I Contracted Myself

【502】Preliminary Study

The next day.

Wuming and Jessica came to the gap, and the gap was indeed a little smaller.

"You go up first." Wuming glanced at Jessica and said bluntly.

He had no mercy on Jessica, because he had seen Jessica's record in the Wuyuanlu. This guy who looked sneaky was actually a killer who killed people without blinking an eye.

During her time in the heavens and the worlds, Jessica had killed countless people. As long as she could afford the money, anyone could be her prey.

The most terrible thing was that several of the people she killed were really good people. Although their merits were not magical in their own world, they could be calculated in many places in the heavens and the worlds.

Therefore, her sin value was frighteningly high. After an accidental teleportation accident, she was sent to the Yongji Prison Tower.

"My lord, I'm afraid." Jessica looked at Wuming with tears in her eyes, trying to get away with it by being cute.

Wuming narrowed his eyes slightly and smiled, "I hate repeating myself. For the last time, you go up first!"

Otherwise... don't go up!

The fine hair on Jessica's back suddenly exploded, and she felt the murderous intent coming from Wuming.

"He will really kill me!"

Jessica screamed in her heart, and then she made up her mind and went straight through the tiny gap.

She went up to the first cell, and immediately curled up, quickly holding her breath, and all her breath was gathered within a one-meter range.

It was pitch black all around, without any light.

In the quiet darkness, it seemed that something was moving. Cats have night vision, and Catwoman Jessica also has this ability, but the night vision ability can't see through the darkness in front of her.

Her heartbeat was speeding up, but soon she suppressed it with her skills, and her heartbeat became extremely slow, and it would only beat once every half an hour.

At this time, footsteps came from the side, and she suddenly jumped up with her hair exploded, and the whole person grabbed the wall and looked in the direction of the footsteps.

She blinked and saw clearly that it was Wuming who was beside her, and the footsteps were made by Wuming jumping up.

Wuming was wearing a jailer bracelet on his hand. At this time, the jailer bracelet glowed slightly, and one of the ancient texts emitted a light screen. Wuming looked at the content on the light screen and pressed the light button first.

The cells of the Yongji Prison Tower were originally dark, and the lights were only turned on when the jailers patrolled.

However, Wuming was not sure whether the lights could be turned on now, but he could try it anyway, and he would not die if he pressed it.

After he pressed the light button, a strange light filled the first-floor cell. This light had no light source, as if it appeared out of thin air, and the entire first-floor cell became bright.


Wuming was stunned for a moment when he saw the situation around him.

And Catwoman Jessica, who had just landed, was furious again, and almost bounced back to the wall instinctively.

There were densely packed corpses all around, and these corpses seemed to have existed for a long, long time, but for some reason they would not rot.

They were stacked together, all naked, and all with their eyes open, like the eyes of a dead fish.

"My Lord, why don't we go back?" Jessica said in fear.

She had seen many corpses, and no matter how strange the corpses were, they could not scare her. The problem was that these corpses gave her a very wrong feeling, as if these corpses were still conscious.

Wuming was silent, his eyes fell on the gap between the corpses not far away, and saw a dwarf with pale skin and numb expression slowly walking towards him.

There was no doubt that it was the Storm Hammer.

"Get out!"

The dwarf suddenly spoke.

When it opened its mouth, all the corpses opened their mouths, opening and closing, like fish caught on the shore.

Wuming smiled instead and said to himself: "What? It turns out to be just the level of a turtle."

The next moment, his eyes suddenly flashed red, and he shot two lasers at the corpses around him from a distance. Wherever the lasers passed, the corpses were instantly split in two, and many corpses were directly shot in the head.

His first move seemed to have angered all the corpses, and the next moment the corpses rushed towards him and Jessica like a tsunami.

However, Wuming immediately increased the power, and the two lasers suddenly became thicker, instantly overwhelming the surrounding corpses. After piercing through countless corpses, Wuming shouted, and the invisible sound waves shook violently, and all the surrounding corpses flew backwards.

In the distance, corpses fell like rain.

Wuming used lasers to kill the corpses that were not "dead". After dealing with all the corpses, he condensed a ball of fire in his palm and threw it forward directly. The flame immediately turned into a sea of ​​fire among the corpses.

This flame is one of his superpowers, and its name is very straightforward, called "Destroying Corpse Flame".

Under normal circumstances, Wuming basically does not use this trick, because this flame only works on corpses and is completely useless for living things.

Most of the corpses he had to deal with in the past were the bodies of victims. Even if their families could accept cremation, they probably could not accept a cremation that burned them completely without even ashes left.

For the above reasons, Wuming basically never used this superpower in the past. Even if he occasionally encountered a situation where he needed to use it, he would forget that he still had this ability and did not use it.

The reason why he remembered this ability now was because he first investigated the polluted creatures, then thought about it for a night, and only found such a useful ability when he counted the abilities.

I can only say that sometimes too many abilities are also a happy trouble.

After the fire, all the bodies were burned. Wuming pinched his nose and looked around. After making sure that there were no fish that escaped, he said, "Let's go. You explore the way ahead and I'll follow behind."

"Sir, let's go back!" Jessica said with trembling legs.

If this continues, she will definitely be scared to death.

Wuming smiled kindly again. Before he could speak, Jessica trembled and said, "I'm sorry, sir, I'll go explore the way now."


Wuming glanced at Jessica who was walking forward quickly, and then followed.

The first floor is indeed not dangerous. Although those corpses are actually far more than the level of "turtles", they are not particularly high-level. The most troublesome dwarf is only level 196.

And the dwarf's desire to attack does not seem to be high. Instead, his desire to fill the gap is much higher than his desire to attack them.

This can be seen from the fact that when the dwarf attacks, his eyes instinctively tilt to the left.

After a moment, Jessica's scream suddenly came from the front. Wuming frowned and immediately walked forward quickly. Suddenly, a shadow rushed from the front. The moment it passed him, he reached out and grabbed the shadow's neck.

Catwoman screamed in pain and immediately stopped running.

"What did you see?" Wuming asked seriously.

Catwoman Jessica's face wrinkled and she said angrily: "My lord, there is a monster in front, run!!!"

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