I Contracted Myself


At this time, Tianxing Mingyue couldn't help shouting: "It turns out that our warden is the God of Tai Sui!"

"Actually, someone outside has already guessed it." Wuming put away the oracle stone and said with a slight smile.

Then he told Tian Xing Mingyue about the speculation of a certain poster on the Oracle Network. After hearing this, Tian Xing Mingyue sighed: "Indeed, many people were speculating that the warden might be them, Gao Shang Palace, Tai Sui Shen , Dong Zhen Shenjun... are all powerful men with well-known reputations.

However, Dongzhen Shenjun cannot be the warden, because he was imprisoned about fifty years before the problem of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower. I didn't expect that anyone outside would still remember him. "

"Since Lord Dongzhen can be suspected of being the warden, he must be a good person, right? What did he do?" Wuming asked in surprise.

Tian Xing Mingyue replied: "His natal jade sword seems to be contaminated with something unclean, and he is completely possessed.

Back then, he went on a killing spree in a certain area of ​​the tree-like universe, destroying many worlds. After the incident, he was besieged by hundreds of powerful men and was unable to die. He had no choice but to be sealed and finally imprisoned in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower. "

In fact, he was not very clear about the specific situation, because when Dongzhen Shenjun was imprisoned, his whole body was covered with charms, which could be said to be almost beyond recognition.

And his consciousness was also sealed.

At that time, several jailers worked together to carry him to the ninth floor on a stretcher.

Tian Xing Mingyue corresponded to the situation at that time and said with emotion: "Shenjun Dongzhen is indeed a good person. Although he is stern, he is actually a cold-hearted person. Before he became a demon, all the people he killed were evildoers. ,Pity."

"Is it easy for practitioners to become possessed by demons?" Wuming asked curiously.

As far as he knew, it was very rare for practitioners to become possessed by demons, and it was generally more likely to happen to practitioners who were seeking the Dharma within their practice. Once inner demons arose, these practitioners who were seeking the Dharma within their practice were likely to have drastically changed their moods.

This is also the reason for the gradual decline of the internal seeking method. After all, compared with the external seeking method or the internal and external seeking method, the internal seeking method not only has a very weak ability to save life in the early stage, but also the progress is very slow and has various disadvantages.

Practitioners who have other better options will basically not touch the inner seeking method. Only people with great perseverance and great wisdom will practice it. Therefore, there are few practitioners of the inner seeking method, but practicing the inner seeking method has reached a profound level. Often surprisingly strong.

Of course, seeking within the Dharma does not simply have disadvantages but no benefits. At least practitioners who seek the Dharma within are particularly resource-saving, or even do not need resources at all.

"It's not that easy to become possessed, but Lord Dong Zhen is a very pure sword cultivator. The technique he cultivates is a method of pursuing both internal and external pursuits. Externally he refines his natal jade sword, and internally he refines a sword heart. The sword heart and the jade sword are connected. Yes, once the jade sword is contaminated, the heart of the sword will also be affected." Tian Xing Mingyue replied.

Wuming frowned and said, "The sword cultivator's weakness is so obvious, isn't it dangerous?"

"Haha, sir, don't look at the countless cultivators in the world who call themselves sword cultivators. In fact, the vast majority of them are not sword cultivators at all. At best... let's count them as half-sword cultivators. Real sword cultivators will die very quickly. , or...don’t kill anything, Dongzhen Shenjun is already considered a strong man in sword cultivation, but it’s a pity that he still failed to reach the end..." Tianxing Mingyue said.

Suddenly, Tian Xing Mingyue felt that the topic he and Wu Ming were talking about seemed to be a million miles away, so he asked: "Sir, by the way, are you going to continue going to the upper level now, or go back to the lower level?"

"I haven't thought about it yet, otherwise why would I be here chatting and spanking with you?" Wuming said helplessly.

Tian Xing Mingyue said: "Gao Shang Palace is still credible. His secret skills are unparalleled in the world and he is indeed capable of contacting the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence. I think you should go back first and verify the truth of the matter before coming back. It’s not too late, after all, you don’t have the Divine Dragon Body Protection Pill, so it’s not easy to go up, it’s too dangerous.”

"Okay, let me continue to explore the path on this floor first. It's best to explore all the paths to the second floor before going back." Wuming was silent for a moment and then said.

Tian Xing Mingyue nodded and said: "This is also a way, although there is no guarantee that there will be new variables next time."

"Then let's be like this, we'll talk about it if there are real variables." Wuming said with a smile.

Although he is more willing to believe that Gao Shang Palace used rules and secrets to contact his Oracle Stone, the Eternal Silence Prison Tower is weird and unpredictable, and the contaminated prisoners have strange abilities, and other possibilities are not entirely possible. No.

What he has to do now is to do what he can as much as possible during this period. As for the matter in Gao Shang Palace, the answer will naturally be on Monday next week.

He did not believe that if the information provided by the Oracle Stone was false, the prisoners in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower would still be able to influence him after he left the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

After thinking of a countermeasure, he moved on.

Fortunately, the eye wall is already the last organ wall, and there are no wonders like the leg wall or the butt wall on the previous wall.

"Strange, this is the end. I thought I could see two walls full of butts." Tian Xing Mingyue said with some pity as she looked at the dark walls that exuded a terrifying aura.

Wuming complained: "The prisoners held here are basically all men. Do you want to see the butts of a bunch of old men?"

"Sir, in fact, 60% of the prisoners held in the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence are women." Tianxing Mingyue broke the news.

Wuming was surprised: "There are more women than men? Isn't this unscientific!"

"In fact, female practitioners are much more capable of causing trouble than male practitioners, and their reasons are more bizarre. For example, the witch queen Margaret killed people in many worlds. Can you guess why?" Tian Xingmingyue said with a smile.

Wuming thought for a while and guessed, "Is it because those people are prettier than her?"

"No, she can't bear to see other people's happy love and harmonious family. Whenever she sees lovers hugging each other happily or the whole family is happy, she will think of her own marriage, and then she will kill because of jealousy." Tian Xingmingyue answered.

Wuming nodded, not surprised. Tian Xingmingyue continued, "My lord, guess again, what crime did the Devil of Destruction of Love commit to be imprisoned in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower?"

"Devil of Destruction of Love? It sounds like it's because of love, but I'm sure you will tell me it's not. Is it because those people are prettier than her?" Wuming touched his chin and continued to guess.

Tian Xing Ming Yue wanted to roll his eyes. What kind of plot is this about Snow White? How many people would kill someone just because they are prettier than her, like the queen in Snow White?

He answered, "Sir, the Devil of Love is a demon cultivator who is proficient in taking yang to replenish yin. She once spent a week draining all the men on a planet, and in the end only women were left on that planet."

"Terrible, too terrible!" Wu Ming said in shock.

Tian Xing Ming Yue said faintly, "Sir, the Devil of Love is imprisoned on this floor!"


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