I Contracted Myself


He stepped into the cell from the big hole, walked to the corner and looked carefully. He found that there were not only words in the corner, but also a lot of words.

"Benjamin, you will not die well, Benjamin, you will not die well..."

This line of words was very long and seemed to be repeated all the time. It was about eighty lines long and suddenly stopped.

"God has eyes, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha..."

This sentence was not repeated very often, but there were quite a few times. The words written by the engraver were crooked, but his happiness could be felt from the words.

For the following questions, Wuming read faster and faster, mainly because there were too many meaningless contents.

Some were cursing. Wuming suspected that he was cursing a certain jailer or a certain warden, and compared with the previous "not dying well", it gradually developed into a more uncivilized pattern.

Wuming did not read it carefully, mainly because he did not want to be polluted by these dirty words.

Finally, there was some useful information.

"I am the Fat King. I will probably be trapped to death in this **** place in this life. I will leave my skills here. After I die, if someone enters the cell later, they can learn my skills. If there is no chance to escape, remember to leave your skills. In the future, there will be more skills, and someone will be able to escape from this damn place.

I have only one request, kill all the jailers and the warden!!!"

Next, a skill was engraved below.

This skill is called "Baozhi Vajra Gong". Although the name has a feeling of a second-rate skill, Wuming found that this skill is actually very strong after reading it.

If this skill can be refined to the level of the Fat King, the attack power may not be very good, but in terms of defense, it is estimated that few people in the world can break his defense.

"No wonder the monster's defense is so strong, maybe it is because of the practice of "Baozhi Vajra Gong." Wuming wrote down the skill and couldn't help thinking in his heart.

Of course, in addition to the effect of the "Baozhi Vajra Gong", the energy leaked from the Eternal Silence Space is also the key, otherwise the effect of the "Baozhi Vajra Gong" alone cannot defend against Wuming's attack.

Because Wuming is one of the few people in the world who can break the defense of the "Baozhi Vajra Gong".

"This skill can be given to Fatty, but after returning, ask the skill doctor to verify whether the skill is reliable, so as to prevent the Fat King from secretly tampering with the skill." Wuming thought. It is estimated that the Fat King himself did not think of engraving the skill, and as a result, there was no second prisoner in this cell, and this skill was cheaper for him.

Wuming continued to read down, and there were many words behind the skill. Some shortcuts to practice the "Baozhi Vajra Gong" were also recorded, such as eating fat, eating a lot of fat.

If it is the same kind of fat, you can even use the skill to absorb it after eating it, greatly enhancing your own strength.

When Wuming saw this sentence, he guessed why the Fat King was imprisoned in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

A magic practitioner with extremely abnormal defense, if he can't be killed, he can only be locked up. Maybe the person who caught him was the second warden Benjamin, so he kept scolding Benjamin.

Later, Benjamin died, and he happily carved "God has eyes".

However, in Wuming's view, the death of the devil Fat King is the real God's eyes.

"My lord, what are you looking at?" Jessica stepped forward cautiously at this time, trying to get closer to Wuming, and saw Wuming staring at the wall, so she couldn't help asking.

Curiosity kills the cat, it's not without reason.

She was scared to death just now, and seeing Wuming squatting in the corner as if looking at something, she couldn't help but come closer.

Wuming said calmly: "Nothing."

These words are very, very small, and Jessica can't see them at all with her eyesight. It is estimated that Fat King usually sits in this corner with his huge body, and the jailers can't see these words at all when patrolling, and the warden will not come under normal circumstances, so Fat King got away with it.

Of course, even if the warden knew, it would not matter, because all the wardens were sure that the Fat King would be locked up here forever, and no other prisoners would enter this cell, so it would be useless for him to carve anything.

The words carved behind the Fat King basically had no meaning, probably because the years were too long, and he carved a lot of his own stories behind him.

However, some stories were repeated, and some stories were inconsistent, and Wuming was not sure whether they were true or false.

Perhaps some of the so-called "experiences" were just the bored fantasies of the Fat King over the long years, and he could no longer tell which were fantasies and which were real experiences.

To be honest, Wuming felt a creepy feeling when he looked at the words carved by the Fat King.

Boredom may be the most terrible enemy of eternal life.

"Let's go!"

After reading all the words, Wuming exhaled slightly, stood up and said.

He turned around and saw Jessica staring at the corner intently, as if trying to see a flower in the corner, but the problem was that some black lines had appeared on her face.

And the bloodshot in her eyes had all turned black.

She was polluted!

It's just that the pollution level is not high, so she herself doesn't feel it.

Wuming first checked himself, and after confirming that he was not polluted, he looked at Jessica and asked, "How do you feel?"

"Sir, what do you mean?" Jessica asked puzzled.

Wuming walked up and observed her face carefully. She thought Wuming had lustful thoughts about her at this time, so she immediately blinked, showing a shy and expectant expression, and asked, "Sir, if you want, I... I can cooperate."

"Shut up." Wuming frowned and said bluntly.

Jessica felt Wuming's murderous intent, and suddenly it was like being poured with a basin of cold water. Her body shook violently, and she quickly held her breath and stood still obediently.

"Feel your body carefully, is there any change?" Wuming said at this time.

Jessica was stunned. Just when she wanted to feel any changes in her body, she suddenly noticed that the color of her hand was wrong. She looked at her hand and was immediately shocked.

She didn't know when her hand had grown scales, and each scale had black blood threads spreading, which looked very strange and terrifying.

"My lord, am I contaminated? Please, save me, save me!" She said in panic.

Wuming frowned and said, "Shut up, be quiet!"


Jessica was stimulated by the murderous aura and immediately calmed down, but her eyes were full of uneasiness, looking straight at Wuming.

"I can't feel the power of the black tide at all, and there is no special energy in the air. Where does the pollution come from? Under my feet?" Wuming glanced at the ground and thought to himself.

The problem is that after they came up, their feet didn't really step on the ground, but were suspended a few millimeters above the ground.


Just now, Catwoman Jessica was unconscious and lying on the ground. Was she infected at that time?

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