I Contracted Myself

【495】The Door of Innocence

"No injustice?"

Wuming looked at the ancient texts in the book and read in a low voice.

Elder Time explained: "Actually, this book records the information of all the people who entered the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence. Whether they are guilty or not is clear at a glance. For example, a little mouse, even though it looks very honest, in fact, it has done many evil things and has killed countless people. , and finally fell into the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence!"

Then Elder Shi turned over several pages and found Master He's records.

Master He's real name is He Ling. He had a very good reputation in the world at that time. He is probably similar to Yue Buqun in "The Swordsman". He Ling also recruited many disciples, but in the end he used his disciples' lives to cultivate demons. achievement.

It was also because of his many evil deeds that he finally ended up in the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence.

Wuming looked at the situation of the residents in the shelter and frowned: "What about me? How could I be transferred in?"

"Actually, there are two people who came in with the adults. Take a look." Elder Shiguang then opened the latest record in the Injustice Record.

One of them is Bipson. His crimes are countless. He helped his descendants rule countless worlds, and thus caused countless killings. Most of his descendants were tyrants, and all the crimes he committed would eventually be counted against Bipson. On Sen.

The other...mortal immortal...who is it?

This mortal immortal also did a lot of evil, but his behavior was very chaotic. There were a lot of records of evil deeds and a lot of good deeds. After reading the entire record, Wuming immediately suspected whether he was schizophrenic.

"Sir, you may have been implicated by them, so you ended up in the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence." Elder Time guessed at this time.

This is also the most reasonable guess. After all, Elder Time has read Wuming's records, and Wuming's merits almost scared him to death. It is absolutely impossible for such a person to fall into the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence.

As the last jailer of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, and the one who had to stay at the Eternal Silence Prison Tower after his death for countless years, Elder Time naturally could not ignore this situation.

When others fall into the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence, he will only watch with cold eyes, and at most give them a chance to survive. But he wants to leave the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence?

There are no doors!

But Wuming was different. Wuming was an extremely rare good person in all the worlds. He should not be trapped in the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence, so he quietly came to Wuming in the middle of the night and told Wuming more information. "Where is Bipson?" Wuming retracted his gaze and asked at this time.

Elder Shi shook his head bitterly and said: "I don't know, the Eternal Silence Prison Tower has lost control. Although the most basic functions are still running, I don't know where the people who fell into the Eternal Silence Prison Tower are exactly, old man." , possibly at the bottom, but also at the top.”

"That's it." Wuming was a little disappointed.

This is not Bipson's home field. If Bipson can be solved here, then many worlds controlled by Bipson's descendants may be saved.

After all, those worlds are slightly different from the Bipson Dynasty. Not every world is powerless against the descendants of Bipson.

It's a pity that although Bipson fell into the Tower of Eternal Silence because of his many evil deeds, he didn't know which floor he ended up on.

"Sir, you can try the Gate of Innocence tomorrow. If you can pass through the Gate of Innocence, remember to come back to the old man." Elder Time said at this time.

Wuming nodded and said, "Go through the Gate of Innocence?"

"The Gate of Innocence has never been a door in the true sense. It only blocks people who are guilty. If there is no sin in the body, then even an ant can easily pass through the Gate of Innocence." Elder Time explained. .

Wuming nodded and asked, "Is there anything else?"

"No, sir, please be careful about other people. They are not good people. Maybe they are already plotting how to harm you." Elder Time shook his head, but then he thought of something and reminded him.

Wuming smiled and said: "If they dare, I don't mind doing justice for heaven."

"That's good, that's good!" Elder Shi said with a smile.

After saying that, he returned to the book, the pages closed automatically, and the next moment the cover changed back to its original appearance.

Obviously, Elder Time was afraid that the pages of the book would be read by people in the shelter, so he disguised himself very early. Even now, Pangolin and Master He don’t know that this book is actually the roster of the Everlasting Prison Tower, and they have long been The elders of time are treated as prisoners.

Wuming returned the book to the original house, and then returned to his own house to sleep.

He is indeed the strongest person in the refuge, and he is not afraid of being asked even if he holds a book arrogantly, but sooner or later he will leave the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence, and it is obviously impossible for Elder Time to leave with him.

Once others suspect that there is something wrong with Elder Shiguang, they may only think about it in their hearts now and dare not take any practical actions, but what about after he leaves?

The next day, when the light source illuminated the entire shelter again, Wuming opened his eyes naturally.

He sat up from the bed, thought for a moment, then walked out of the house and began to wander around the shelter, looking for the door to innocence that Elder Time said.

"Good morning, sir!" Liu Quexian came out of the house and greeted Wuming with a smile.

Wuming nodded, but sighed in his heart, this woman is really scary, her smile is bright and sunny now, who knew that she had poisoned countless men, but she was actually extremely hostile to men.

In fact, even those who commit many evil deeds may not necessarily end up in the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence.

These people fell into the Eternal Silence Prison Tower in the same situation as Wuming. Often some kind of accident happened, either they were infinitely close to death, and finally fell into the Eternal Silence Prison Tower by chance, or there was a problem with the teleportation array, and the result was that they fell into the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

This situation also existed in the past. The warden would be happy to send these people to different levels of cells in different categories. Now that the warden is missing, these people can only fend for themselves in the tower.

Wuming continued to walk forward. Liu Quexian looked at Wuming's back, and she didn't know what she was thinking. Finally, she lowered her head and turned to leave in the opposite direction of Wuming.

Next, Wuming slowly wandered around the shelter, but did not find the Gate of Innocence. He was a little confused, so he went directly to Xiao Zuanfeng and asked: "Is the shelter so big?"

"My lord, I don't know very well. When I came here, the shelter was even smaller than it is now. The scale of the shelter now is still developed by me bit by bit." Xiao Zuanfeng replied.

Wuming looked at the overall situation of the shelter and immediately realized that the shelter, as the office of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, should be larger.

In other words, the Gate of Innocence is still inside these strange black substances.

"How about this, you dig shallowly layer by layer around the walls of the shelter first, and don't dig deep in one path." Wuming thought for a while and ordered Xiao Zuanfeng.

Xiao Zuanfeng was stunned, then nodded and said, "Okay, sir."

Although it didn't know what Wuming's purpose was in giving such an order, it was actually a good thing for it. After all, digging shallowly layer by layer around the wall was much safer than the previous deep digging that didn't know where it would penetrate.

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