I Contracted Myself

【503】Growing Monster

Just as Jessica finished speaking, a dark, fat, tumor-covered humanoid monster with six mouths on its head, each of which was open and had a long tongue with eyes at the end of the tongue, suddenly rushed out from the corner.


Because it rushed too fast, the monster's 'brake drift' failed, and its body hit the wall hard. In an instant, the dark wall exploded, and dense black fragments were ejected all around.

Wuming saw a piece of black matter shooting at him, and immediately opened the telekinesis shield and the biological force field shield, and at the same time slapped the black matter with one hand.



Two sounds that were neither loud nor small appeared.

Wuming found that his palm was actually pierced by the black matter, and after the piercing, the edge seemed to be contaminated, and a circle of black contaminants appeared.

He immediately cut off his hand with his other hand and quickly dodged the remaining black matter.

In Catwoman's perception, Wuming seemed to be dancing, easily avoiding all the attacks of the black matter. With her perception and dynamic vision, she didn't see Wuming testing the black matter at all.

You can imagine how fast Wuming's movements were.

At this time, the monster got up from the pit wall created by the collision. It shook its head, and the next moment all six eyes locked on Wuming, and six mouths made a sound similar to "Hila La".

"My lord, run, run, or you will die." Jessica shouted in fear.

Wuming let go of Jessica, and then his eyes burst into two red lights in an instant. He swept across the monster's body, and two burnt marks appeared on the monster's surface.

The defense is very high!

Wuming came to a conclusion in his mind.

With his current laser eye level, opponents below level 200 will be instantly evaporated by the maximum power output laser unless they have special life-saving abilities or life-saving props.

The level of this monster is not high, just two levels higher than the dwarf, but the defense of this monster does not seem to be the defense of a level 198 monster. Maybe even a level 220 monster does not have such a defense.

In other words, these polluted creatures will not only have their levels greatly increased, but also cannot be treated with common sense?

If the average level 198 cultivator is an ordinary monster, then the monster in front of him is an elite monster of level 198, with a thicker health bar, stronger defense, more terrible attack, and even some skills that can threaten Wuming.

At this time, the monster reacted belatedly, and its six eyes looked at the two lines of burnt marks on its abdomen at the same time. The next moment, the six eyes suddenly raised, and the mouth roared again.

Then, it kicked its legs hard and flew towards Wuming like a sumo wrestler.

The distance of about 30 meters seemed less than half a meter in front of its terrifying explosive power, but just when it was about to hit Wuming, Wuming took out a knife from the storage ring.

The knife was nearly three meters long, but in Wuming's hand it was like a dagger. In an instant, the blade slashed the monster thousands of times.

Then he easily avoided the monster's impact, went around the back of the monster and slashed thousands of times again.


The monster hit the ground heavily and missed.

The next moment, it immediately felt pain everywhere in its body. Although its defense was very strong, it was slashed thousands of times in a row, and the damage was superimposed, and the pain was still very obvious.

Wuming stood behind it, frowning at the knife in his hand.

Although he used the knife as a dagger, he used his own strength to strengthen the knife throughout the process, and there was definitely no problem with his skills.

But the knife in his hand had no blade, only a little bit of the back of the knife was left.

Is this knife corroded?

Wuming thought, he seemed to know why this monster could defend against attacks.

Suddenly, the monster grabbed back with one hand, and the hand was incredibly flexible, and it was as if it had eyes on its back, and the direction of the grip was accurately locked on Wuming.

Wuming pinched the back of Jessica's neck with one hand and held the knife with the other. When he saw the hand coming, he simply threw the knife to the monster's hand, then jumped back three times in a row, leaving the monster's attack distance directly.

"My Lord, let's run!" Jessica said with trembling legs.

The monster's attack just now made her smell the breath of death several times. She might have died in just a moment.

Wuming smiled and said, "Why run? We are obviously on the advantage now."

At this time, the monster got up from the ground, and its body showed a flexibility that was completely inconsistent with its body size. It was like a character in a cartoon animation. With one leg as a fulcrum, it instantly rotated its fat and bloated body. Suddenly, it punched the wall next to it, and dense black matter splashed towards Wuming like a shotgun.

If it were an ordinary person, he would probably be gone in an instant in front of this move.

Wuming dealt with this move very easily. He stepped one foot into the air, and his body appeared and disappeared from time to time. After flashing a few times, he easily avoided all the black matter.

However, the monster seemed to have anticipated this. When Wuming appeared for the last time, it had already moved in front of Wuming and smashed Wuming from top to bottom with both hands while roaring.


It was not the first time that Jessica was so close to death, but this time she felt no chance of survival at all.

Her tail was immediately blown up, and then her shoes got wet...

Wuming didn't care about Jessica in his hand. Before the monster's attack came, he leaned back, just like a diver leaning back, but his body disappeared the moment he fell.

In fact, this move seems magical, but it is very simple.

Every time he disappeared, he just turned a dust floating in the air into a shell. He just took Jessica into the dust shell and then came out.

As long as the time is good, he can use this move to easily avoid many attacks, especially for monster-like opponents like this one, who are powerful but have poor brains. This move will become particularly useful.

The monster's attack missed again, and its fist hit the ground heavily, and a crack immediately appeared on the ground.

It roared angrily, and its six eyeballs kept scanning the four directions. When Wuming appeared not far in front of it, it immediately kicked its legs and flew towards Wuming.

It has to be said that its attack is as fast as wind and as fierce as fire, and it is endless. It is very difficult for practitioners above level 200 to deal with it.

Once it finds a flaw, it could kill him in a matter of minutes.

Wuming immediately retreated. After the monster's attack missed, its body bounced up like a ball, and in Wuming's surprised eyes, it bounced to the five-meter-high ceiling. Then it kicked the ceiling with its legs and launched a second attack.

It can actually grow!

This time, Wuming was really stunned.

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