I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [008] Encountering a mutant beast at night

Zhang Ping spent a whole morning picking out the iron beads in the dough one by one.

In the afternoon, Liu Tiefeng arranged for him to familiarize himself with various materials. Most of the special materials in Pearl City were mainly derived from alienated beasts and mutated plants.

For example, the Red Chain Snake was originally just an ordinary Red Chain Snake, a non-venomous snake.

But after becoming a mutated beast, this kind of snake will change from a non-venomous snake to a venomous snake. Not only will it grow fangs that can secrete fire venom, but the scales on its body will also be mutated. Its defense is very strong and it can also emit high temperatures. There will be burnt marks everywhere.

Zhang Ping does not object to learning these contents, and is even more attentive to learning mathematics, physics, and chemistry than he did in his previous life. While teaching, Liu Tiefeng would also talk about some methods he used to collect materials and deal with alienated beasts when he was young.

These methods are actually valuable experiences.

Zhang Ping spent the next two days studying until the night of the 22nd.

The other party asked him to meet at the small park behind the brisket ramen shop on the 23rd, but he planned to visit the place first to familiarize himself with the environment.

After all, the last time the original owner returned to the orphanage after studying at Pearl Ability Academy was three years ago. Zhang Ping didn't know what had changed in that place now.

After confirming that Liu Tiefeng had fallen asleep, Zhang Ping took advantage of the night to leave Iron Soul.

He already wears the assassination ring, like a ghost in the night.

Not far from Iron Soul, a Tianchang fox with a strong man's skin on its forehead was staring at the shop sign in boredom.

It didn't notice that Zhang Ping had left the window on the side of the store, and even subconsciously ignored its own task and just stared at the store blankly.

Suspicion, suspicion.

How could a fox not be suspicious?

‘Luo Shiyu’ never let go of his doubts about Zhang Ping.

But it believes that if Zhang Ping is really a suspect, he is definitely not the main leader.

Therefore, it sent its men to monitor Zhang Ping's every move, hoping to discover resistance forces among humans.

The problem is that Zhang Ping behaves normally during the day, but at night due to the effects of the Night Walker and the assassination ring, although the Tianchang Fox sent by it still remembers what the mission is, he always subconsciously ignores key information, and achieves nothing in a few days.

Tonight is the last surveillance.

If it is not discovered again, this Tianchang fox will give up monitoring Zhang Ping.

The journey was uneventful.

Ten minutes later, Zhang Ping arrived at the small park.

This small park is very different from the park in his memory. There are many more trees in the originally flat open space. These trees are not very tall, nor are they particularly dense, but after entering the small park, they feel like they are in a forest.

Something is wrong.

Zhang Ping couldn't help but hold the dagger hidden in his sleeve.

He felt like he was being watched, that there were other people in the woods.

Suddenly, he saw a red light flashing on his right side. He immediately adjusted his stance, and then saw a mouse about the size of an adult house cat slowly walking out from behind a tree.

This is an alienated beast!

Zhang Ping made a judgment the moment he saw the mouse, and then launched an appraisal.

[Identification successful]

[Alien Beast: Armored Poison Tail Rat]

[Race: Alienated Rat]


【Lifespan: 50】

[Level: Elementary Altered Beast]

[Level: 5]


[Poisonous Tail: The bone spurs at the end of the tail contain highly toxic substances]

[Hardened fur: The fur is like armor, the defense is greatly improved, but the agility is also reduced]

Fortunately, it's just a junior alienated beast.

There is a level gap between two levels and five levels, but the difference is not big.

Zhang Ping felt relieved after reading it. If an intermediate alienated beast appeared, he might not be able to escape death tonight.

But even the primary alienated beasts cannot be careless.

After all, the identification results have shown that the tail of this armored poison-tailed rat contains highly poisonous substances.

Because of his lack of experience, Zhang Ping did not carry the antidote with him when he went out.

As far as he knew, the poison of all alienated beasts acted very quickly.

If you don't carry a universal antidote with you, you will basically be declared dead if you are poisoned.

Don't be careless.


There is no need to be overly alarmed.

It's like encountering a poisonous snake, as long as you don't get bitten, you'll be fine.

Zhang Ping clenched the dagger in his right hand and focused on the armored poison-tailed rat.

