I Contracted Myself

【496】Jailer's Bracelet

For the next three days, Wuming had nothing to do.

There was really nothing to do. Not only did he have nothing to do, but Master He and the others also had nothing to do.

Firstly, the materials in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower were very scarce, and secondly, the cultivation resources were also very limited. They only needed to practice for half an hour at night, and the resources such as spiritual stones that they could search for would be used up.

It can be said that in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, practicing itself is a kind of enjoyment.

In contrast, Xiao Zuanfeng was very busy every day after Wuming gave the order, constantly digging around the walls of the shelter.

Probably because it did not need to dig deep into a passage that it did not know where it would go, it actually found fun in digging and enjoyed it all day long.

Finally, three days later, Wuming inspected the area dug out by Xiao Zuanfeng and found a blue light curtain.

He asked the pangolin waiting on the side, but the pangolin said that he did not see the light curtain.

Then he called Master He and others, but without exception, no one could see the blue light curtain.

He went to ask Elder Time at night, and Elder Time confirmed that the light curtain was the Door of Innocence. People with sins could not even see the light curtain, let alone enter or exit.

The next day, Wuming went to test and found that he could touch the light curtain.

At night, he brought the Record of No Wrongs back to his room again. When he opened the page, Elder Time floated out of the book.

"Sir, how is it? Can I touch it? Can I pass through it?" Elder Time was more anxious than Wuming and asked immediately.

Wuming nodded and said, "Yes, it can be, but what's the use?"

He can pass through the Door of Innocence, but he doesn't have the key. Even if he passes through the light curtain, he is still in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

Elder Time smiled and said, "Sir, in fact, the jailer is not without any benefits. Since you can pass through the Door of Innocence, then the old man has a way to let you temporarily leave the Eternal Silence Prison Tower."

"Really?" Wuming's eyes widened and asked in surprise.

Elder Time nodded and said, "My Lord, go to the north alone tomorrow and dig about 60 steps down. The old man's body is buried there. Take off the bracelet on the old man's right hand and wear it. You can leave the Eternal Silence Prison Tower through the Gate of Innocence and return to your own world two days a week."

"Are there any restrictions?" Wuming asked.

Elder Time nodded and said, "That is the old man's jailer bracelet. The old man has completed all the work at the time, and he should have saved a lot of vacation time. You can use it directly, but you will be teleported back every two days and you have to wait until next week to leave again."

"Enough, completely enough." Wuming nodded.

In fact, the jailers of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower are not lifelong. The problem is that the resignation of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower requires submitting an application to the warden and leaving the jailer bracelet behind before being sent away by the warden.

If you leave the Eternal Silence Prison Tower with a jailer bracelet, the jailer bracelet will be automatically locked and worn, and it will only be unlocked when you return to the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

If you can take off the jailer's bracelet at will after leaving the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, who knows whether the next person to enter the Eternal Silence Prison Tower will be the jailer or the prison robber.

The next day.

Wuming followed the words of Elder Time and walked to the north about sixty steps. He used his telekinesis to quickly dig down. After digging about three people deep, a corpse with an old and terrifying aura appeared in front of Wuming.

The appearance of this corpse is indeed three points similar to Elder Time, but the face is withered like a mummy.

Wuming put his hands together and bowed, then took off the jailer's bracelet.

After filling the soil again, Wuming couldn't help thinking when he returned. Elder Time's soul has merged with the Record of No Injustice, so was it right or wrong for him to bow to Elder Time's body just now?

According to the understanding of life by extraordinary life, Elder Time still has a self, so he should not be considered dead.

But for ordinary people, there is no doubt that Elder Time's body is dead, and this is death.

In the end, Wuming didn't think of the answer.

Or rather, he didn't think about it seriously at all, just killing time.

A person who is used to the Internet and is used to being flooded with information suddenly came to a place without the Internet and without any information. There was really nothing else to do except to think about it.

He returned to his room and carefully observed the jailer's bracelet. This bracelet was still brand new after countless years. The bracelet was made of black metal with fine golden lines on both sides. A white bead was inlaid at both ends of the bracelet, one bead was engraved with "gong" and the other bead was engraved with "zheng".

After confirming that the jailer's bracelet was harmless, he tried to wear it on his hand.

When he wore it, a light screen suddenly appeared in front of him. His eyes lit up slightly, and he immediately looked carefully at the information on the light screen.

This is a jailer contract, which roughly means how long you need to serve as a jailer after wearing the jailer's bracelet, what benefits and obligations you have.

There are many benefits.

Various resources for cultivation, some insights or skills left behind by prisoners who died in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, and an extension of life.

Working in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower will not consume your lifespan, but will increase your lifespan by ten days every day. The longer you stay in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, the longer your lifespan will be in theory.

Wuming was a little confused after reading this. Since you can't die in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, what's the matter with the Elder of Time?

He carefully recalled the body of the Elder Time, and found a clue in a moment. The Elder Time did not die of old age, or he looked very old, but his old appearance had nothing to do with old age.

The Elder Time did not die of old age, but of some kind of... pollution?

That horrible breath was not the breath that the Elder Time should have!

However, Wuming was not going to dig up the body of the Elder Time for research. After all, the Eternal Silence Prison Tower had a lot of strange things with a breath similar to the body of the Elder Time. He didn't need to dig up the body of the Elder Time if he wanted to study.

He refused to sign the contract because the jailer contract required him to work for the Eternal Silence Prison Tower for at least ten years. Although the benefits of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower were very good, Wuming doubted whether the Eternal Silence Prison Tower could really implement these benefits.

After rejecting the jailer contract, he wore the bracelet and walked towards the Gate of Innocence. Not long after he left, Master He and others gathered together.

"Did you see anything?" Master He asked.

Liu Quexian shook his head and said, "I can't tell, but he seems to know something."

"Everyone, bear with it for a while, let him be arrogant for now, and wait until we find out his details... Humph, he will be in trouble!" Zhang Chengjie said coldly.

Master He nodded and said, "He thinks he can really control us, let him be complacent first, and when he is careless, it will be his death."

Lu Xiankai said at this time: "The shielding device time is up, disperse it."

They dared to say bad things about Wuming, all thanks to the shielding device opened by Lu Xiankai. Otherwise, at this distance, the strong man's mental power would sweep them, and their every move would be seen by the other party. Daring to say bad things about Wuming is tantamount to seeking death.

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