I Contracted Myself

【504】Kill the monster

The previous time, the monster launched a pounce, but after it failed, its body hit the ground heavily. But this time, it obviously retained some of its strength, and then it launched a second attack.

What does this mean?

It shows that this monster is intelligent and can learn!

A monster with the ability to learn is undoubtedly more dangerous than a monster without the ability to learn.

Wuming repeated his same trick the moment the monster hit him. He entered the inner space of the shell and reappeared the next moment, but the monster was actually right in front of him.

There are three more attacks!

Wuming's eyes widened slightly, and then he smiled.

"Hee la la!"

The monster immediately clasped his hands together and slapped him hard on both ends of the head.

However, when the blow fell, the monster did not notice that Wuming's eyes were faster than its hands, and it closed its eyes instantly.

The next second when the monster let go, Wuming opened his eyes, and he immediately stepped back dozens of steps. Only then did the monster realize that Wuming's head had not been smashed by him, and immediately roared and charged.

But the moment it launched its charge, its body split into two.

The ancient eye-cutting and freezing light technique!

Wuming looked at the monster calmly, feeling a little pity in his heart. If this monster didn't have the ability to learn, he could still conduct more tests.

After all, only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you face various dangers safely.

The problem is that it has the ability to learn and will grow on its own during the battle. If it gets enlightened or if it inexplicably comprehends some ability, it will be in big trouble.

Wuming had no choice but to send it to death with tears in its eyes.

At this time, he stopped fighting, moved his nose, frowned and looked at Jessica, who was holding in his hand. Jessica had fainted from fright. Not only were her shoes wet, but her pants were also wet, and her tail was hanging softly. It looked like a dead cat.

Putting Jessica on the ground casually, Wuming slowly walked towards the monster.

Because of the ancient eye-cutting and freezing light technique, half of the monster's body is still in place. The other half of the monster's body was too strong but only had an ordinary body, so it hit the wall next to it and is now lying on the ground near the wall. Above, the cut surface of half of the body is extremely smooth.

From its cross-section, you can see that its head has a completely deformed skull. The skull seems to be pieced together from several skulls. There is even an eye on the back of the head, but it is obscured by a thick layer of fat.

However, Wuming suspected that although the fat blocked part of the vision of this eye, this eye still had vision and could see some things.

This can explain why the previous monster seemed to have eyes on the back of its head, because it really had an eye on the back of its head!

Its skin was very thick, about six times thicker than that of ordinary humans. The subcutaneous fat was very special, and there were a lot of black blood streaks in the pale color. Wuming took out an iron rod and picked at it, and the iron rod was directly corroded.

"Is it really corrosive?"

Wuming picked up the iron rod and observed it, but in the end he didn't see the reason.

In fact, he had studied the corpses of contaminated creatures before, but he also didn't see the reason.

Maybe it's because this kind of power is too high-end for him today, so it's difficult for him to understand this kind of power.

He never thinks that power is good or bad, even extremely evil power, as long as the user can control his heart and not do bad things, then this kind of power can also be used to do good things.

The power of the eternal silence space is not necessarily evil, but its nature is more terrifying.

Of course, this is just Wuming's own opinion, and he has no control over what others think.

He took out an empty storage ring, then placed it against the edge of the monster's body, and instantly put the monster's body into the storage ring. For safety reasons, after collecting the monster, he threw the ring a few meters away and quietly observed the ring. .

"Phew, it seems I was too careful."

After about a minute, Wuming felt slightly relieved when he saw the ring lying on the ground fine.

But just when he was about to step forward to pick up the ring, the space around the ring was slightly distorted. He quickly stepped back. The ring exploded violently in the next second, and then the monster's body fell to the ground in the distortion, with a slight amount of fat on it. trembled.

"Well, it turns out you can be careful."

Wuming took a breath and immediately changed his mind. Fortunately, he had felt that the level of the storage ring might not be able to hold the monster's body.

Now it has come true.

He looked at the monster's corpse, and after thinking for a moment, he simply walked over and squatted down, condensing a wave of 'corpse-destroying flames' in his palms.

When the corpse-destroying flames fell on the monster's corpse, the flames immediately burst into flames, but after burning for about 15 seconds, the flames went out, leaving only slight burn marks on the surface of the corpse.

"Isn't it really possible?" Wuming said to himself.

Next, he tried many of his superpowers, but none of them had any effect on the corpse.

Half a day passed in the blink of an eye. He sat on the chair and looked at the corpse on the ground. He was already sure of one thing, that is, only two of his countless abilities could cause harm to the corpse.

The first is to condense the endless power of light and blast the monster to death with a large amount of energy. The second ability is the ancient eye-cutting and freezing light technique.

Except for the above two abilities, other abilities are not useful for this monster.

Moreover, this monster has a very disgusting characteristic when it dies, that is, it will corrode everything, and this kind of corrosion may not actually be corrosion. It’s just that Wuming hasn’t figured out what it is for the time being, so he calls it ‘corrosion’ for now. Effect.

"I hope all the monsters on this floor are not like this, otherwise there will be no fun." Wuming sighed, put away the chair and stood up.

He glanced at Jessica who was pretending to be unconscious on the ground, and said: "Get up, or I will kill you."

In fact, Jessica woke up when he was studying the corpse. She might have wanted to pretend to be unconscious so that Wuming would forget her, so she lay on the ground without understanding.

"Sir, let's go back!" Jessica felt Wuming's murderous intention and immediately got angry and said with a pale face.

Wuming said coldly: "Follow, otherwise the monster will end up like you."


Jessica was speechless and could only follow Wuming obediently.

The two continued to walk forward. Wuming took a look at the big pit hit by the monster, then turned a corner and walked a few steps, and found that there was actually a cell in front of him, but a big hole was knocked through the wall of the cell.

From the outline of this big hole, it can be judged that the monster just killed by Wuming may be the prisoner in this cell.

He stepped forward and took a look. He found that there were no other monsters in the cell. He breathed a sigh of relief. It was already very difficult to deal with one of these monsters. If there were more, he would have to turn around and run.


At this time, he noticed that there were words engraved in the corner of the cell.

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