I Contracted Myself

【501】Contamination organisms

After returning to his residence, Wuming asked Elder Shiguang for a map, but the answer he got made him speechless again.

In order to prevent jailbreakers from forcing the jailer to extract the map or information about the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, the cells where the prisoners are held in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower will change.

Not only will the cells change, but the structure will also change once a week. If a jailer leaves the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, the Eternal Silence Prison Tower will automatically change its route once that day.

In short, the place where prisoners are held on the upper level of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower is very chaotic in itself. The jailer can only follow the route provided by the jailer's bracelet, and he can't figure out which specific cell the prisoner is in.

Some people may ask, is there any meaning in patrolling like this?

If the prisoner runs away, the jailer may not know.

The answer is that it is meaningful, because the jailer's bracelet can check whether the prisoner in each cell is correct. If necessary, the jailer can also use the jailer's bracelet to check the identity of the prisoner in the corresponding cell or number.

After all, the prisoners held in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower are the most dangerous in the world, so it is not surprising to be more careful.

After answering the question, Elder Time asked cautiously, "Sir, are you going to the upper level?"

"I have this plan. After all, the Eternal Silence Prison Tower may be destroyed at any minute." Wuming nodded.

Although with his strong luck, he would not be so unlucky that the Eternal Silence Prison Tower exploded right after he arrived.

But luck is not omnipotent. Sometimes in some grand narratives, individuals are actually very small. In the eyes of countless people, strong luck is just an insignificant drop in the ocean against the background of the times.

Isn't there a saying that 'a speck of dust in the times, a mountain on a person's head'?

This sentence also applies to luck. The larger the scale of time, the more difficult it is for an individual's luck to influence the general trend in the grand changes.

Even if Wuming is very confident in his luck, he must be cautious at this time. If he arrogantly believes that his luck can save him from danger, he is very likely to die in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

Afterwards, Wuming did not put the Record of No Injustice back, but asked Elder Time a lot of questions about the prisoners.

Elder Time did not hide anything from him this time, but introduced some prisoners he knew.

For example, the prisoners in the first layer of the prison were nicknamed "little sheep" by the jailers, because the first layer was the least dangerous, and the prisoners were at best evil practitioners who had killed hundreds of billions or trillions of lives or some monsters with low IQ.

Most of these prisoners were just extremely destructive, and their means were relatively limited.

It can be said that patrolling the first layer was the safest task before problems occurred.

The prisoners in the second layer of the prison were called "monkeys" by the jailers. This name was mainly because the prisoners in the second layer were very smart and cunning. They had used sweet words to deceive several female jailers, causing several minor accidents and killing a group of jailers.

But later, the Eternal Silence Prison Tower was reformed, and female jailers were no longer needed. So the male jailers looked at these prisoners like monkeys, and no matter what they said, they just watched them as monkeys.

Starting from the third layer, the prisoners did not have any nicknames. If they had to say it, there was only one, that is, "monster".

The jailers need to wear special equipment to patrol the third floor, and they must use a precious medicine called "Shenlong Body Protection Pill" to enter the third floor.

And the fourth floor must also wear special sunglasses. After the fifth floor, the jailers have basically wrapped themselves up like astronauts.

The last ninth floor, the jailers are not qualified to patrol, and only the warden is qualified to enter.

After listening to the introduction of the Elder Time, Wuming finally had a rough idea in his mind. Although the Eternal Silence Prison Tower must be different from the prison that the Elder Time knew, the level should not be too different, right?


Wuming thought about it carefully, it was not necessarily the case.

This information is useful, but it may not be as useful as he thought. It is probably only for reference.

In the next three days, he was preparing for the first exploration of the first cell. He didn't care what Master He and the others were plotting, and he devoted himself to the preparation.

For example, he took Catwoman Jessica out of the shelter and wandered around outside to sense the leak point of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

Kill some creatures polluted by the black tide and understand the characteristics of these polluting creatures.

Wuming guessed that there might be a leak somewhere in the upper layer of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower. Perhaps the many changes in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower came from the pollution of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower by the Eternal Silence Space.

Therefore, it is imperative to understand the polluting creatures.

After killing a polluted creature similar to a turtle, Wuming really found a lot of clues.

First of all, the turtle is actually dead, but the body can still move, and there is a different soul filling its body, like a collection of countless negative emotions.

Wuming named this collection the Demon Soul.

Once a creature is polluted by the black tide, the spiritual light in the body has actually been annihilated by the black tide, and the demon soul has replaced it.

After the demon soul enters the body, the body will change drastically, but this change does not seem to be without consumption, but will consume the foundation of this body.

Therefore, the more powerful the creature is, the more powerful it will be when the demon soul enters.

Moreover, a strong body can accommodate more black tide power. Although the power of the Demon Soul and the Black Tide are similar, they do not seem to be exactly the same. The combination of the two forces can produce an effect of one plus one being greater than ten.

It was just a turtle beast, and its strength was estimated to be between level 1 and 3 when it was alive, but after being dominated by the Demon Soul, its level was directly raised to level 15!

Wuming couldn't imagine how strong the prisoners on the upper level would be if they were dominated by the Demon Soul.

What if a level 200 strong man was dominated by the Demon Soul, wouldn't he have... 2000-level strength?

This was a very dangerous signal, forcing Wuming to collect information about polluted creatures more carefully. Fortunately, the few polluted creatures he encountered later were not that strong.

In the end, he didn't figure out the underlying rules of the increase in the strength of polluted creatures.

Three days passed in a flash, and he said goodbye to the Elder of Time. This time, he still only took Catwoman Jessica and headed for the first-level cell.

In fact, Master He and others had already learned a lot about Wuming from Catwoman Jessica. After Master He and others knew that Wuming was going to the first-level cell, they sneered and no longer paid attention to Wuming's movements.

In their eyes, anyone who set foot on the upper level will have only one end, and that is death!

There were arrogant people who tried in the past, but now they are the only ones left, and those who went to the upper level died.

Since Wuming went to die by himself, they saved a lot of effort.

As for Catwoman Jessica's call for help, Master He and others turned a blind eye. Sacrificing Catwoman would send Wuming to death, which they thought was very cost-effective.

Catwoman knew very well that she could not resist Wuming, and without the support of Master He and others, she completely accepted her fate.

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