I Contracted Myself

【508】Counterattack and hear

"Locked here forever? We are guilty of heinous crimes?"

Edison and the others were all thinking about something, and glanced at the people around them.

None of them told each other about their experiences before entering the Eternal Silence Prison Tower. After entering the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, the strong preyed on the weak, and slowly formed the current group.

Now, after hearing what Wuming said, they immediately associated their past experiences with the experiences of others.

Could it be... that everyone is the same as themselves?

But before they could think about it, Edison suddenly exclaimed: "How is it possible, the Death Forbidden Killing Formation has failed?"

"How could it be? Did you feel it wrong?" Lu Xiankai said in horror.

The Death Forbidden Killing Formation is their big killer against Wuming, but it is also a way out for them after failure.

In fact, there is a smaller place at the bottom that can also serve as a temporary shelter. If they really can't beat Wuming, they can escape to that temporary shelter, and wait for Wuming to die after exploring the upper level, and then they can come back.

As a result, the Death Forbidden Killing Formation has failed now?

Wuming looked at these people with some pity, and finally sighed: "The Death Forbidden Killing Formation is indeed a very powerful formation, but how long have you not been in contact with the outside world? In the outside world, the Death Forbidden Killing Formation is already one of the more classic killing formations, and more than 860 methods of cracking it have been studied. I must admit that Edison is a genius. You can actually improve the Death Forbidden Killing Formation into a variant suitable for the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, but I am not a formation novice!"

"How could it be!" Edison said with a pale face.

Wuming smiled and said: "Then... enjoy the Death Forbidden Killing Formation you carefully arranged!"

As he spoke, he controlled the Death Forbidden Killing Formation to lock Master He and others. Master He immediately roared and prepared to fight to the death, but was instantly killed by the Death Forbidden Killing Formation from top to bottom, and his body turned into meat paste under the terrifying high pressure.

"I surrender, sir, I surrender, Master He forced me to do it!"

Lu Xiankai knelt down and begged for mercy, but was killed by the Death Forbidden Killing Formation in the next second.

The remaining people reacted differently, but in the end, they all died instantly under the suppression of the Death Forbidden Killing Formation.

It must be said that the Death Forbidden Killing Formation arranged by Edison is indeed terrible. If it weren't for the Eye of Ignorance, Wuming would not dare to activate this formation.

Even if this formation only borrowed a little bit of the power of the Eternal Silence Space, it is still not something that practitioners like them can bear. Wuming is actually not sure how strong the Death Forbidden Killing Formation is, and how many levels it takes to withstand the attack of the Death Forbidden Killing Formation, but among the people he knows now, the number of people who can block the Death Forbidden Killing Formation that borrows the power of the Eternal Silence Space is not enough.

Fortunately, once the Death Forbidden Killing Formation borrows the power of the Eternal Silence Space, it will inevitably be eroded by the power of the Eternal Silence Space, so it is impossible to prepare the Death Forbidden Killing Formation for a long time.

Otherwise, Wuming might really be killed by the opponent at first sight when he just entered the shelter.

After dealing with Master He and others, Wuming simply took out a bed from the storage space, and with a light sweep of his hand, the shapeless bodies of Master He and others were swept away. The dust on the ground rolled up the bodies of these people and finally fell in the distance, forming hills.

He lay on the bed and continued to sleep, not taking Master He and others' night attack to heart.

After understanding the identities of Master He and others, he actually didn't care about the life and death of Master He and others. Moreover, after returning to the Shenzang space, he once searched for these people and confirmed that they were indeed extremely evil. This time he came back and really didn't take their lives seriously.

There was no conversation that night. The next day, Pangolin found that Master He and others had disappeared.

It and Xiao Zuanfeng walked around tremblingly, and finally found Master He and others on five small hills. They stood in place, felt the footsteps behind them, and immediately dared not move.

"You came at the right time. Let's explore the upper level together. Who agrees and who opposes?" Wuming walked behind them and asked with a smile.

Pangolin and Xiao Zuanfeng immediately turned around and prostrated themselves on the ground, crying, "I am willing. It is my honor to serve you, sir."

The two guys who had never gotten along with each other had a perfect understanding this time.

Wuming nodded and said with satisfaction, "Very good, let's go then."

"Yes, sir!" Pangolin and Xiao Zuanfeng responded.

Although they were unwilling, they could only swallow their anger and do what Wuming said. After all, they didn't want to die.

Of course, after learning about Jessica's situation yesterday, they didn't want to go crazy.

"Sir, Master He and the others..." Pangolin asked cautiously, relying on his good relationship with Wuming.

Wuming smiled and said, "Nothing. They were too noisy last night. I wanted to kill people when I was sleeping. I heard them making so much noise, and I got angry when I woke up. In the end, I didn't stop and beat them to death. Sigh... Now I feel very guilty when I think about it."

"You don't have to feel guilty, sir. Who told them to be so noisy? They deserved to die. You took the trouble to make them quiet down for the sake of our sleep quality. You are so great!" Xiao Zuanfeng licked immediately.

Wuming smiled and said, "Yeah, that makes sense. Then I won't feel guilty!"

"Your Excellency is wise!" Xiao Zuanfeng said respectfully.

One person, one mole, and one pangolin walked through the passage to the gap. Because the dwarf's wind hammer had been completely destroyed by Wuming, the crack did not narrow again.

Wuming warned, "After going up, don't touch anything, don't let your body touch anything, especially don't let your feet touch the ground, otherwise don't blame me if you die."

"Yes, sir!" Pangolin and Xiao Zuanfeng responded.

At the same time, they felt a little more at ease. Wuming was willing to remind them, which at least meant that Wuming would not deliberately kill them.

Wuming asked Pangolin to go up first. Although Pangolin was afraid, he had to obey orders and go up first. After confirming that it was safe, Wuming and Xiao Zuanfeng climbed to the first floor.

Because it was cleaned once yesterday, it was much safer this time.

Wuming controlled the jailer's bracelet to turn on the light, and then walked forward along the road. After passing the fat king's cell, he woke up and let Pangolin go in front and let Xiao Zuanfeng follow behind to continue exploring.

In fact, the ground is not all polluted. There are many rocks whose names are unknown that have not been eroded by the power of the eternal space and are still well preserved.

Wuming stopped to observe and found that this kind of rock is not uncorrupted, but has a certain resistance to the power of the eternal space.

If a set of armor can be made with this kind of rock, it may be able to withstand pollution.

"It hurts, it hurts!"

Suddenly, the rock on the ground made a sound.

Wuming was slightly surprised. He hadn't heard the sound of dead things for a long time.

The main reason was that he was getting more and more capable. He could choose to listen or not, and even set a threshold. For example, if the intelligence of a dead thing was too low, he would not listen even if he could hear it.

After raising the IQ level of the threshold, unless he took the initiative to talk to the dead thing, he would basically not hear any sound.

But now he heard it. The floor was talking, which meant that its intelligence might be as high as that of an adult.

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