I Contracted Myself

【510】Wall of Mouth

Wuming used the ancient eye-cutting freezing light technique to cut raw stone bit by bit. .

A minute later, he cut out the intact part of the raw stone, forming a rectangular rock about the size of a palm.

Wuming just held the raw stone, and the uncomfortable aura of the Eternal Prison Tower that originally made him dissipated a lot. It felt like he came out of a stuffy room, and a cool breeze hit his face, and his whole body was awake and awake. It's almost refreshing.

"Sir, thank you, the pain is finally gone." Tian Xing Mingyue said sincerely.

He was trapped in the living stone and did not dare to come out. Once he came out, the ubiquitous pollution of the Everlasting Prison Tower would corrode his soul.

The soul losing its body is like a tortoise losing its shell. It is too fragile in the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence.

The problem is that the Everlasting Prison Tower has been eroded, and the living stone he lives on has also been eroded. This erosion is like a flame burning his body, causing him to suffer every day and night.

Now Wuming cut off the intact part of the raw stone. He was parasitic in this part of the raw stone, and finally no longer had to be tortured by pollution.

Wuming smiled and said: "You're welcome. This is what I should do. Good people should be rewarded. This is the law of nature!"

"Haha, if you are really a good person, you will be rewarded with good things." Tian Xing Mingyue said with some resentment, thinking of his previous experience.

Wuming comforted him: "Isn't it better now? Maybe things will turn around from now on?"

"Thank you for your good words!" Tianxing Mingyue couldn't help but smile.

Wuming then said: "Okay, next I will continue to explore the Eternal Silence Prison Tower. Mr. Tianxing, would you like to join us, or should I find a safe place first..."

"Sir, let's act together. What if the place you are looking for is only safe now but will not be safe in a while?" Tian Xing Mingyue said immediately.

He was fed up with the feeling of being trapped in one place and unable to move. Even if it might be more dangerous to follow Wuming, he was willing to go with Wuming instead of waiting somewhere for an uncertain future.

Wuming nodded, and then after thinking about it, he told Tianxing Mingyue about the situation of Pangolin and Xiao Zhuanfeng. After hearing this, Tianxing Mingyue sneered and said: "Sir, your choice is right. Use these two evil-doing beasts as cannon fodder." It's just right. I'll try not to say anything later. If I have any key information, I'll tell you."

"Well, then I'll take action!" Wuming said with a smile.

He broke off his silence and said to the pangolin and Xiao Zhuanfeng who were waiting not far away: "Okay, let's keep walking."

"Sir, the stone in your hand? It's so full of vitality." The pangolin glanced at the raw stone in Wuming's hand and said in surprise.

It then looked at the raw stones on the ground that had not been contaminated, and thought to itself: "I didn't expect these stones to be treasures, and they don't show any breath when they are complete. I actually ignored them."

"Stop talking and let's go!" Wuming said calmly.

One person and two beasts continued to walk forward, with Xiao Zuanfeng walking behind. It also realized that the rocks on the ground were not simple. After walking not far, it couldn't help but use its sharp claws to try to cut uncontaminated raw rocks, but Its claws scratched the surface of the raw stone without leaving even a trace.

"Hiss, how did he cut this stone?" Xiao Zuanfeng glanced at his claws and couldn't help but gasped, his claws were blunt!

Wuming looked back at Xiao Zuanfeng and warned: "Don't make unnecessary tricks!"

"Sir, I'm sorry." Xiao Zhuanfeng quickly begged for mercy.

Wuming didn't say anything else, and turned back to continue walking forward. Suddenly, the pangolin in front stopped, hesitated for a while, then stepped back, and said, "Sir, did you hear any noise? There is still a sound over there!"

This prison is built like a maze, with nine twists and turns. Not to mention the prison robbers, even the jailers may get lost if they have a map.

There was a strange sound coming from the corner ahead. It was probably like someone opening his mouth and tapping his teeth continuously, making a "clucking" sound.

Because there are so many of them and the rhythm is extremely weird, it is indeed extremely terrifying when combined with the terrifying environment of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

Wuming was not prepared to send the cannon fodder away as cannon fodder. He twisted off one of his fingers and rubbed it until the finger was rounded like dough.

He injected superpowers and an eyeball was born.

He controlled his eyes to drift forward, waited until he reached the corner, and looked to the right. His face immediately showed the expression of an old man on the subway looking at his mobile phone. "Sir, what did you see?" the pangolin asked carefully.

Wuming walked straight forward, and Pangolin and Xiao Zhuanfeng quickly followed. When they came to the end of the passage and looked to the right, they all showed stunned expressions.

In front, densely packed mouths hung on the walls on both sides, and these mouths opened and closed. Because the frequency was very high, they made that weird, terrifying sound.

"Sir, are we going the wrong way?" Xiao Zhuanfeng asked.

Wuming checked the map and said calmly: "You're not on the wrong path, we have to pass by here."

"But sir, this... this is too weird." The pangolin was frightened.

In fact, let alone a pangolin, Wuming was a little scared when he looked at it, because all these mouths were actually contaminated. If all the mouths detached from the wall in an instant and kept biting him, he would probably be contaminated before he could defend himself.

"This is the only way, let's rush over!" Wuming took a deep breath and gritted his teeth.

The pangolin and Xiao Zuanfeng hesitated. Wuming glanced at them and said calmly, "You can stay here too!"

"Sir, of course we have to act with you!" The pangolin and Xiao Zuanfeng felt a chill on their necks, realizing that Wuming's words about staying here did not mean staying here without taking risks, but meant dying here.

Wuming nodded and said calmly, "Then let's go!"

The pangolin was still running in the front, Wuming was running in the middle, and Xiao Zuanfeng was responsible for covering the rear.

At Wuming's command, the pangolin instantly turned into a black shadow and rushed forward quickly. Obviously, in order to survive, it showed its real ability.

Wuming followed closely behind, and Xiao Zuanfeng ran at the end.

The three ran quickly in the passage, and the mouths around them kept opening and closing, and the frequency gradually overlapped with their footsteps.

Suddenly, a mouth opened, and a long tongue shot towards Wuming. Wuming slightly accelerated to avoid the tongue, and the tongue instantly wrapped around Xiao Zuanfeng behind him.

"Master, save me!" Xiao Zuanfeng screamed immediately and was pulled into the wall. After a ripple on the wall, another mouth appeared.

Wuming's pupils shrank instantly when he saw this scene. Only then did he know where these mouths came from.

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