I Contracted Myself

【512】Emperor’s Foul

"Okay, let's go!"

After resting for a while, Wuming said to the pangolin.

The pangolin stood up, glanced at Wuming, lowered its head and gritted its teeth and rushed forward. Wuming immediately followed behind it.

In the passage, densely packed eyes kept turning around, and suddenly one eye locked on the pangolin. The pangolin suddenly stopped when it sensed danger, then swung around behind Wuming and ran back crazily.


Wuming frowned and gave a low drink.

But he did not look back, but continued to run forward.

At this time, some of the eyeballs on the wall began to bleed, and some emitted light.

There even seemed to be something moving in some eyeballs, and a jet of black flames shot out fiercely.

Wuming avoided these attacks and his speed suddenly increased.

Losing the pangolin as cannon fodder doubled his pressure. However, everything had pros and cons. His speed was actually much faster than the pangolin. After he no longer had to follow the pangolin, his speed was maximized.

Before many eyes on the wall could react, he had already rushed over. By the time the eyes realized there was a target to attack, he had long disappeared.

A few seconds later, he ran to the other end of the passage and looked back at the passage behind him. The pangolin had also disappeared.


Wuming took a deep breath and stopped worrying about the pangolin's escape.

In fact, if the positions are reversed, he will run away if he is a pangolin. It is the nature of living things to be greedy for life and afraid of death. No matter how serious the sins of Jessica, Master He, and the pangolin are, he will not be angry because of their nature.

This is a normal thing, what should you care about?

Of course, because of the crimes they committed before entering the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, Wuming will not treat them as innocent people. Kill them when they need to be killed, and use them when they need to be used. This will not change because they have a kind side. .

But after losing the last cannon fodder, he can only rely on himself.

He quickly adjusted his mentality, looked at the hole in cell 002, and complained: "Mr. Tianxing, are the cells in the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence so easy to be broken? King Fatty's cell was broken in front, and now Emperor Xing The cell was also broken, it’s not that easy if it’s made of paper, right?”

"That's because the Eternal Silence Prison Tower is contaminated. If it is not contaminated, the Eternal Silence Prison Tower is a complete whole. If you want to break the defense of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, it is equivalent to fighting against the entire Eternal Silence Prison Tower. , Sir, you seem to be able to cut the raw stone easily, that’s because the entire Eternal Silence Prison Tower has been broken, otherwise the difficulty of cutting the raw stone will be increased by hundreds of levels," Tianxing Mingyue explained. road.

Wuming stepped into the cell and found that the cell was full of scratches, some even leaving obvious blood stains.

These scratches reveal deep uneasiness and fear, probably like a cat falling into hot water and then jumping wildly, trying to catch anything that can escape!

"This place makes people very uncomfortable!" Wuming said with a frown.

Tian Xing Mingyue agreed: "Well, these are all scratches left by Sea Ghost God. It seems that he was not so comfortable before his death."

"It seems that he didn't leave any information like King Fat." Wuming looked around the entire cell and found nothing else except the information revealed by the scratches on the wall, so he said lightly.

After saying that, he turned around to leave the cell, but was stunned when he turned around.

Outside the cell, a figure covered in darkness and looking like a ball of black sludge stood blankly, with empty eyes deep in the sludge staring at Wuming in the cell.

Wuming frowned, and Tianxing Mingyue immediately said: "Be careful, he is the Sea Ghost God Emperor Xing!"

Upon hearing this, Wuming immediately stepped back.

However, the Sea Ghost God did not move and was still staring at him from outside.

"He seems to be afraid to come in." Wuming glanced at Sea Ghost God's feet and continued.

Di Xing's feet stopped just on the edge of the cell, and he was almost able to step into the cell, but he never made any move.

"Try it out!"

Wuming picked up a piece of gravel on the ground and shot it directly towards Di Xing.


The gravel hit Di Xing's body, directly punching a small hole in his body.

Sure enough, Di Xing wavered, as if he wanted to come in and kill Wuming, but when he got a little closer, he swayed back even more, and in the end he still stood outside the cell, unwilling to enter.

"It seems that this cell is Di Xing's biggest fear. Even if he dies, he is unwilling to come in again." Tian Xing Mingyue saw this scene and immediately guessed.

Wuming smiled and said: "In other words, now I am the only one attacking him, but he can't attack me?"

"It's better to be careful. What if he has any long-range tricks and can hit you outside?" Tianxing Mingyue said.

Wuming nodded, and the next moment he shot two laser beams at Dixing with his eyes. Wherever the laser passed, a large amount of black smoke immediately emitted from the black sludge on Dixing's body. Dixing's struggle became stronger and stronger, and finally his body suddenly There was a twist and he left quickly.

"Run away?" Tian Xing Mingyue said in surprise.

Wuming put away his laser eyes and said calmly: "The monster transformed by King Fat before also had a strong learning ability. It's not surprising that Di Xing ran away. After all, he didn't dare to come in."

"Then you should kill him with the same move you used to kill Fat King!" Tian Xing Mingyue said.

Wuming shook his head and said, "I'm afraid not. The Fat King only has strong defense. As long as his defense can be broken, it is not difficult to kill him. Emperor Xing seems to be just the opposite of the Fat King. His defense is not high. I can penetrate his body by throwing a stone, but his body is made of liquid. Even if I cut him into pieces, it may not work."

"Emperor Xing's body was not liquid in the past. It seems that his body has changed a lot after being polluted." Tian Xingmingyue has no eyes and can't observe so many details at all.

His senses are very limited, mainly because the Eternal Silence Prison Tower is full of pollution everywhere. If he releases his inspiration, it may pollute his own soul, so he can sense some things, but they are not particularly clear.

Wuming walked to the big hole in the cell and looked down at the place where Emperor Xing had just stood. Originally, the floor was not polluted too much, but now the whole floor is pitch black.

He was about to leave the cell, and suddenly his nose moved, and then he picked up a stone with telekinesis and threw it outside the cell. In an instant, a dark arm attacked from the left hand side and directly blasted the stone in the air into powder.

"IQ is not high, but it is there." He said thoughtfully as he watched the dust gradually fall to the ground.

He thought for a moment, raised his right hand slightly, and tiny dots of light gradually condensed in his palm, and slowly the dots of light became more and more, forming a ball of light.

Every time the ball of light condensed to the size of a basketball, it would be compressed to the size of a ping-pong ball, and this would repeat over and over again.

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