I Contracted Myself

【517】Wu Shengxuan

The prisoners in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower are not made of wood. If there is a problem with the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, these prisoners will not wait to die foolishly.

From the scratches of the Sea Ghost God on Cell 002, it can be seen that the Sea Ghost God did struggle before his death, but his struggle seemed a little too weak and pathetic in the face of the disaster.

Then what will the Split King do when the disaster occurs? Can he escape the invasion of pollution?

Wuming is very confused. What exactly caused the Split King to split the corpses in his body and place them so strangely.

This kind of question, standing there and racking your brains, there is no answer.

Wuming's eyes gradually turned red, and the next second he shot lasers at the corpses on both sides of the passage. Wherever the red light passed, the corpses were instantly reduced to ashes.

"Why was the Split King imprisoned in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower?" Wuming asked while dealing with these corpses.

As the most prestigious prison in the world, the Eternal Silence Prison Tower cannot contain anyone, so Wuming was a little curious about why the Splitting King was imprisoned in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

Tianxing Mingyue replied: "The strength of his split corpse is about two or three times that of his life, but his body cannot be destroyed. Those corpses are already as hard as solid life."

"Is it so abnormal?" Wuming was surprised when he saw that the corpses were destroyed and put away the laser.

According to his understanding, solid life is a special life form that is randomly born in the world, with the characteristics of no increase or decrease, immortality and indestructibility.

Of course, his understanding of solid life comes from books, and he actually doesn't know what real solid life looks like.

"It's so abnormal, otherwise the Splitting King would not be imprisoned in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower." Tianxing Mingyue said affirmatively.

In fact, the attack power of the Split King is not particularly high, but his defense has completely surpassed the Fat King. After being captured, many practitioners have tried to kill the Split King completely, but the body of the Split King cannot be destroyed whether it is burned by fire, struck by lightning, or even put in the alchemy furnace.

After trying countless methods, the practitioners gave up and finally handed it over to the warden and imprisoned it in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

Wuming walked forward and saw many corpses through the passage. This time the corpses were facing their backs, as if they were facing the wall.

"Strange, what is going on?" Tianxing Mingyue observed this scene and said puzzledly.

Wuming frowned and looked back, and suddenly said: "I think I know what's going on."

"My lord, did you figure it out?" Tianxing Mingyue said in surprise.

Wuming nodded and said, "There were twelve corpses just now, and there are eight corpses here. If I'm not mistaken, there are sixteen corpses in front, one facing up and the other facing down."

While speaking, he did not destroy these corpses again, but walked straight forward. After passing through the passage, he saw that there were indeed sixteen corpses standing in the passage at the other end of the corner of the passage, one corpse facing the wall, and one corpse looking at the back of the corpse on the other side.

"This is a formation, used to fight pollution. Whether it is the wall of mouth or the wall of hand we experienced before, they are actually part of the formation, but they have been polluted." Wuming explained.

Tianxing Mingyue was surprised and said, "The King of Splitting People has this trick."

"Let's go. If I'm not mistaken, I already know where the King of Splitting People is." Wuming said with a smile.

He continued to walk forward. The passage passed several cells. The interior of the cells had been polluted, but the doors of the cells were intact, and monsters were imprisoned in the cells.

"There are actually cells that are intact." Tianxing Mingyue said in disbelief when he saw the situation of these cells.

Wuming smiled and said, "That's because of this formation. This formation is somewhat similar to the Death Forbidden Killing Formation below, except that the Death Forbidden Killing Formation slightly uses the power of pollution to kill people, while this formation is used to resist the power of pollution, just like using water to fight water. Compared with the Death Forbidden Killing Formation, this formation is much more efficient."

There is one thing he didn't say, that is, this formation consumes a lot of materials for the formation. How many people did the King of Splitting People kill before he had so many consumables to set up the formation and resist the pollution from the Eternal Silence Space?

A few minutes later, he stopped at the door of cell 033. The prisoner in cell 033 was an old man with a fairy-like appearance, but most of his body was polluted, and a woman's head grew on his shoulder. The head had a thrilling charm. Wuming closed his eyes immediately after just one look, and dared not look at the head again.

"My lord, what's wrong?" Tian Xing Ming Yue asked.

Wuming frowned and said, "There is a killing array ahead, which is higher than the Death Forbidden Killing Array. I will definitely die if I go in."

"Doesn't that mean there is no way out?" Tian Xingmingyue said in surprise.

In fact, the Death Forbidden Killing Array at the bottom is already terrifying enough. If Wuming hadn't done anything, he would have definitely died if he had stepped into the Death Forbidden Killing Array without knowing it.

And the array in front of him is more terrifying than the Death Forbidden Killing Array, and the power of the Eternal Silence Space it carries is also stronger. The most important thing is that he can't do anything with this array, and the materials for setting up the array are all the corpse of the King of Splitting People.

It is almost impossible to break the array.

Wuming slowly retreated, out of the sight of the strange female head in cell 033, opened his eyes and looked at the corpse in the passage ahead with strange movements, and said, "Let's go back. It seems that this exploration can only end here."

When he turned around and prepared to leave, the door of cell 033 was suddenly brushed by a black gas, and there was a light click. Then the old Taoist in the cell suddenly opened his eyes, and stood up and rushed towards the cell door like a wild beast.

With a bang, the whole door was violently smashed.

Wuming had already retreated quickly when he heard the click. At this time, he turned around and saw the old Taoist coming out of the cell.

"Trouble, it seems that the King of Splitting People doesn't want me to leave so easily." Wuming frowned and said in a deep voice.

The old Taoist twisted his body, and the head of the beautiful woman on his shoulder was stretched a little bit, like a scarf wrapped around his neck, looking at Wuming with burning eyes, whispering: "He smells so good, I like it so much!"

"Then kill him, you are not allowed to like it!" The old Taoist said hoarsely.

Wuming frowned and asked: "Mr. Tianxing, do you know his origin?"

"Cell 033... I don't know much, I only know that his name is Wu Shengzhen." Tianxing Mingyue replied.

There were too many prisoners in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, and it was impossible for him to know every prisoner's situation.

Some prisoners had been in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower for longer than he had lived, and their past experiences had long been lost in the long river of history. Unless they specifically asked, even the jailers would not know clearly.

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