes, he heard a faint voice coming from the window next to him. The voice was extremely old and gave people a very terrifying feeling in the dark night.

If it was a horror movie, the person whose name was called would open his eyes and 99% of the time he would see a ghost staring at him strangely by the window.

Wuming frowned and opened his eyes, and immediately saw the hazy Elder Time floating in front of the window.

It must be admitted that this scene is actually not much different from that in horror movies.

However, Wuming is not the weak, pitiful and helpless protagonist in horror movies. He has experienced countless battles, big and small, saved countless disaster-stricken worlds, seen all kinds of corpses, and even treated injuries that are more terrifying than corpses. His mind is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary people, and the scene in front of him can't even make his heart beat faster.

"Old man, what's the matter?" He sat up and asked softly.

Elder Time came to him secretly in the middle of the night, and he must have something to tell him.

"Sir, can you come to the old man's room and bring the old man's body to your room? The old man has something to say to you." Elder Time said.

Wuming nodded, and agreed without asking the reason.

He got out of bed and left the house. In a moment, he walked to the room where Elder Time's body was stored, took out Elder Time's body, and returned directly to his room.

He did not make a fuss about this process, but he also did not act sneakily. After all, his strength was the strongest among everyone. If anyone was blind, he would not mind letting the other party understand his rules.

Back in the house, he opened the book, and Elder Time immediately floated out of the book, but compared to the previous blur, it was much clearer now.

Obviously, Elder Time could not leave the book too far away, otherwise he would gradually dissipate.

After Elder Time came out of the book, he said respectfully: "Jailer No. 10, meet you, sir."

"Jailer... No. 10?" Wuming frowned and looked at Elder Time in confusion.

He didn't quite understand what Elder Time meant by this sentence.

Elder Time nodded and explained: "My lord, in fact, the old man was a jailer under the warden at the beginning. Because the number was ranked tenth, he was jailer No. 10."

"Why didn't you say it earlier?" Wuming frowned.

Elder Time smiled bitterly and said: "My lord, what do you think of the little mice?"

"A group of poor people trapped in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower." Wuming thought for a while and then answered.

Elder Time shook his head and said, "Sir, the truth is not like that. They all deserved it!"

"Oh...what do you mean?" Wuming opened his eyes slightly and realized that what Elder Time told him during the day might not be all the information. There was also a part of the information that Elder Time did not tell him because Pangolin was beside him.

Elder Time gently closed the book that carried his soul, and gently wiped the pages with his hand. The style of the whole book immediately changed. The black pages were bound by chains, and three ancient characters were engraved in the middle: "No Injustice Record."

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