The armored poison-tailed rat did not act rashly, but walked around Zhang Ping, looking for Zhang Ping's flaws.

The IQ of alienated beasts is not low, and some traps that are effective against ordinary animals will hardly work on alienated beasts.

They will test their prey more cautiously than ordinary animals. If the prey is too strong, they will take the initiative to retreat. If they find that the prey is weak, they will take advantage of it.

Zhang Ping ordered himself to stay calm, then went through all the knowledge points he learned in school about dealing with alienated beasts in his mind, and chose to take the initiative at the next moment.

His feet instantly exerted force, and his whole body looked like a cheetah in the dark night.

The armored poison-tailed rat has stiff hair all over its body. Except for the awakened ones of the element system, most awakened people will choose to attack the eyes when encountering the armored poison-tailed rat. This is the most obvious key point of the armored poison-tailed rat.

The sharp tip of Beauty Tears pierced the armored poison-tailed rat's vitals. The armored poison-tailed rat couldn't dodge, so it simply curled up into a ball and rotated clockwise to relieve its force. Zhang Ping aimed a blow at the vital point, and finally landed on the armored poisonous tail. Most of the strength was removed from the rat's hard fur.

The armored rat's fur is very tough.

Even though the dagger in Zhang Ping's hand was extremely sharp, it was still difficult to hurt the armored poisonous tail rat after most of its power was removed.

After missing the first attack, Zhang Ping immediately retreated.

The armored poisonous tail rat suddenly stretched out its curled body, staring at Zhang Ping with its scarlet eyes, and stabbed out its tail continuously.

Because of its height, the armored poisonous tail rat's tail attack points all fell on Zhang Ping's knees. Zhang Ping couldn't block it, so he had to tiptoe and retreat repeatedly, quickly distanced himself from the armored poisonous tail rat.

Seeing that a series of attacks had failed, the armored poisonous tail rat immediately stopped the attack and chose to save energy.

One meter away, Zhang Ping was panting, and sweat had already appeared on his forehead.

Mainly because of the previous attack, he had almost no strength left, and the series of dodging that followed was even more careless.

Sure enough, actual combat consumes more energy than exercise.

Mingzhu Ability Academy has special courses that teach how to allocate energy and how to save energy.

Zhang Ping thought about it and simply changed the way he held the dagger. At the same time, his standing style also changed. His left foot was in front and his right foot was behind, and his hands were gradually raised.

Mingquan·Chasing Rat Style!

Zhang Ping knew very well that it was impossible to use his fists to chase rats.

So he still did not give up the dagger, but used the means of dealing with small alien beasts in Mingquan.

His speed was faster than the armored poisonous tail rat. The armored poisonous tail rat did not dare to act rashly after he pulled away. In fact, he could continue to retreat and completely get rid of the armored poisonous tail rat.

The problem was that the patrol team had been occupied by Tianchang Fox, and he could not find anyone to ask for help.

If he did not deal with the armored poisonous tail rat in front of him, then if there were children from the orphanage who came to the park to play tomorrow, they might be killed.

This was a result he could not accept.

He took a deep breath.

He stepped towards the armored poisonous tail rat again.

The armored poisonous tail rat shrank slightly, but its tail was raised high, looking like a big scorpion.

Suddenly, Zhang Ping accelerated sharply, first attacking the right side of the armored poisonous tail rat, and then turning to the left when the armored poisonous tail rat's tail stabbed to the right.

However, the armored poisonous tail rat reacted very quickly, twisting its tail in an "S" shape and immediately stabbing at Zhang Ping's outstretched arm.

There is a flaw.

Zhang Ping's eyes lit up, and his legs slammed into a horse stance, pressing his center of gravity down suddenly.

As he pressed down, his hands also changed their trajectory, just staggered with the tail of the armored poisonous tail rat.

This was the middle door of the armored poisonous tail rat wide open. Facing a rash punch, it was already unavoidable, and could only use all its strength and try its best to retreat.

But it was too late.

Before it started, it was hit in the head by Zhang Ping's punch.

This punch was so powerful that even though the armored poisonous tail rat was protected by hard hair, it still blacked out.

When it regained its vision, a knife light instantly attacked.

Zhang Ping stabbed the armored poisonous tail rat's eyes with his dagger, piercing its eyeball instantly, and then the dagger went straight in and penetrated the brain of the armored poisonous tail rat.

