I Contracted Myself

【513】Everyone inside is a talent

Because of the close distance, Tianxing Mingyue could feel the terrifying aura emanating from the pigeon eggs in Wuming's palm, but when the aura continued to increase, he felt a feeling of panic.

Ten minutes ago, he was thinking, ‘Can this be compressed? ' Ten minutes later, there was only one thought left in his mind: "Can this kill me?"

Even raw stones have their limits.

Unless the Eternal Silence Prison Tower is still in good condition and all the living stones are one piece, it can definitely withstand Wuming's blow. But now for the shabby Eternal Silence Prison Tower, Wuming's blow is too terrifying.

"Sir, do you want to demolish the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence?" Tianxing Mingyue couldn't help but ask.

Wuming smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm measured."


Tianxing Mingyue didn't dare to speak anymore, mainly because he was afraid that Wuming would be distracted and cause the ball of light to explode in his hand.

If Wuming's ability to cut raw stones made him realize how powerful Wuming was before, then this ball of light made him realize how terrifying Wuming was.

The first is the energy used to condense the light ball. Even when he still has a body, it is impossible to squeeze out so much energy even if he drains himself.

The other was the control over energy. He had no doubt that Wuming's mental power was thousands or even tens of thousands of times greater than his own.

At this time, Wuming felt that he was almost done. He shook his hand gently, and after shaking it back and forth a few times, he threw the ball of light in his hand as he moved.

Sure enough, the moment the light ball flew out, a black arm immediately attacked the light ball in the air.

Wuming put his right hand in front of him like a sword, and said: "Define...explosion...skill!"

In the blink of an eye, the ball of light erupted with terrifying light, but it did not explode completely. Instead, it exploded in a spiral shape. Countless light particles quickly advanced along the arm, and finally all bombarded Di Xing's chest, and more The light particles enveloped Emperor Xuan, completely bathing Emperor Xuan in the light.

It was said that it was too late, but that was so fast, the light was actually just a flash.

Then the air began to heat up, and the heat wave spread out like ripples. Countless eyes in the channel at the other end were instantly wiped out in the heat wave.

Wuming was naturally not afraid of the aftermath of his attack. He waited for the light to dissipate and slowly walked out of the cell. The emperor's smell 'hidden' aside had been wiped out, and even the pollution had been dispersed a little.

"It's really not very smart." Wuming smiled.

Di Xing still has an IQ, but his IQ is actually very low. As long as Wuming doesn't give him a chance to learn and directly uses powerful moves to kill him with one hit, Di Xing's danger level is actually lower than Fat King.

The main reason was that Dixing didn't dare to enter the cell, which gave Wuming enough time to prepare. If he rushed in to fight him like Fat King did, he might really face a tough battle.

"Sir, there is something on the ground in the corner over there." Tian Xing Mingyue said at this time.

Wuming looked in the direction mentioned by Tianxing Mingyue and immediately saw a black necklace in the corner. The pendant of the necklace was a shrunken anchor, and a small golden crown was inlaid at the intersection of the anchor.

He stepped forward and picked it up after confirming that the necklace was not contaminated. After studying it for a while and not understanding it, he asked: "Mr. Tianxing, do you know what this is?"

"It may be a cursed relic. Although it has not been contaminated by the power of the eternal silence space, it still gives me a very uncomfortable feeling." Tianxing Mingyue replied.

He is parasitic on the raw stone and has a natural repulsion towards many items that contain negative emotions.

This is also the reason why he discovered this necklace more obviously than Wuming.

Wuming frowned and said, "Is this a cursed relic?"

He has read a lot of books in the divine treasure space and knows a lot of knowledge about the heavens and the world. The problem is that some knowledge is difficult to match with the real thing.

"Yes, cursed relics correspond to sacred relics. Sacred relics are also referred to as holy relics. Most of them are left behind by heroes, sages, scholars, saints, Buddhas, etc. after their death. They often contain some kind of positive emotions. , has extremely magical effects.

Cursed relics are items left behind by demon cultivators, demons, evildoers, or some creatures who died with injustice or resentment. They are full of negative emotions. Although they also have certain abilities, they usually have extremely terrible side effects. Sir Be careful and don't be affected. "Tianxing Mingyue thought Wuming was not very clear about the cursed relic, so he introduced it.

Wuming nodded to show that he knew, then looked at the necklace in his hand, and activated the identification technique that he had not used for a long time.

The main reason is that with his current ability, most things can be seen through at a glance, and there is no need to identify anything at all. However, Emperor Xuan's strength is actually not weak, and the cursed relics left behind after his death make him a bit unable to see through, so He just needs to identify it.

However, after using the identification technique tens of thousands of times, he still could not identify the origin and properties of this necklace. He asked helplessly: "Mr. Tianxing, is there a way to determine the ability of this necklace?"

"Yes. In fact, the easiest way is to wear it. If the soul strength is high enough, you can easily feel its ability. However, this method is also very dangerous. You may be cursed by the cursed relic in minutes.

Another way is to find cursed relic merchants. They often deal with cursed relics and have ways to identify cursed relics.

Finally, it’s me. If you hang the necklace on me, I can help you identify its use. "Tian Xing Mingyue replied.

Wuming complained: "Then just say no to the last one."

"Hahahaha, it's not that you don't seem to understand, so just give me a chance to show off my knowledge. After all, I've been holding it in for too long, so it's normal for me to be a little talkative." Tianxing Mingyue said embarrassedly.

Wuming nodded and said, "Then please ask Mr. Tianxing to identify the use of this necklace for me."

"No problem!"

Tianxing Mingyue was very satisfied with Wuming's attitude and agreed with a smile.

Then Wuming hung the necklace on Tianxing Mingyue, and Tianxing Mingyue muttered, "This feels so uncomfortable, just like putting lard into a frying pan. Sure enough, the cursed relic and the life stone are like water and fire."

"Then can you feel its effect? ​​If not, forget it." Wuming said.

Tian Xing Ming Yue replied: "I can, wait a moment, even though I am trapped in the Life Stone now, I was also an expert in the identification of cursed relics in the past. Some prisoners in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower often leave cursed relics after death because of excessive resentment. Some cursed relics that are too vicious will be sealed, and all relics with less strong curses will be left behind, and I am one of the members of the identification team."

"There is an identification team in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower?" Wuming was surprised.

Tian Xing Ming Yue replied: "Of course there is, all jailers usually have patrol tasks, but in addition to patrol tasks, some jailers are kitchen gods, some jailers are plant experts, some jailers are identification experts, and some jailers are divine doctors. Isn't this normal? Do you think anyone can be a jailer in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower?"

The prison is really full of talents.

Wuming complained in his heart after listening.

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