I Contracted Myself

【511】Sea Ghost God


Speed ​​up and run!

Wuming's speed was getting faster and faster, and the mouths around him seemed to have noticed someone passing by, and kept shooting out their own tongues. Wuming could only keep dodging under the attack of countless tongues.

The pangolin in front was also very dangerously avoiding its tongue, but because it ran at the front, it was slightly safer.


The pangolin saw the corner at the end of the passage and thought to himself.

Suddenly, Wuming surpassed it, its heart contracted violently, and it quickly followed Wuming's footsteps. Before all the mouths could react, they rushed to the other end of the passage.

The next second, all the densely packed tongues shot out, weaving a large web in the passage that was impossible to avoid.

Wuming breathed a sigh of relief. Although he could actually use the dust shell to avoid attacks, it was too dangerous to use the shell in this environment. If the shell got stuck on his tongue, the end would be the same as Xiao Zuanfeng, so he started from scratch I didn't dare to use that move until the end.

"Sir...you...look!" the pangolin rested for a moment and suddenly said in horror.

Wuming immediately looked in the direction the pangolin was looking. In the passage on the left, densely packed arms were waving, as if trying to catch something.

This feels like it's more dangerous than the mouth.

"Sir, how about we go back!" The pangolin began to shake and said in fear.

Wuming took a deep breath, and the next moment he shot lasers at those arms with his eyes. Wherever the lasers hit, the arms were cut off like lotus roots.

In an instant, arms were everywhere on the ground, and there were a large number of circles on the wall, with blood flowing out of the circles.

It seems even scarier...

The corner of Wuming's mouth twitched slightly, and he glanced at the way back. He probably didn't find the enemy with his mouth, and gradually returned to normal, constantly making "clucking" sounds.

This damn place!

Wuming cursed in his heart, and then communicated with Tianxing Mingyue: "Mr. Tianxing, when you came back before, was this place like this?"

"Of course not, the pollution was far less serious at that time." Tian Xing Mingyue also replied with some emotion.

Whether it was the wall full of mouths or the wall full of arms here, it gave people an extremely weird feeling. If the Eternal Silence Prison Tower was so terrifying, he would not have been able to climb to the third floor. "It seems that these arms and mouths should be the traces left by the prisoners of this level. King Fat's defense should be too strong, but he was not assimilated by these things." Wuming said.

Tian Xing Mingyue said in surprise: "Have you seen Fat King? That's right. With your attack power, Sir, it will be easy to defeat Fat King."

Although Fat King's defense is very strong, no matter how strong it is, it cannot be stronger than raw stone. Since Wuming has the ability to cut raw stone, he naturally also has the ability to cut Fat King.

"Besides Fat King, are there any difficult prisoners on this floor?" Wuming asked.

Tian Xing Mingyue replied: "How is it possible? In fact, if the prisoners on this level are placed outside, they are all existences that can easily destroy the world. For example, the magic sword Fenks has the pupil of the magic sword. See It is equivalent to cutting it, and the world is divided into two. He is imprisoned on this level and has to seal his eyes. "

Next, he talked about the abilities of several prisoners, and all of them were extremely terrifying existences without exception.

After listening to Tian Xing Mingyue's words, Wuming had a bad premonition in his heart. His mouth, arms... what if a certain wall in front of him was an eye, and the eyes of the magic sword Finks happened to be on it...

"This damn place!"

This time Wuming didn't curse in his heart, but outright.

However, after he scolded, Tian Xing Mingyue quit. He defended the Eternal Silence Prison Tower and said: "Sir, actually the Eternal Silence Prison Tower is not a ghost place. If it is not polluted by the Eternal Silence Space, in fact, it is The Prison Tower of Eternal Silence works pretty well.”

"But what I saw was the polluted Prison Tower of Eternal Silence!" Wuming retorted.

He didn't care what the unpolluted Prison Tower of Eternal Silence looked like. Anyway, what he saw when he arrived, he naturally had some thoughts in his heart.

No matter how good the past was, it had nothing to do with him.

He took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, keep going forward. I hope there won't be any leg walls or butt walls after passing this road."

"Sir, do you really want to go forward?" the pangolin said in horror.

The further it goes, the only thing it feels is that there is no turning back. Now it is extremely difficult for it to go back. If it continues to go forward, it is not sure whether it will come back alive.

After all, Little Zuanfeng died on the wall full of mouths, and it felt that its death was near. "Continue!" Wuming gritted his teeth and nodded.

The pangolin sighed in pain. If it didn't move forward, the unknown would kill it. If it continued to move forward, various dangers would kill it at any time, but what if it was lucky?

If you don't go, you will die, but if you go, you won't die.

It actually has no extra choices from the beginning.

Next, the pangolin is still in the lead, because the arms on the wall have been cut off by Wuming with laser eyes, so as long as they run in the air, they may be able to escape safely to the other side!

When Wuming shouted "Run", the pangolin turned into a black shadow and ran forward crazily. Wuming followed closely behind it, ready to use it to block the gun at any time.

A second later, they ran to the middle of the passage. The arms on the ground immediately began to squirm, and their fingers grasped wildly.

Wuming looked down and his speed increased again. When he passed the pangolin, he picked up the pangolin and ran to the end of the passage in a blink of an eye.

The arms that were about to move collapsed one after another.

Wuming breathed a sigh of relief. He put down the pangolin and said, "Fortunately, there was no danger this time."

"Sir, look ahead." The pangolin said with a distorted face and pain.

Wuming immediately looked at the other side of the corner of the passage. The wall was covered with dense eyes, and at the end of the passage was a big hole.

That was cell 002 on the first floor, and the prisoner was the Sea Ghost God Emperor Xing.

The sea ghost is an aggregate of the resentment of the shipwreck wreckage. It is not a big threat in itself, but this imprisoned sea ghost absorbed the sea ghosts of countless worlds and finally evolved into the Sea Ghost God.

He can secretly control the seas of countless worlds to cause huge disasters, thereby constantly creating more sea ghosts, and then devouring these sea ghosts to achieve the purpose of continuing to evolve.

At first, no one noticed his existence. After all, there were too many worlds in the universe, and shipwrecks would not kill too many people, so naturally there would be no panic.

But later, he became stronger and stronger, and the number of shipwrecks in the universe increased. Some practitioners noticed something was wrong, and after hundreds of years of secret investigation, they finally locked onto the existence of the Sea Ghost God.

As a result, after hundreds of wars, the Sea Ghost God was imprisoned in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower by the third warden.

Wuming looked at the big hole on the wall of cell 002, and was already wondering in his heart, was the Sea Ghost God assimilated by these walls, or turned into a monster similar to the Fat King?

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