However, in the last second before the armored poisonous tail rat died, its body

also reacted instinctively, curling up, and its tail stabbed Zhang Ping's wrist.

Zhang Ping had been on guard against the armored poisonous tail rat's tail, and when the armored poisonous tail rat curled up, he pulled his hand away and flew back.

In the blink of an eye, the battle was over.

The armored poisonous tail rat's final counterattack failed, and its body fell to the ground, with blood flowing from its eye sockets.


Zhang Ping took two steps back and breathed a sigh of relief.

This result was not unexpected.

After all, it was night now, and he had the talent of a night walker, which was a huge advantage in itself.

In addition, the weakness of this alien beast was very obvious.

Because the armored poisonous tail rat's fur had greatly increased its defensive power, its weight would also increase accordingly, which led to the armored poisonous tail rat's slow speed. Zhang Ping's speed at night will increase due to weight loss. Under this situation, it is difficult for the armored poisonous tail rat to avoid him.

However, the appearance of this armored poisonous tail rat is a bit strange, and with the night walker and assassination ring, the armored poisonous tail rat theoretically cannot notice him at all.

He looked around, and considering that his physical strength was not light, he did not stay any longer, but turned around and left decisively.

A few minutes later, a woman in a light green military uniform appeared next to the body of the armored poisonous tail rat. She squatted down to check the cause of death of the armored poisonous tail rat.

"Sister Sisi, do you think your old friend is a human or an alien beast?" She raised the armored poisonous tail rat with her hand and asked.

At some point, a woman in white stood behind her. The woman was wearing an ice mask and her hair was still emitting a faint white mist.

"I don't know, but I hope he is a human." The woman said lightly.

Although the organization has confirmed that alien beasts have sneaked into the city, it only has the identities of a few alien beasts. Every time an organization member enters the city, it is quite dangerous.

If Zhang Ping's abnormal and even weird behavior had not attracted the attention of the organization, she would not have rashly contacted Zhang Ping.

"But... if my life talisman is shattered tomorrow, you will directly detonate the black secret room." The woman thought for a while and then added.

After all, it was she who insisted on contacting Zhang Ping, and she must take responsibility for any accidents.

The military uniform woman was silent for a moment, and then said: "In my opinion, Zhang Ping must be an alien beast, so just kill him directly."

"No, at least I can be sure that Zhang Ping's murderous intention that night was real." The woman in white denied.

The woman in military uniform stood up and looked at the body of the armored poison-tailed rat, and sighed: "I hope you're right, Sister Sisi. At least he didn't eat this stinky rat in one bite. Maybe it's really a human being."

"Okay, it's not appropriate to stay here for a long time. Let's go." The woman in white said.

Then the two men gathered up the body of the armored poison-tailed rat and quickly disappeared into the night.

The next day, Zhang Ping got up early.

Today, he decided to try the 'mixing and forging technique' again in the morning.

In the past two days, he would still take the contract gem on time in the morning. Although the exercise method had been changed to kneading noodles, the physical exertion was actually higher than usual. It was precisely because he could feel his progress that he gave up his usual exercise. , focus on kneading exercises.

After eating the contract gem, he picked up the prepared materials and put them into the fire, while Liu Tiefeng was smoking and guiding.

Probably because he was mentally prepared, the high temperature did not push him back this time. He gritted his teeth and persisted in the movements of his hands, crushing and kneading various materials evenly.

Suddenly, he felt a burning pain in his stomach and couldn't help but take a breath.

Who knew that with this inhalation, the flames in the stove would be sucked out of the stove by him, and inhaled into his nose like water. The warm flames entered his stomach along his throat, and he suddenly felt that his whole body They were all very energetic, and the rubbing movements became smoother at the same time.

Any new talents?

Zhang Ping thought to himself, but because the forging was not over yet, he did not dare to lose his mind, but focused more on the movements of his hands.

Liu Tiefeng watched on the side without making a sound. After all, every awakened person in Pearl City had different abilities, and he was already accustomed to all kinds of strange abilities.

But after a while, he felt something was wrong and said, "The temperature of the stove is too low. Please add more firewood."

Zhang Ping also realized that he had absorbed too much heat and quickly used his free hand to add firewood.

When the flames became strong again, he continued the action at hand.

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