I Contracted Myself

【516】The Story of Baldy Wang

The two walked through the passage while chatting.

Although Wuming seemed relaxed, he was actually only paying attention to the conversation with Tianxing Mingyue, and the rest was used to be alert to the surrounding environment.

When they reached the other end of the passage, Wuming and Tianxing Mingyue both quieted down.

On both sides of the passage, rows of prisoners of different shapes knelt, with their hands clasped together and their heads lowered. The passage, which was not particularly wide, became even narrower because of these prisoners, and could barely allow two people to walk side by side.

"Be careful, sir, he is the prisoner in cell 003, the King of Splitting People!" Tianxing Mingyue observed for a while and then reminded.

Wuming frowned and said, "The King of Splitting People?"

"Well, the King of Splitting People, whose real name is Wang Bald, was originally a butcher. Later, he joined the rebel army. Because he dared to fight and kill, he was promoted to the Left-handed Heavenly King by the leader of the rebel army. What he liked most was to cut the captured enemies into pieces. Gradually, he was also called the Demon King of Splitting People.

Later, the rebel army was destroyed by the court of their world. Wang Bald was torn to pieces by five horses because of his numerous crimes.

After his death, his body was hung everywhere for public display. When it was taken down again, it was divided by the families of the victims, but this was a problem.

Although Wang Bald had committed many evil deeds, he was not a brainless man. On the contrary, he was very good to his subordinates. Most of the silver and money he robbed were given to his subordinates. He even carried the coffin of a soldier's mother for burial, giving his subordinates enough face.

It happened that there was a soldier under his command in the city, and it happened that this soldier had received a lot of favors from him." Tian Xing Ming Yue said slowly.

Wuming couldn't help but guess: "That soldier knows some unorthodox ways and used magic to turn Wang Tuzi into a monster and revive him?"

"No, the soldier's name is Zuo Xunqiu, and he is a tomb robber. He learned that Wang Tuzi's body would be dismembered and displayed to the public after his death, but he was actually dismembered by those people. So he got angry and killed people at night to take the body, and then fled into the mountains.

He is good at Feng Shui and tomb-hunting. He took Wang Tuzi's body to find a Feng Shui treasure land in the mountains and wild ridges. He originally wanted to bury it like this, but who knew that he found that this place had already had an owner, and it was a big tomb.

Zuo Xunqiu was also very courageous. He simply sneaked in and threw the original owner's body out of the coffin, put Wang Tuzi's body in the coffin, and took the original owner's body out of the cemetery to burn it, which was also a grand funeral for Wang Tuzi." Tian Xing Mingyue was not dissatisfied with Wuming's interruption and continued to speak.

Wuming frowned and said, "How did Wang Baldy become the King of Splitting People?"

"Your Excellency may not know that the origin of this tomb is not ordinary. Its original owner was a duke of the previous dynasty. The descendants of this duke experienced wars and not only did not decline but became wealthy merchants. Although Wang Baldy's uprising was quelled this time, the court of their world was also seriously injured.

As a result, in the third year after Wang Baldy's destruction, wars broke out all over the country and the court was completely destroyed.

The rebels of various factions occupied territories and almost beat their brains out. After more than ten years, the world was finally conquered by a king named Chen. This king named Chen happened to be the descendant of the owner of the tomb occupied by Wang Baldy. After the emperor ascended the throne, he traced the source back to the owner of the tomb. After searching for a while, he really found the tomb here." Tian Xing Ming Yue explained.

After listening to this, Wuming looked at the different corpses on both sides of the passage, still unable to understand, and asked: "Why did the King of Splitting People become like this now?"

After being buried for decades, even if there is a soul, it should have dissipated.

"The matter is not complicated, because the identity of the tomb owner is the ancestor of the emperor, and the emperor is also happy that his ancestor has such a powerful identity. After ascending the throne, he came to worship.

The extraordinary power in their world is very weak, and theoretically nothing will happen. However, although most of the rebels were wiped out, some people still survived. They thought of cutting off the dragon vein. The problem is that other places are heavily guarded, and there is little chance of success, so they set their sights on Wang Baldy's tomb.

After more than ten years of preparation, their people really became eunuchs guarding the tomb, so they planned They started to act.

Their original intention was to transfer the intercepted dragon vein luck to their own family, and they hid after setting up the formation, but they didn't know that the owner of the tomb was not the ancestor of the emperor, but Wang Baldy. Zuo Xunqiu burned the emperor's ancestor after he came out, so the ashes were still in this mountain.

Under the operation of the formation, the luck was not transferred to the family of the formation setter, but all fell on Wang Baldy. Wang Baldy's body was cut into pieces and became a mummy after being exposed to the sun. Under the nourishment of the dynasty's luck, it gradually became a problem. "Tian Xing Mingyue said slowly.

Wuming frowned and said, "It's just a corpse without reason that was resurrected like this. It's not Wang Baldy, right?"

Menghe connects countless worlds. Every day, souls or auras fall into Menghe. Wuming dare not say that he knows all the rules of the heavens and the world, but at least his understanding of souls and auras is absolutely unique.

“I don’t know, but hundreds of years later, when the King of Splitting People was first born, he did call himself the Baldy King. Later, as he killed more and more people, he was called the King of Splitting People. He himself also liked this name, so he gradually called himself the King of Splitting People.

There are two most terrifying things about the Split Man King. One is that any creature he touches will spontaneously split apart. The other is that the split corpses will become part of him and can be pieced together into his already broken body. Because of these two terrifying characteristics, he suddenly appeared in the late dynasty and brought the lives of the entire world into an irreparable situation. He is also powerful enough to easily destroy the world. "Tian Xing Ming Yue said.

Wuming looked at the corpses kneeling on both sides of the passage, his eyes fell on the cracks on the surface of these corpses, and said calmly: "So that's how it is. These corpses were all parts of the Split Man King's body in the past. Now they are taken out separately and pieced together into their original appearance. "

"Yes, sir, look at their shoulder blades. There are cracks on both sides. Those are the wounds caused by the Split Man King grabbing their shoulders and tearing them apart. There are also cracks on their abdomens. They are almost the same. These are the iconic wounds of the Split Man King." Tian Xing Ming Yue said.

Wuming glanced at the passage and asked curiously: "The Split Man King released the corpses and knelt here, so where is his original body? "

This sentence is not asking Tian Xing Ming Yue, after all, Tian Xing Ming Yue has no eyes and can only rely on weak perception to obtain information from the outside world.

He said this more to himself, and also to himself.

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