I Contracted Myself

【518】Blast and kill

Even Tianxing Mingyue didn't know the origin of Wu Shengce, so Wuming could only extract the information from Wu Shengce's appearance.

He looked at Wu Shengce's Taoist robe, combined with the knowledge he learned in the Shenzang space, and thought to himself: "His sleeves have three-flower auspicious cloud patterns. Taoist robes with this pattern are generally only used by Qi refiners, are they Qi refiners?"

To be honest, he has never fought against a Qi Refiner, and there are many kinds of Qi Refiners. The 'Qi' in different worlds has different differences, and both the refining methods and the spells are very different.

For example, some worlds are rich in yin and yang qi, so there will be three factions of qi refiners: the pure yang sect, the pure yin sect, and the yin yang sect.

In some worlds, due to constant wars, there will be death sects that refine corpse energy to strengthen themselves.

Therefore, Qi Refiner is actually just a general term.

If you really want to talk about it, as long as you are a practitioner who refines various kinds of 'qi' from the outside world to strengthen yourself, you can actually call yourself a Qi Refiner.

Therefore, before understanding what kind of Qi Wu Shengce was cultivating, Wuming could not be too cautious.

In fact, it has only been a moment since Wu Shengce was released, and Wuming's thoughts ended in a flash of lightning.

The next moment, Wu Shengce suddenly attacked. He was like a big snake, whistling and approaching Wuming. His arms spread out and clawed directly at Wuming's throat.

At the same time, the beautiful head on his shoulder opened its mouth and spat out a mouthful of black liquid at Wuming.

The two attacks hit almost at the same time. Wuming's body was originally composed of a biological force field, and he backed away as lightly as a balloon without using any force, just in time to avoid the attacks of Wu Shengce and the beautiful woman's head.

Normally, after retreating, there is another advance. When the enemy's middle door is wide open, you can drive straight in and severely damage the opponent.

However, most of Wu Shengce's body was contaminated. Wuming didn't want to be contaminated by Wu Shengce, so the next moment he didn't get close to Wu Shengce. Instead, he fired two laser beams from his eyes, sweeping towards Wu Shengce from top to bottom.

"It hurts!"

The nameless laser was scanned on Wu Shengce's body. Wu Shengce's clothes immediately tore apart, but his skin was not seriously damaged. On the contrary, the beauty's head on his shoulders began to cry out in pain. The problem was that the laser did not land on the head at all.

"you wanna die!"

When Wu Shengce heard the beauty's head cry out that it hurt, he became furious and stared at Wuming, as if he wanted to eat Wuming alive.

The next moment he took a deep breath, a trace of black light flashed across his face, and when he opened his mouth, he spit out a small sword of black energy.

This small sword was made entirely of Qi and was as fast as lightning. Wuming had no time to dodge, so he could only close his eyes and let the small sword fall on him.

"Be careful, this is the Soul-Living Divine Sword!" Tian Xing Mingyue's reminder came out belatedly.

In fact, when he reminded Wuming, the Soul-Living Divine Sword had already fallen on Wuming, and he stabbed Wuming hundreds of times. Without the Eye of Indifference, the consequences would have been disastrous.


Suddenly, Wu Shengce spit out a mouthful of black water and looked at Wuming blankly.

Every time he uses the Soul-Living Divine Sword to attack Wuming, his Soul-Living Divine Sword will inexplicably lose a little of its origin. However, the Soul-Living Divine Sword has a characteristic, that is, the sword must see blood, so before killing Wuming, It will continuously bombard the target at its fastest speed.

In the end, Wuming didn't die, but his Soul-Destroying Divine Sword was gone instead?

"You're so useless, you're just a loser. If I follow you, I'll be in trouble for eight lifetimes." At this time, the beauty's head was scolding Wu Shengce crazily.

Wu Shengce's forehead had veins bulging, he gritted his teeth and roared, made seals with his hands, and a stronger black energy burst out from his body.

"Wu Ming, be careful, he has another big move!" Tian Xing Mingyue reminded.

Wuming opened his eyes and glanced at Wu Shengce, then turned his hand with his back to Wu Shengce, and a ball of light suddenly condensed in his palm. Taking advantage of Wu Shengce's power to use his big move, he simply threw the ball of light at Wu Shengce.

"Be careful!" The beauty's head shouted in horror.

Wu Shengce glared fiercely, and the black energy that surged out turned into the black sky. He roared angrily and punched the ball of light.


The ball of light directly exploded horribly under this blow.

Wu Shengce was the first to bear the brunt. His Taoist robes were instantly destroyed, and his skin quickly festered under the light. Then his whole body was hit by the shock wave, and he rolled out crazily.

Behind him was the killing array arranged by King Splitter. He tried to grab the floor several times but failed, and finally fell into the killing array.

In an instant, his body was torn apart by a huge force and turned into dense pieces of flesh that fell to the ground. Only the beauty's head was not injured at all and fell to the ground intact, still cursing. Foul language.

"Is he dead?" Tian Xing Mingyue asked uncertainly.

The main reason is that the prisoners in the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence are difficult to kill, otherwise there would be no need to be imprisoned in the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence.

Wuming glanced at the head on the ground. He was also not very sure. He thought for a while and said, "Observe for a while. If he doesn't come back to life, we will leave."

"The black energy he used just now is a bit like the exhausted energy, but not particularly similar. It may be the contaminated exhausted energy," Tian Xing Mingyue said.

He wanted to remind Wuming of this just now, but the pace of the battle was too fast.

A series of dazzling battles, which actually lasted only a few seconds, was the only time he reminded Wuming, but it was too late.

"What is qi?" Wuming asked.

Although he is well-read, he dare not say that he knows everything.

Tian Xingmingyue replied: "A kind of diseased qi, together with disaster qi and tuberculosis qi, is called the three qi of decline and decline. Ordinary people often avoid it, but some qi cultivators are said to have a special way of practice, which can combine these three diseases into one and cultivate into an incredible plague qi."

"In short, just don't touch it?" Wuming thought thoughtfully.

Tian Xingmingyue agreed: "Yes, as long as he doesn't touch it, it's actually no big deal."

At this time, the beautiful head on the ground suddenly became quiet. Wuming and Tian Xingmingyue immediately stopped chatting and observed the changes in the beautiful head at the same time.

From the beginning, the beautiful head has been scolding Wu Shengzhen, saying useless and whether he is a man.

Now it is suddenly quiet, which is a bit abnormal. Wuming and Tian Xingmingyue both think it will change.

Who knows, then the beautiful head began to cry, crying and mumbling, why you want to die first, how can it live alone, just like a woman who lost her husband.

"Sir, do you see anything?" Tian Xing Ming Yue asked.

Wu Ming shook his head and said, "I can't see anything, but it feels very strange."

"Me too." Tian Xing Ming Yue said.

Both of them felt that this scene was abnormal, but they couldn't see anything. Moreover, the beautiful woman's head couldn't even be destroyed by the killing array, and her defense was a bit scary.

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