I Contracted Myself

【497】Old lover

The countless worlds in the universe can actually be divided into two categories: idealism and materialism.

The idealistic world does not mean that everyone's wishes come true, but that energy is more easily affected by the consciousness of living things. The materialistic world does not mean that one cannot influence the outside world with consciousness, but that more complicated means are needed to achieve this.

For example, when human science and technology develop to a certain extent, we can actually use scientific and technological means to control external objects. This can also be regarded as a manifestation of conscious control of energy.

Because the development of civilization in each world ultimately leads to the same goal through different paths, if there is no interference from outside forces, each world will actually be similar, and some similarities can always be found.

But because of the intervention of practitioners, some worlds that can interact with other worlds gradually began to become distinctive.

For example, the food world is transformed into a food base, and the duel world is transformed into an arena.

The world of goddesses, Saint Liani, the capital of courtesans.

Countless beautiful women are walking on the streets wearing cool clothes, either pure or charming.

In the gorgeous and bright buildings on both sides, women of various races were standing or sitting. Some gathered together to chat and laugh, and some observed the pedestrians on the street below. It was very lively.

This world is ruled by six pure women's sects, namely: Hehuan Sect, Tongqi Huanxi Sect, Yin Yang Sheng Sect, Yunv Sect, Hehe Sect, and Wuxin'an.

When there are more women, there will inevitably be competition for beauty.

And these sects are extremely good at harvesting yang and replenishing yin, so this world gradually developed into the largest joyful place in all worlds.

According to anonymous statistics from Tianji Pavilion, 80% of practitioners with the ability to travel through the world have been to the Goddess World, and 90% of these 80% have visited one of the stores and made purchases.

However, not all women in this world are welcome. On the contrary, the higher the level, the less likely they are to appear in the entertainment venues.

For example, the previous saint in the Jade Girl Sect has not appeared for a long time. Countless male practitioners who were fascinated by her died and grew old. Except for a few people who still remember her, she is actually as if she does not exist.

The Jade Girl Gate was built on Longhuan Mountain, not far from the capital of oirans, but it was an area where men stopped.

There was once a sexually daring practitioner who sneaked into the Jade Girl Gate. After being discovered, not only was his body castrated, but his soul was also castrated. As a result, his sexual orientation changed and he began to attack men.

Because of this example, no one dares to break into the headquarters of Jade Girl Sect today.

At this time, the Jade Girl Sect headquarters was in the Zangxin Pavilion.

The air trembled slightly, and Wuming seemed to have passed through an invisible film and appeared in the middle of the room.

Wuming glanced at the jailer's bracelet and said suddenly: "So that's it. The jailer's bracelet will record the coordinates of the last time you left. Once you pass through the Innocence Gate, you can return to where you left. It's quite humane."

But what is this place?

Wuming looked at the room and immediately suspected that this was the home of Elder Time. After all, his jailor bracelet belonged to Elder Time, and the coordinates recorded on it were left by Elder Time.

He moved his nose and smelled a pleasant fragrance. It didn't smell like ordinary perfume, but rather like a woman's body fragrance.

Although he only has two officially recognized partners, Lin Renmei and Su Jingyao, he has been in contact with many women. With his nose, he has smelled the fragrance of many women.

Of course, he could guarantee that nothing was intentional, it was simply because his nose was too sensitive.

After confirming that this room was occupied by a woman, he was ready to leave first. Elder Time had been dead for who knows how many years. Even if this was really Elder Time's home in the past, it must be someone else's home now.

But just as he was about to leave, rapid footsteps came from outside the door. The next moment the door was pushed open violently, and a woman hugged him and said excitedly: "Su Lang, you are finally back, I knew it... I knew you wouldn’t die in the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence!”

Wuming raised his hands, originally preparing to escape violently, but after hearing the woman's words, he immediately realized that the woman might know Elder Time.

Because Elder Time really died in the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence.

At this time, the woman also noticed something was wrong. Her "Su Lang" breath did not smell that good, and her chest was not that broad.

She immediately pushed Wuming and took advantage of the situation to step back. After seeing Wuming's appearance clearly, she frowned and asked, "Who are you? Why did you break into the Jade Girl's Gate?"

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't know this was the Jade Girl Gate. Take a look at this first. Do you recognize it?" Wuming apologized first, then raised his hand and showed off the jailer's bracelet.

The woman's eyes widened immediately, then tears fell from her eyes, and she said sadly: "Is that... Su Pingzhang's jailer's bracelet?"

"As long as you recognize him, I just borrowed his bracelet to show up here. No offense intended." Wuming nodded, although he didn't know whether Elder Shi's name was Su Pingzhang.

The woman was silent for a moment and asked, "He...is dead?"

"Dead, but not completely dead." Wuming thought for a while and replied.

Then he told the woman about the situation in the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence, and also told everything about Elder Time. After all, this woman obviously had a deep relationship with Elder Time.

After listening to Wuming's words, the woman said with sadness and resentment: "He is such a wooden head. He could leave the Eternal Silence Prison Tower to ask for help, but he had to carry it alone. Now it's better... He even lost his life. "

"Can I ask for help?" Wuming's eyes lit up and he asked immediately.

There must be many powerful people in all the worlds that he doesn't understand. What if someone can really solve the problem of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower?

Wuming doesn't want to go back to the Everlasting Prison Tower to climb the tower. After all, no one knows what happened in the upper level of the Everlasting Prison Tower and what changes there have been.

Too dangerous.

Wuming definitely didn't want to take the risk if it wasn't necessary.

The woman wanted to nod, but suddenly realized that today is different from the past, and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Maybe... there is no way to ask for help. The rules set by that adult have killed too many strong men."

"Waistcoat abortion ban?" Wuming immediately realized what the rule the woman was talking about was.

The woman nodded and sighed: "Actually, not all people who use Majia Style are bad people. There are also some benevolent elders. They use Majia Style to play games in the world, help the weak, and promote talents..."

Then she shook her head and said with a smile: "Don't talk about it, little brother, you... seem a bit familiar, don't you know Gao's surname?"

"My name is Wuming." Wuming replied.

The woman's eyes suddenly widened, and then she said excitedly: "It turns out it's you, the founder of the Rescuer Network!"

"My name is Qianhui, Yang Qianhui, and speaking of which, I am still your fan." The woman stepped forward and held Wuming's hand, smiled like an aunt, and continued: "That's great, many people thought you were dead, and now I see you It’s okay, I believe many people will be very happy.”

Wuming could only smile awkwardly but politely, complaining in his heart: "You just didn't recognize me, and you still have fans..."

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