I Contracted Myself

【509】The Moon in the Sky

"I'm dying, I'm dying, I'm dying..."

"It hurts, it hurts so much, who? Who will save me?"

"Ming'er, grow up well, Dad... Dad can't be with you..."

Wuming squatted beside the rock, listened carefully to the rock's mumbling, and gradually frowned, feeling something was wrong.

He thought for a while, and then said carefully: "Who is Ming'er?"

"Who? Who is talking to me? No, am I hallucinating and my end is coming?" Rock said in horror.

Wuming replied: "I am Wuming, not your hallucination, now it's your turn to answer my question."

"Isn't it a hallucination? Fortunately, it's okay." Rock breathed a sigh of relief.

Wuming frowned at this time and said: "You haven't answered my question yet, who is Ming'er?"

"Sir, have you been contaminated?" Pangolin saw Wuming squatting on the ground and mumbling, and asked in horror.

Xiao Zuanfeng was about to retreat without saying a word. Wuming looked up and glanced at them lightly, and they immediately shut their mouths and dared not disturb Wuming.

"What on earth are you?" Wuming looked down at the rock and asked again.

He found that the rocks around him would not speak, even some uncontaminated rocks were quiet. As long as he did not provoke those rocks, they would probably not talk to themselves like this rock.

This shows that this rock is very special, and Wuming heard its mumbling, and he had some guesses in his mind.

But the rock was very quiet afterwards, as quiet as a real rock.

"Well, you missed the only chance to escape."

Wuming waited for a moment, and knew that he could not wait any longer, so he stood up and said.

"Humph, give up, you will be locked up here forever until you die. Even if I die here, I will not cooperate with a demon like you who has committed so many evil deeds." The rock sneered at this time.

If it was ten million years ago, he would never say a word to the prisoners in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

But he was trapped in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower for too long, so he couldn't help talking to Wuming.

But after hearing Wuming's big talk, he was very disdainful. The Eternal Silence Prison Tower was close to collapse. The only chance to escape?

Don't even think about it. All prisoners should die here!

Wuming was stunned. Only then did he understand why this rock named Tianxing Mingyue didn't talk to him just now. It turned out to be a misunderstanding.

He squatted down again, cut off the surrounding sounds, and said: "I am not a prisoner of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, but an innocent person who was accidentally involved. Look at the jailer's bracelet in my hand. I have actually left the Eternal Silence Prison Tower through the Gate of Innocence. Unfortunately, the jailer's bracelet cannot keep me out of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower forever."

"You can actually leave through the Gate of Innocence?" Tianxing Mingyue was surprised.

Wuming smiled bitterly and told Tianxing Mingyue about his experience. Tianxing Mingyue sighed after listening: "Then you are really unlucky. It's too difficult to go to the top floor from here. I have tried it, but I had to retreat on the fourth floor in the end."

"Who are you..." Wuming looked at Tianxing Mingyue and asked.

Tian Xing Ming Yue explained: "I was originally the jailer of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, named Tian Xing Ming Yue.

After the warden got into trouble, I went to the top floor with the two jailers, Li Tianshi and Chen Xingzun, to confirm the warden's life or death, and also hoped to find the warden and the key.

Who knew that there was a problem on the third floor. Not only was the door of the cell opened, but the power of the Eternal Silence Space also leaked in from the cracks in the walls of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower. As the first person to climb the third floor, Li Tianshi was directly contaminated and degenerated into a Death Wing Angel on the spot. In the end, he and Chen Xingzun died together.

At that time, I ran up desperately, but who knew that as soon as I climbed to the fourth floor, I saw the imprisoned Eye of the Abyss running wild. One-third of my body was contaminated. I couldn't hold on after escaping here, so I had to abandon my body completely. My soul was purified hundreds of times by the Life Stone, and finally boarded in this Life Stone."

"Is this the Life Stone?" Wuming said in surprise.

He knew the Life Stone. According to the records of the Shenzang Space, the Life Stone is a rock with endless vitality.

Only a small piece of stone can be carved into a ring or a stone tablet to make ordinary creatures immortal after wearing it. Only when the soul reaches the limit will it die.

And even if the soul dies, the body wearing the jewelry made of Shengsheng Stone will not die, but will become an empty shell without a soul.

There are many experimental records in the Shenzang Space. For example, after the mortal wearing Shengsheng Stone died, thousands of years later, the empty shell gave birth to consciousness again, and then inherited the information in the brain, just like resurrection.

However, later someone discovered that although the awakened person and the mortal in the past wanted to die very much, the soul was no longer the original soul, but more like a soul gathered and pieced together by countless spiritual lights.

Some practitioners even jokingly called this resurrection "crowd-funded resurrection", because the soul of the awakened person was pieced together by the spiritual lights of countless creatures after death, which felt like a soul raised by crowdfunding.

It is worth mentioning that the resource tower in the Shenzang Space has the Life-Sheng Stone. Wuming remembers that the Life-Sheng Stone seemed to be the reward for the 239th floor. Although he himself did not reach the 239th floor, many rewards of the resource tower are public on the Oracle Network. Many strong people are constantly climbing up the tower to explore the limit of the reward.

"Yes, this piece of Shengsheng Stone has not been polluted because I have been constantly gathering the vitality of the surrounding Shengsheng Stones, and I have completely merged with it. When it is completely polluted, I am afraid that it will be the time of my death." Tian Xingmingyue said bitterly.

Although he did not cry out in pain now, he was actually eroded by the power of the Eternal Silence Space and was in pain all the time.

Wuming asked: "What will happen if I cut this piece of Shengsheng Stone off?"

"Give up, the hardness of Shengsheng Stone is extremely high, even the warden cannot destroy it." Tian Xingmingyue sighed.

The inner wall of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower is made of Shengsheng Stone. If the hardness of Shengsheng Stone is not high enough, wouldn't the prisoners escape in a minute?

As a jailer, Tian Xingmingyue knows the hardness of Shengsheng Stone too well. He even cannot understand how the person who created the Eternal Silence Prison Tower cut the Shengsheng Stone so completely, and the size is exactly the same.

"If I can cut it off, will you die? Or can you be saved?" Wuming asked seriously.

Tian Xing Ming Yue was stunned and said in surprise: "Can you really cut the Life-giving Stone? Please don't give me hope and then let me down. I can't bear such a blow."

"Look at it!"

Wuming looked at the ground next to him and used the ancient cutting eye freezing light technique.

In an instant, he pushed the ground with a knife, and a small crack immediately appeared on the ground.

"It's true, it's true, hahahaha, I'm saved." Tian Xing Ming Yue felt the change of the rock and laughed wildly.

Wuming waited for a while, and when Tian Xing Ming Yue stopped, he said: "Do you believe it now?"

"Sir, please save me, cut it with confidence!"

Tian Xing Ming Yue's attitude was much more respectful. After all, even the warden couldn't cut the Life-giving Stone, but Wuming was able to cut it, which meant that Wuming might be more powerful than the warden.

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