I Contracted Myself

【500】Don’t know

The post also gave corresponding guesses about the fourth, fifth, and sixth warden.

However, Wuming felt that it was too far-fetched, because the death time of these three wardens was slightly different from the inauguration time of the next warden.

Although the post gave an explanation, Wuming had a hunch that it was not these people.

Of course, whether these people were actually related to Wuming had nothing to do with him. After all, he didn't need to deal with these wardens. He only needed to care about the seventh warden.

The post also gave guesses about the last seventh warden, but because after the seventh warden, the news from the Eternal Silence Prison Tower became less and less, and even completely disappeared in the end, so the identity of this warden was the most difficult to determine.

The post listed three people, and it was suspected that one of these three people was the warden.

The first one, Gao Shanggong...

Wuming blinked, and then looked at the next candidate. Gao Shanggong was Lucy Phil's father, and he was still alive and well in a certain world. No matter what the poster had, Wuming knew that this guess was definitely wrong.

The second one is Jun Wuyingbai, also known as Tai Sui God and Mushroom God.

It is said that the body of Jun Wuyingbai is a huge 'Mushroom Tai Sui', and has the innate magical power to control bacteria and viruses, and the priority is particularly high.

For example, if a germ wizard who also controls bacteria and viruses encounters him, then all viruses and bacteria will be controlled by Jun Wuyingbai in turn.

In his heyday, Jun Wuyingbai's attack was definitely the nightmare of countless practitioners in the heavens and the worlds.

Fortunately, Jun Wuyingbai has disappeared for a long time. Some people say that he is the warden of Yongji Zhenyu Tower, and some people speculate that he died under the vest ban of the transcendent.

There are many opinions, and the poster is obviously more inclined to believe that he may be the warden of Yongji Zhenyu Tower, and then died under the vest ban, so Yongji Zhenyu Tower was completely silent.

Although there are still some hindsight, the reasons given by the poster are also quite sufficient. Wuming remembered the name of Jun Wuyingbai after reading it, and then looked at the last guess.

The third one is Dongzhen Shenjun.

The origin of this big guy is very mysterious, and his strength is also unfathomable.

He appeared at the same time as the seventh warden took office. Although it is unknown when he disappeared, it is precisely because of his unknown time that the poster suspected that he might be the warden.

Wuming continued to read and found that this Dongzhen Shenjun was really terrifyingly strong. The weapon he used was a jade sword. He had a total of 15 battles, all of which killed the opponent with one sword. No opponent needed him to cut a second sword.

This is definitely a true sword fairy, a pure existence to the extreme.

Wuming glanced at Jun Wuyingbai, and then at Dongzhen Shenjun. He felt that the speculations of the two were very reasonable, as if both of them might be the warden.

It's a pity that the warden usually wears a mask that can block various ability detections in the Yongji Prison Tower, otherwise Wuming can just ask the Elder of Time.

He closed the post, and at least he had a bottom line in his heart.

Although the speculation in this post may not be accurate, at least the speculation is quite reasonable. He then checked the information of Jun Wuyingbai and Dong Zhenshenjun and found that the two had indeed disappeared for a long, long time.

The two-day vacation was really short. Wuming prepared a storage ring this time and put a lot of supplies into the ring.

The reason for doing this is that the Eternal Silence Space where the Eternal Silence Prison Tower is located is indeed a very scary place. Wuming has learned a lot about the Eternal Silence Space through the Oracle Network. That place, as a netizen said, is a big "cesspool".

If you don't want your storage space or your things to be polluted by the Eternal Silence Space, then the best way is not to use it!

Of course, if you have to use it, the best choice is to prepare another storage device.

It's probably like some people prepare two tablets, one for use when going to the toilet and the other for use in bed.

After getting ready, Wuming said goodbye to Lin Renmei and others, and directly activated the jailer bracelet, and instantly passed through the Gate of Innocence and returned to the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

"This damn place is so depressing."

Wuming looked around, then looked up at the artificial light source that was still glowing, and couldn't help sighing.

This time, he was soberly teleported from the normal space to the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, so he could clearly feel the abnormality of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

In an instant, a word flashed through his mind, could it be that the Eternal Silence Prison Tower "leaked shit"?

The power of the Eternal Silence space may have slowly penetrated into the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, so the Eternal Silence Prison Tower has undergone so many changes, and the black tide may be the power that poured in from the cracks in the Eternal Silence space.

If this is true, the Eternal Silence Prison Tower is probably very unsafe, and he must quickly find the warden and get rid of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower forever.

He walked slowly towards his residence. Because he had disappeared for two days, Master He and others saw him appear, and all showed a look of doubt.

"By the way, tell Xiao Zuanfeng that there is no need to dig." Wuming suddenly thought of something, so he said to Master He and others who were playing chess not far away.

Master He nodded in response, then lowered his head and thought more and more about what secrets Wuming had mastered.

The problem was that Wuming had only been here for a few days, so why did he know more than those who had lived here for countless years? It was so strange!

Wuming didn't care what Master He and the others had in mind. He now needed to get a map of the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence.

Although the map of the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence may no longer be useful, it is better than nothing.

"Since the Eternal Silence Prison Tower is almost finished, there is no need to worry too much." Wuming sat on his bed, thought carefully for a while, and then said to himself.

He got up and walked to the house where Wuyinlu was stored. He took out Wuyinlu, opened it, and said, "Senior Su Pingzhang? Senior Su Pingzhang?"

After two calls, Wu Yuelu did not respond.

He called again: "Elder Time!"

"Sir, you are back!" Elder Time seemed to hear it, and then came out of the record of innocence.

Wuming smiled and said: "Elder, do you know a person named Su Pingzhang?"

"Su Pingzhang? I don't know him. Is he the warden?" Elder Shiguang guessed as he touched his beard.

Wuming shook his head and said, "It seems like it's not him."

Then he walked out with the book and said: "Elder, according to my induction, I'm afraid the Eternal Silence Prison Tower is about to end. In fact, we don't need to worry so much. Let's leave with the elder when I get the key."

"How is that possible? No, no, no. I must guard the Eternal Silence Prison Tower. Even if the Eternal Silence Prison Tower is completely destroyed, I will stick to the last leg." Elder Shi immediately refused.

Wuming could only show regret and stopped persuading.

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