I Contracted Myself

【499】Warden's message

Maria then said, "Master Wuming, don't worry, those counterfeits have been successfully cracked down by our fan club."

Then she tilted her head to Wuming's live broadcast room and said loudly, "I declare that this is the real Master Wuming!"

"In fact, you can tell by looking at the account. Wuming's account is special in the fan section!" Zhang Shouzhong couldn't help but complain.

Wuming smiled and said, "I haven't broadcast live before, so I really don't know."

Next, he watched the number of people in the live broadcast room continue to increase, and answered some irrelevant questions from time to time.

When the number of people was almost the same, he said, "As you can see, I'm still alive and well, so you don't have to worry about my safety anymore, just do what you should do, everything is normal!"

"Master Wuming, this Cao thief netizen asked you, what happened to Baipson." Maria saw a valuable question at this time, so she interrupted.

Wuming smiled and said, "I'm back, so Baipson naturally can't come back, so you can rest assured about that."

Although he was not sure whether Baipson was dead or not, Baipson had committed countless crimes and would never come out if he entered the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, so it was okay for him to say that Baipson couldn't come back. After all, he didn't say whether Baipson was dead or alive.

"Master Wuming, a netizen named Dan Lao Da asked you, the Baisen Dynasty has perished, so is your mission considered a failure?" Zhang Shouzhong asked meanly.

When Wuming heard Zhang Shouzhong call "Master Wuming" in Maria's tone, he got goose bumps all over his body. He looked at Zhang Shouzhong speechlessly, and then replied, "It was considered a failure, but at the last moment, I moved all the people in the Baisen Dynasty to a safe place. Tomorrow, the friend who issued the task can come to Baiyu City to find me, or leave the address for me to find him and take him to see it with his own eyes. Although the rescue failed, it is fortunate that no one is alive."

Xinding City

Zhu Chixia said excitedly: "That's great, Ma Lie, all the people in your world have been transferred to a safe place by Lord Wuming. Do you want me to leave your address for you?"


Ma Lie was silent, shed tears, clenched his fists, and finally sighed: "No need, Lord Wuming has done enough. This is my responsibility. It was my desire to take a shortcut that led to the destruction of the world..."

"How can this be your fault? If you really want to say whose fault it is, it can only be the fault of the Sweet Potato God." Zhu Chixia said.

The changes that Wuming encountered at the last moment were basically seen by all the audiences in the heavens and the world. Everyone knew that it was the calculation of the Sweet Potato God. After all, the sweet potato leaves and sweet potato roots that emerged from the sword slave Bu Renshi and the general were too iconic.

"Sweet Potato God!" Ma Lie clenched his fists and finally said deeply.

He lowered his head, and Zhu Chixia next to him didn't notice that there was a feather in his pupils emitting sparks.

Let's talk about it separately.

In the cursed villa, Wuming spent three hours live streaming before bidding farewell to his fans and viewers.

After the live broadcast, he lazily lay on the sofa and complained: "No wonder some anchors would rather go to jail than do live streaming. There are too many questions, and I am sick of answering them."

"Master Wuming, there is good news." Maria said at this time.

Wuming glanced at Maria, whose chest was like a washboard, and asked: "What good news?"

"After your live broadcast, the number of tasks issued by the Rescuer Network has skyrocketed, and the number of tasks accepted has also steadily increased. Soon the Rescuer Network will return to normal." Maria said.

Wuming nodded and smiled: "This is a good thing."

"Also... we have several fans who specially launched the Baipson Crusade. In fact, they are going to the world ruled by the descendants of Baipson. If they can be eliminated, they will be eliminated directly. If they can't beat them, we will find people in that world, accept their commissions, and then return to the Shenzang Space to issue commissions and let those masters solve them." Maria said proudly.

Wuming heard this and said worriedly, "Will you be in danger?"

"Don't worry, everyone will broadcast live, and if there is danger, someone will help. At most, they may get hurt, but they will definitely not die." Maria smiled.

Wuming nodded and said, "That's good. If things can't be done, let them not force it."

"I know, it's a pity that Sister Lucyphil is not here, otherwise Sister Lucyphil would be in charge, and there would be nothing to worry about." Maria sighed.

Wuming smiled and said, "You should also work hard and stop thinking about Lucyphil all the time."

"Sister Lucyphil is thousands of years older than me. I can't surpass her even if I try harder." Maria complained.

Dahuang interrupted and said, "Master Wuming seems to be only in his fifties. Maria, you are actually an old woman compared to Master Wuming."

"Damn Dahuang, I'll kill you!"

Sure enough, the next moment was another scene that everyone liked to see.

Wuming watched Maria chasing Dahuang and playing around, smiled and looked up information about the Eternal Silence Prison Tower on the Internet.

Not to mention, the Oracle Network is really all-encompassing. Even the Eternal Silence Prison Tower can find a lot of information, but some of this information is complete and some is completely nonsense.

Wuming clicked on one of the information posts and looked at it carefully.

The name of the maker of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower is no longer traceable, but there have been a total of seven wardens. The first warden was named He Bo, and he was also the strongest among all the wardens.

Unfortunately, He Bo was ambushed by his enemies when he went out. After breaking hundreds of worlds, he was surrounded and killed by his enemies.

The second warden, named Benjamin Thompson, was a great wizard. He got the warden's key by chance and became the warden.

He was the most responsible of all the wardens. At that time, he would send jailers to listen to any criminals in the world. If the criminals were determined to be extremely evil, they would be escorted to the Eternal Silence Prison Tower for imprisonment.

However, because he was too responsible, he was also plotted against by many forces and killed.

After the third warden, the warden's identity became confusing, and he basically did not announce his identity as the warden in a high-profile manner when he was in office.

This post is actually just a guess about the identities of these wardens. After all, there are always some clues left after the death of the warden.

Although it is a bit hindsight, it is still accurate to a certain extent.

For example, the third warden, the post speculates that his identity is likely to be the Holy Light Lord Ye Baihua, because the fourth warden took office shortly after Ye Baihua's death.

As for the fourth warden taking office, it was caused by a drunken jailer.

Just by comparing the time of the death of Jehovah and the time of the fourth warden taking office, the possibility that the third warden was Jehovah was very high.

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